Lucius' daughter thinks he killed her mother

>Lucius' daughter thinks he killed her mother
>hates him for it and causes a boring subplot
>for some reason Lucius never bothers to mention that her mother killed herself

Is there ANYTHING fucking worse and more frustrating than dumb writing like this jesus fuck

Other urls found in this thread: from Pompeii.htm

He's an honourable man and would rather be the subject of his daughter's hatred than inform her that her mother committed suicide. I wouldn't expect you to understand.

>Is there ANYTHING fucking worse and more frustrating than dumb writing like this jesus fuck

mods moving Rome threads to bant.

tbf that wasnt about the show just roman history

do they ever imply thats the reason

What are some good Roman jokes?


I don't think the Romans thought of the Carthaginians as a laughing matter. from Pompeii.htm

Does it really matter, he was moments away from killing her, and she would not have killed herself if not for his anger.


this fucking cunt

>Samius to Cornelius: go hang yourself!

100% btfo

This. Saying "your mother killed herself before I got the chance to do it first" really wouldn't have changed things user

1. S2 was rushed because the idiots cancelled it prematurely
2. Vorenus was responsible for her death. He made it clear he was going to kill her, so she took her own life before he could do it himself.

Also, you're not supposed to watch Rome like it's based on a true story.

season 2 is rushed yet atia still gets half of every episode, so sick of her

Oh look this brainlet opinion again.
Lucius was HONOURBOUND to kill his wife, he didn’t want to but as the truest fucking Roman around and he knew what had to be done, he came there with every intention of killing her. Had she not done it herself, he would have, so as far as his perspective goes the guilt is the same. His wife, feeling quite guilty herself for betraying her husband, saved him the suffering of having to kill her by doing it herself, as a “sorry for forcing this decision on you, all I can do now is take matters into my own hands.”
So in any case, he felt guilty regardless because he had every intention anyway which was why he was so emotionally destroyed when he got back. Furthermore he cursed his children and left them for the wolves, they have every right to not like him; if you heard your mom was fucking another man and your dad killed your mom for it, you’d still hate your dad even if you knew your mom was a slut.

she made my pee pee hard

better than that dumb german slave cunt, though pullo braining her soyboy husband was 10/10

Fuck you, Eirene was great.

shut your mouth she was a pure qt

>left them for the wolves

he left for like an hour, killed 20 men to get them back and fucking left from gaul to rescue them when he found out they were alive

>Is there ANYTHING fucking worse and more frustrating
When all the actors in Roman period drama talk in a variety of thick British accents, Octavia calls her mother in fin-de-siecle French "ma-mah", while the great Marcus Antonius and Catullus are turned into campy faggots "Marky Mark Antony" and "Kay-toe."

she was dumb and boring and it was probably her fault her people got enslaved in the first place and she should have died of the flux

you are dumb and boring

>probably her fault her people got enslaved

what the fuck makes you think that? was she too boring for you since she wasnt a cunt who showed her tits every 2 seconds like every other woman in the show?

>implying she had tits

This, they were scared shitless by the carthaginians after the battle of Cannae where they got rekt on their home turf.

Hannibal rekt their shit many times before that.

ummm sweeties, mods moved that thread here

Eirene brought home the tragedy of the lives of millions of people in ancient times. Especially this scene:



>leaving a bunch of little girls alone in a chaotic rioting city right after the dictator was assassinated so all the populares plebs are practically burning the city down
30 seconds would be too long, let alone an hour. In times of crisis, men start raping, this is a constant throughout history. Women must be protected or they’ll get raped very quickly. You wouldn’t see a woman just walking the streets alone in most societies for most of history because of this, there’s always a mob of desperate bums waiting to rape.

I don't know. Something about the music and the way he sees her when he first walks in. She has her back to him (so she could be any woman) and she is a room which resembles a kitchen.

It's like how many husbands see their wives as they come home (so it connects it to modern times) except this was her existence:

>torn from her homeland
>taken into slavery
>surrounded by violence and chaos
>died at the hand of a jealous woman (although the fact she was pregnant made me think of how common death at childbirth was)

He didn't even know Caesar was dead

Like I said, you shouldn’t leave women alone even on a normal day, Rome is literally a city of roaming mobs looking to prey on the weak and start shit.

like he left them alone everyday when he had a job?

