What did it mean?

What did it mean?

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its a sunset outside of a window


its a bloody pad

What did she mean?

Nothing. That's the point. Did you even watch the scene?

I unironically love Rothko.

its hanging upside down

It's like staring into the void that symbolizes your utterly meaningless life and that everyone will forget you when you die.

>*sips a single malt*

Bertram Cooper's connoisseurship of modern art was unmatched at SCDP

Some faggot had a surplus of red paint.

Emperor's new clothes

it belongs in the trash, not on a wall

You’re unironically braindead. Nothing past impressionism is valuable

>Nothing past impressionism is valuable
You're a dirty pleb

It reminds me of a train car.

Its a dick wearing a hat. Like men in the 60s, right?


The colors create a basic effect without representing a specific image. The idea is the subtract the complicated elements that unnecessarily depict real life objects. Most artist before this time we're making art of real objects, and while that's natural and fine, sticking only to that kind of imposes a limit on what art can be. So the artist took away all that and simply focused on how certain colors look next to eachother, and allowed the texture and color speak for itself in a simple way. It's not meant to be overthought, rather it's meant to be quite clear and simple.
Cooper however was merely investing in art for profit, in a sardonic manipulation of the art community's fixation on the value of 'fine art'. By treating the work with reverence and significance, the value is increased as people imbue this original and unique art object with a desirability that they will pay for, simply because it has been treated as an artisanal object by being owned by someone who is expected to have rare treasures.

there is a pub in my town with a rothko on a wall.

It's upside down. I lose my shit everytime

Looks like a bunch of commie gobbledegook to me.


why do autists get so mad over art?

Look at this new painting by the same author. Striking eh

>tfw no wife that helps you rape underaged girls
Feels bad man


Put it on a wall in a museum and get your 'art conniseur' friends to overthink about it out loud, and you might net a nice $75k off it. Problem is you can only do each movement once before people write you off as derivative.


Oh look, it's shit you could just take a photograph of or see in real life. Why anyone would need to paint something they can just walk outside and see is pointless. Please do not take my talking about art as genuine interest in art and attempt to discuss it with me further. End of post.

Well that's a dick move.

>art talk
Whatever happend to that user who had that fetus film who was approached by art dealers?

I reported him for having CP and he got life in prison.

dude you just don't get it


doubt it

>Blue Jam on Sup Forums
You may be the only worthwhile poster on this forsaken image board.

What exactly do you love about his work

Is this webm the greatest film Sup Forums has ever made?

I hope he goes back to weird shit in his new movie instead of being political again

>What did it mean?
The show literally tells you what it means for Burt. It's an investment.

>you need to see a Rothko painting in person to feel the euphoria

literally nothing, like all modern art

nah, it doesn't look good
the person that made it has no talent

Why was Betty such a bitch? At every single point she could she'd just behave like a bitch toward Don.

What you meant to so say was.

>I hope he goes back to weird shit in his new movie instead of not aligning himself with Emperor Drumpf & Co. like I, a proud magapede did.

seeing rothko through images on the internet i fucking hated him. thought his shit was the fucking "death of art" and all that melodramatic "im not an artist nor am i involved in the artistic community in any way and i have only ever failed one art history class"
seeing it in person changed my view. frustrating that i allowed myself to be manipulated by something so simple. paintings aren't just flat images you can get the same experience from through a 30 inch screen.

If you think real life looks like a Wyeth or Hopper then you must be on some helluva drugs.

Bro just look at sex on the computer it’s the same as having it yourself

oh fuck i should have read the thread i just got eter-anally btfo
but its not just rothko. everything aside from digital art or art that is specifically made for the medium of (you at your tv/pc/phone screen) should be seen in the medium its made for.
Transplanting it obviously destroys some of its meaning, and isn't a "true" experience.

which yeah is fucking gay and retarded and elitist and pretentious and all that. but thats what art is right now and has been for a very long time. we stopped making cave paintings for everyone to look at and enjoy and started making cave paintings we put behind tape and a "please do not photograph" and 20 dollar tickets and saudi arabian princes hoarding their illegitimate wealth

>seeing it in person changed my view. frustrating that i allowed myself to be manipulated by something so simple. paintings aren't just flat images

Rothko is impressive in person but not technically impressive and yes you could make one at home. It's glorified immense wallpaper and that isn't an insult, but a recontextualization.

It doesn't mean anything, it conveys no message, just puts you in a certain mood. You could just be talking about the change in a room from repainting it.

Completely valid and I agree to a point. I believe there is some technique in the color theory and application of specific abstract forms but its certainly not what the draw of it is for me.
I tend to prefer surrealist and high renaissance anyways. or just anything with that heavy chiaroscuro.
i was just trying to make a point about art being displaced from a pov where looking at a lossy pic of a half inch rothko can't give you an accurate assumption about the work, which in particular absolutely thrives in its placement and space.
its like watching a lo-fi chinese cam-rip machine translated version of a movie and thinking that coming away with the thought "this is shit and stupid" is a valid or logical opinion.

congratulations, you were literally brainwashed

by which? by rothko/the museum or by the computer screen?

or by computer death planet genetic prison system?