Watched Black Panther SPOILERS

Here's the lefty shit in the film, that was blatantly obvious.

White people are referred to as colonialists.

Character says " i have to fix another broken white boy"


Guns are referred to as primitive

The women are all super crazy smart and powerful. None have any depth. They're just strong for literally no reason.

Strangely Black Panther says Refugees create problems and he must maintain culture

References to police brutality and "oppressors" keeping black down

Any questions just ask

So Wakanda is 100% black, and a utopia, but still blame all of their problems on whitey?

Why don't they care about the Arab slave trade? Is it because the Arabs castrated their African slaves to prevent accumulating a surplus population?

Do they mind the way China is currently using Africa?

>White people are referred to as colonialists

How insecure are you? Genuine question

>So Wakanda is 100% black, and a utopia
Yep 100%. Perfect society. It had no faults.

>but still blame all of their problems on whitey?
Strangely no. Basically they built there society with no interfence from whites. Essentially they were so advanced that they had the ability to hide themselves, so they did. So they hid while white people were still behind technologically speaking. But yeh whiteys were not blamed at all in relation to wakanda.

Very mr therapist. My Dad never loved and I crave attention from internet strangers.

How insecure are you? I'm just listing some political things in a political movie.

Because Arabs and Chinese don't give a fuck and wont give them any guiltbux.

>"leftist" disney shills literally think black people are so insecure and pathetic that the only way they'll feel confident or empowered is through a forgettable badly-made blockbuster and that if a white person says publicly they didn't like Black Panther that it'll "ruin" it for black children
>"leftist" commercialist shills literally think of blacks as some sort of subhuman baby race that can't think, act or survive on its own without coddling or pandering

Surprisingly that wasn't mentioned

>but still blame all of their problems on whitey?
The bad guy does that, he is prettymuch a charicature of the BLM extremist with all the WE WUZ, also ironically he is the one the audience relate to because he is a murderous SJW, while Tchalla is just a king for his wakanda people, no political agenda as he give zero fucks for the rest of the world

why do they refer guns as primitive when niggers use guns all the time irl

>What Are Those is referenced
Wakanda is a third world shithole.

i stopped reading posts from people who dont understand the difference between there and their

"left"??? kek. You're just a board derailing faggot.

>Guns are referred to as primitive
These are true but how are they leftist?
>The women are all super crazy smart and powerful. None have any depth. They're just strong for literally no reason.
>None have any depth
This is just wrong


What development do they have? They are crazy smart or crazy strong. You couldn't describe them outside these two attributes

It's called virtue signalling. The political version of "fake it til you make it".

It's "I" and "Don't" ya dingus

Who says the 'white boy' shit?

>Any questions just ask
Why do you lie?

Nakia has an entire arc where she learns to remain loyal to her country and accept her destiny (movie begins with her fleeing, ends with her leading the fight for Wakanda).
Shuri has an entire arc where she realizes not all outsiders are bad (her interactions with Martin Freeman).
Okoye has an entire arc where she realizes not all traditions need to be followed exactly (turning against Kilmonger when he's BP).
Just because these arcs are subtly written and you didn't pick up on them doesn't mean they weren't there and well-written. You just suck at watching movies objectively.

the bad guy, the left is unironically supporting a murderous extremist that represents everything wrong with the african american movements, antifa, etc.

>The bad guy does that, he is prettymuch a charicature of the BLM extremist with all the WE WUZ, also ironically he is the one the audience relate to because he is a murderous SJW, while Tchalla is just a king for his wakanda people, no political agenda as he give zero fucks for the rest of the world

Cool. Sort of like the first half of Luke Cage where he mostly is concerned about black on black crime and how poisonous hood culture is to american blacks as a whole?

>everything wrong with the african american movements, antifa,

antifa is fundamentally wrong at its core
its roots come from communist paramilitary wings

What comic is this from?

Not the other user but, Okoye still remained loyal to the throne didn't she. She only turned back once she found out Tchalla isn't dead and the ritual combat wasn't finished. So in a sense , she stayed true to tradition

His sister when someone gets injured


So SJWs are seeing a film that legit has right wing thoughts dressed up in SJW vernacular.