>when your antony has more charisma than your julius caesar

Are you unaware of the fact that they lived in a big community structure full of military families supporting each other? They’re in the fucking aventine, every neighborhood has a gang, and Lucius had already gotten on the bad side of some big gang leaders so he should have known he was a target. Furthermore his existence is deterrence: you kill the family of Lucius Vorenus, you have to deal with him after. You see him publically declare that his children are no longer under his protection and cursed, you’ve just put a green light on anybody that wants some prime pussy to take it. He basically took away the soft power that was protecting them. Only thing he didn’t plan on was the neighborhood being abandoned since everyone was rioting so the protection of the community wasn’t there for any of he women, I bet thousands of woman had the same fate that day, and even if nothing eventful happened that day he still should have been on guard from the inevitable revenge of the people he slighted
Just stop you’re wrong stop digging your brainlet hole deeper

>every single actor including caesar and marc antony are british

>Catullus is Cato

What are you smoking, nigger

People act like the world is in a vacuum and this can be a counterpoint to people complaining about blacks and other minorities in historical roles where they don’t belong, but this ignores the key point: the British are the most talented and professionally-trained actors in the world, and their inclusion despite historical inaccuracy is justified by the quality of the actors. Diversity hired are not done in the name of talent, but of quotas, and so they don’t even get good actors as long as they look the part. Historical inaccuracy for the sake of quality>historical inaccuracy for the sake of contemporary fee fees

probably accurate desu.
Caesar had charisma sure and was a great leader but he had high birth and had high expectations on him from the start, and was Antony was basically a soldier who reached the top by force of will alone.

>no romekino exclusively played by central italian natives

>this entire post
are you avin a giggle

I mean it would be neat but the acting wouldn’t be as good. There’s always a benefit to using the English, can’t say the same about other places.

It’s true though, all the best American actors are from England, they have the best theater culture in the world.

what? the show suffers from dumb writing but that was fine retard.

Titus and Lucius are like the audience camera for anything historical. They save augustus, they find the standard, they find the roman treasury etc.

>IX.8.3 (House of the Centenary; in the atrium); 5213: My lusty son, with how many women have you had sexual relations?


It's not dumb writing. It's very clever and funny, e.g.:

>'s law
>Roman Law.
>Is there some other form of law, you wretched woman?

oh please, he was born rich as fuck, then managed to squander it all before the age of 25

She was an important figure to the rise of Julius Caesar, the mother of Augustus, and the lover of Antony. She was central to the power struggle that shaped the death of the Republic and the Rise of the empire.

While we do know that she was involved to some extent in the first season's events

it's highly doubtful she influenced Augustus after he became a man

>when your little cunt of a king starts shittalking the greatest living general
the look on their faces is just priceless

she is irrelavant in season 2 she is just forced everywhere because she is the writers teen fantasy

the thing that sort of makes her tolerable is that the show does go out of it's way to make it very obvious just how petty her achievements and struggles are
only shame is that we never got to see her get completely BTFO by Livia

>when augustus chads all over everyone


Did Lepidus really lose a legion to Marc Antony?

>when all of your children plus your wifes son hate you after you rescued them


Funny thing is, he later lost another one to Octavian. While the second triuumvirate was going strong, Sextus Pompey ruled over Sicily and stopped the grain supplies to Rome because he wanted a seat with the big boys. So all three triumvirates sent legions to Sicily, Sextus got BTFO, and Lepidus thought he would just add Sicily to his African domain. Except his legion deserted him, joined Octavian and he finished his life in exile on some shitty island while Octavian and Mark Antony got at each others (Sicily was actually a big part of the issue, since Octavian basically got it for free).

the more you read about Lepidus, the more you realize calling it the second triuumvirate is way kinder than he deserve
Augustus didn't even consider him dangerous enough to kill and he had about half of Rome's aristocracy purged

The Herod assassination subplot was even more pointless than this.

why did that exist

I think they were going to do more with the jews in season 3 or something

>imagine having such shit taste you go for a thick boned murderous lying mulatto than a loyal Germanic wife with a cutie accent.
Fuck, man.

Lepidus said his men joined Anthony and that Antony forced his hand, but it was more likely that Lepidus supported Anthony from the start. The Senate told Lepidus to attack Anthony but he wanted to negotiate, after Anthony's defeat, his army marched on Lepidus's province where the armies merged.
Lepidus had been allied to Caesar, and the assassins wanted to kill Anthony as well as Lepidus, so he probably wasn't too cool with the Senate at that time

FFS who let you out of your gender studies class?