This is next level.

>Guns are referred to as primitive
How they hell they want to fight gun wielding enemies with spears?

They have vibranium. They can literally do that you idiot.

wouldn't vibranium bullets trump vibranium spears?

How the fuck are you remembering their names? They are said twice maybe three times for each character and two of them are off screen alot. Don't wanna say shill but ok man.

As for your points. Nakia didn't change, she still leaves and does the wakanda outreach thing. Shuri is a retard if she thought that. Okoye, the traditions are all still followed, Killmonger broke rules so she broke some, she did her duty to wakanda.

Brock Baker got his meme in a AAA movie. I couldn't be more proud.

It really is m8, Tchalla is presented as a right wing leader who care ONLY for the people of Wakanda, meanwhile the bad guy is just a WE WUZ sjw from america who wants to rule wakando because ¨oy hol up!, the whiteboi is always oppressing me!¨.

Jonathan Hickman's Avengers/New Avengers run from like 2014. Great read.

he is probably a paid shillster, that's how he remembers them. From his spreadsheet

>White people
What is white?


The fact that you can't remember the main characters' tells me enough about your movie watching skills
>Nakia didn't change, she just decides to help out Wakanda which is the opposite of what she wanted
>Shuri is a retard if she thought that
you just copied the other smarter user
Okoye also had a C-plot with the Get Out guy and using his feelings to turn the tide of the battle. She was the character used the most to embed the movie's central theme of loyalty v tradition.

There's a character that looks like this but even more extreme.

They have tech that is way more sophisticated than guns, hence primitive.

Are the fight scenes at least good? The one vs killmonger that looks like a PS3 game really put me off from even torrenting it.

Anything resembling the stuff in Winter Soldier, or just Panther vs people in Civil War? I've come to accept the quick cuts, as long as it isn't just boring haymaker/slow strong swings for 3 minutes.

>They have tech that is way more sophisticated than guns
Yet their weapons amount to special metal spears?

In African society, the women bear, feed, and raise the kids while the men wear funny outfits and fuck around all day, so they got that right.

You're the only one talking about spears.

What is this "tech" exactly and how it is applied to bald black woman in tribal outfut with literal spear?

Awful action scenes. So many cuts and shaky cam. You can't tell what is happening half the time. And the scene you mentioned is there and the CGI is better but it's awful. It still looks video game-ish. They look like they're made of rubber. Not even close to the winter soldier movie. BP was better at fighting in civil war. Here he is bad.

what other weapons do they have?
The only things I've seen in the trailer and promotional pics are spears

Anything that would necessitate seeing this before Infinity War? Cameos by any of the Avengers or new powers for BP that he would have in IW but not have had in Civil War?

I haven't seen the movie dudes, in one scene she's driving a car in VR and controlling a real car. Pretty cool. In the comics they have giant panther robot suits and crazy technology shit. Guns are definitely primitive in comparison, considering guns are just tiny controlled explosions with a projectile.

Nah you could watch infinty war without this. The only major thing is Bucky's brainwashing is fixed but that's a post credit scene. BP suit can absorb and release power but just watching that people can work that out. And Bucky's brainwashing will be explained in infinity war anyway. Overall very self contained.

>Killmonger broke rules
When did that happen

The part where Shuri films T'Challa getting his ass kicked by his own suit was crackup.

I think where he starts killing Wakandans might be a slight rule break

Did you get mid/post credits?
Only watching if those are good.

Still primitive wielder of "archaic chemical reaction projectile thrower" can still kill the advanced wakandan with supertechnological spear frome few hundred meters away. Or destroy the giant panther robot with volley of primitive shaped charge antitank rockets.

When he refused to resume the challenge once he finds out he didn't defeat T'Challa.

Yeh Mid and post. Middle was pretty average and should've been in the movie. Post was very good

My own personal opinion is that the vibranium is somehow connected to the soul stone, because the heart shaped herb gives you panther powers and access to the netherworld. It wasn't explicitly said "muh soul stone".
Why else would Thanos be in Wakanda in Infinity War?
Get Out guy also mentions something about Hong Kong, London and New York (the sanctum cities).

>Post was very good
Spoil my senpai. Is it worth using my moviepass for?

You could say the same shit about blasters and lightsabers. "Guns, so primitive", is the same as Obi Wan saying of the lightsaber "An elegant weapon, for a more civilized age."

T esseract
H (eart shaped Herb)
A ether
N ecklace
O rb
S ceptre

>Do they mind the way China is currently using Africa?
You know Wakanda isn't a real place... right?

>why do they refer guns as primitive when niggers use guns all the time irl
Because they are a super advanced society... are you retarded or just pretending to be this dumb?

Well Jedi can say that, because they move faster than speed of sound (and not die in the process) to dodge blaster bolts/deflect them. Or other Jedi tricks.

But not normal human.

>the left is unironically supporting
[citation needed]

>White wolf

It's Captain America related. That's all I say. If you enjoy marvel films then yes use the movie pass. But if you don't like most people here then I would say no.

Just a reference to them having to look after the white guy in addition to Bucky, when white people are literally not present in Wakanda.

look at any review or lefty tweet about the movie and most of them will call the villain as being in the right and how much empaty they have for him.
Dont get me wrong, he is an amazing villain, but its funny how they are cheering for the stereotype they consider to be ¨problematic¨

No, you can't do any of those things because it's all made out of vibranium, which only Wakanda has. They really are op.

Learn proper English before trying to argue your point.

In the comics T'challa has an adopted white brother called Hunter who heads the Wakandan secret police and is called White Wolf.

>Strangely Black Panther says Refugees create problems and he must maintain culture
That's not strange at all you fucking idiot, that's literally the official policy of Wakanda from its inception.

Am I the only one that thinks that characters like Tchalla or Creed are good for black children?

They're teaching them that you can still be cool and good without going full bix nood nigga and they act instead of whining about muh ghetto.

People always say lead by example, I think these characters are good for black children whose only other idols are dumbshit rappers that talk about killing cops and fucking hoes.

They have massive energy shields, the teenage girl was using a firearm that shot energy blasts.

This is not Wakondan, but it should suffice.

White Wolf was what the kids called Bucky

Yeah, Black Panther is pretty cool. I hope he's a good role model.

I know. It's just with so many lefties claiming how great he is, it's odd for them to like a character who states a position like that.


>a black supremacist who solves problems with violence is a good role model
No, it just reinforced the WE WUZ mindset, as evidenced by the black-hype for this movie.

Not him but
>main character
>3 literally whos
T'Challa is the main character

So is Bucky going to be White Wolf in the MCU? Also, kind of nerdy but this would be the first time an mcu character changes their title. That's a comic book and sentai thing I always liked, when a character makes a new persona for themselves.

My load on your mom's titties

Did you ever think that the perceptions of the world from mommy's basement might be more a product of your diseased brain than a reflection of reality?
You really should take your medicine user.

This is a lie. wakanda's position is attack only if there is no other choice. The people in this film were great role models. I hope children look up to him or his family. Strong smart people are never bad.

yes you're right user, he should have tried diplomacy to stop the man called Killmonger.


It's a political movie. The director states this in interviews. He thinks it's important to highlight these things in the current political climate. And I'm a leftist. But seeing shitty lines pisses me off.

is sweden ever brought up?

>Nah you could watch infinty war without this
have you watched infinity war already to know this? a lot of IW scenes happen in wakanda

And /tvpol/ hates this film, that is probably the biggest celebration of right wing nationalism in decades, more than anything and is organising review raids to give it one star ratings.

it might be a right-wing product but liberals are the ones celebrating it

He's Wakanda Ron Paul, think about that for a second.

>t. shareblue

>great role models
>his entire presence in Civil War was to hunt down a man unwillingly responsible for the murder of his father
This is literally how gang violence operates. outside the law, at whatever costs and to whatever degrees they feel are necessary.