Making the series about some random legionaires was a dumb idea. The best parts of the show were when the historical figures had the spotlight

>Making the series about some random legionaires was a dumb idea.

your parents having children was a dumb idea

they are good as audience points of view, and still felt better than atia being shoved in everywhere

>antony just met up with cleo in alexandria
>only 2 episodes left
>past 3 have been mostly filler

why did they do this

because cucks cancelled the show

>implying italian mutts are more Roman than brits
doesn't matter at all. In this day and age there are no Romans

Didn't mean to respond to

The entirety of season 2 is Atia being shown to be old, out-of-touch, and put in her place by her son in every scene they’re in. The irrelevance and lack of power you imply was portrayed by the show. You could argue most of the characters are irrelevant to history but this show isn’t about the historical characters really, it’s mostly about Roman life. She gives us a look at patrician lifestyle, pullo gives us a look at the typical pleb soldier, Lucius gives us the stoic middle rank perspective, Posca gives us the educated Greek slave, etc. the characters are all their to give a difference perspective on Rome and the historical events are there to pace the plot and the character development of the actual protagonists.

Yet her house is looks nothing like what it would actually be

Actually, the (((producers))) had to cancel the show because its budget got too big.

In season 1 maybe but their role in season 2 was terrible. Vorenus' family was one of the worst subplots in the show. Even when Herod's gold was stolen Octavian didn't even care that much.

Correct. Pullo and Vorenus would be relocated to Jerusalem.

My daughter, I was going to kill your mother and her baby after finding out she cheated on me. Unfortunately, she killed herself first.
I know the memories of your mother are the only good things you have because I spent most of my life fighting in Gallia and, after my short return, you got kidnapped and raped in a cheap whorehouse for a few years.
Nothing personnel, kiddo.

That depends, there was a lot of variation in late republican aristocratic housing

Fuck off you have the same double standards that the ess jay duba(you)s have, you downplay the female problems of the modern era which you have a point in, but you can’t accept the logical counterpoint of that reasoning being that the excessive feminist culture stems from actual systemic rape that happened for most of human history everywhere in the world. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. But of course anyone who has a rationale and moderate view from actual research has to be your extreme partisan boogeyman and not merely a rationale human being

>tfw you betray your son for your lover
>Your son no longer gives a fuck about you and uses you and your daughter to fulfill his political ambitions
>He wins and gets the last laugh

That sounds terrible

... and Spain!


That’s more of a nitpick than a general criticism of my reasoning but ok go with that deflection.

Based Augustus putting everyone in their place

I'm not the other guy

but I think you're characterizing rape as far too prevalent, during times of distress females would have to hide yes. But on an ordinary day a mob of men couldn't just rape a girl, especially one of high status, they'd end up crucified. In the imperial period the urban cohorts maintained law and order in the cities.

Actually Niobe was a cunt. She made her daughter pretend her half brother was her son and when her father's career advanced she didn't let her marry the drover. I mean seriously she fucked her sister's husband she deserved it

You were arguing that it was more about showing us what Roman life was like, I pointed out they weren't even doing that properly

what happened to season 3? Was the show too expensive at the end?

>you'll never be this alpha

I know. Atia was annoying as always and Octavia developed a holier than thou attitude. The best part of season 2 was Octavian putting Cleopatra in her face. I was so mad when she tricked Antony into killing himself so she could live

The reason a high born woman doesn’t get raped is because she goes through the city with a supply line of slaves and bodyguards, everyone who was anyone in Rome had at the very least some plebs in his or her employ for protection. The idea of sending a noble woman out alone without protection is completely insane, as is virtually any woman in an ancient or medieval society without a safety net. People get raped, killed, and thrown in a sewer every day in Rome and most people never get caught because it’s an ancient city with way more people than it can support and there’s no order unless your mob is big enough

Atia's last scene with her eyes full of sadness, but not a single tear since Augustus was watching her.
This show was amazing.

>Run away from home with everyone thinking you're a joke
>Raise an army and become the youngest consul in Rome
One thing I would have liked is more interactions between Caesar and Octavian. I liked the few they had


who was in the wrong here?

You pointed out a nitpick of my point, not a refutation of the idea that Atia shouldn’t be there because she isn’t historically-relevant. However true it may be, it does not detract from my point, otherwise you could go on for days about historical inaccuracies but thus not how the Socratic method works.
Is there some other form of reasoning, you wretched women?