Where are the fucking feathers?

Where are the fucking feathers?
Dinosaurs were birds, how can a bird have no feathers?

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I hope scalefag from /an/ doesn't see this

Some smaller ones had feathers, but not the T-Rex.

They shed them during summer

how did it fly then without feathers?

>how can a bird have no feathers?

You do realize penguins are covered in feathers right?

Because they're chads. Feathers are for pussies.

feathers are used to fly and dinosaurs didn't fly yet, dumb fuck!

>penguins are featherless


The marketing boys thought the dinosaurs would look better with the lizard aesthetic rather than the bird aesthetic, so they had the genetic engineers make it so.

"Dinosaurs were birds" is the "we wuz kangs" of taxonomy. Shut up, chicken, I'm gonna make some tendies with you.

That's one scary dino

The movie was forgettable and all but wasnt there a line in Jurassic World where the red headed chic said "despite knowing dinos had feathers we bred that shit out cause that shits gay and not what the people wanna see"

>hurr hurr god isn't real but I blindly believe what these scientists tell me I am genius skeptic
Fuck off fedoralord. Dinosaurs can be whatever the fuck the movie want since they weren't real.


dinosoys are fucking retarded
they used to be badass giant lizards and now they are pigeons

No but there was a line by the chink who said that they has limited dino DNA so just made up the rest of it with other animals and that real dinosaurs probably looked nothing like these ones specially to counter the cry baby faggots who would mention feathers

Fuck birds. Birds are fucking lame, and by retroactive association dinosaurs are dragged down and suck because of that too. Bird bodies are horrendous. They're weak, porous, disease prone, you even so much as fart near them and they asphyxiate like a coal mine canary. Low tolerance for heavy metals, pollution, their constitution means they cant survive a famine of more than a week without dying of malnutrition. Their fragile little bodies get ripped apart by little more than weak high velocity pellets. This is a species that's arguably smarter than cats, but are still cat food, older than even mammals as a whole yet still fucking flies into windows.

We even fucking eat them because they are delicious. Seriously fuck birds. Ignoring the fact that birds constantly shit on us and steal our food, how come they're the only species that have yet to learn that mankind rules the fucking world?

Even wolves eventually learned if they took our sheep we'd hunt the entire pack down.

All sense of awe and mystique once held for them is utterly annihilated to such an extent that it would actually be better that they were made up fantasies that never existed, instead of the underwhelming reality.

>feathercucks BTFO once again
If you love redditdinosaurs so much, just go to reddit

5 cute facts about the t-rex
>She's feathery!
>She's a dinosaur!
>I love her!!!!!

All dinosaurs shared a ancestor with a feathered progenitor

But, some Dinosaur's like T-Rex more likely had a non-veined proto-feather, something like a porcupines that acted like a downy coat along their back. Feathers took a long time to evolve to what we imagine them now.

Some dinosaurs, like Sauropods definitely did not have feathers, or only had them as a light fuzz in their infant years.

>believing in the religion on evolution
Who let the soys in?

When will we finally be able to clone dinosaurs so we can find out once and for all what they really looked like?

Literally explained in Jurassic World. They are genetically modified to look the way they look in Jurassic Park. They even say if natural they would look very different.


>expecting memesters to pay attention to movies

Nothing is more soy than ignoring facts because it goes against what you want to believe


They literally addressed it in the last movie you cunt.

Fucking pay some respect, you faggot SJW.

Calm down, Ahmed.

Even if soft tissue can be preserved in amber the actual DNA would have broken down by that point, making cloning through such methods practically impossible.

We haven't been able to extract DNA from 100,000 year old coral samples, so extracting DNA from 100,000,000 year old Amber samples is much, much less likely.

Until the DNA sequencing techniques we use improve significantly the cloning of dinosaurs will remain impossible.

>Pic related, a partially preserved dinosaur tail with soft tissue preserved c. 99 Million Years ago.


Literally this. Its not that hard to come up with that explanation


Religion is as soy as it gets, progressivism is the new religion

>HRURRR, pay respect to my fucked up fairytale!!!!

Fuck off, intelligent people don't need the existence of a god.

that thing has feathers, it's not a dinosaur

Except gene-manipulation already allows 'cloning'. Every chicken egg contains the genetic material of it's ancestors, all the way back to dinosaurs. Scientists have already found a way to turn these 'on' during incubation. This has lead to chickens being born with scales, teeth and talons. Not fully dinosaurs, but enough for a jist. To do so fully would take much more research and funding, something nobody wants to do. There is also bone cloning techniques.

Took me a while to realize this wasn't a typo.
Well played user.

Go back to reading the newest Ricky Gervais tweet.

>eating raptor eggs for breakfast
Why are we not funding this?

To be honest you need to have a very high IQ to understand Rick & (and) Morty.

Yeah, we can use genetic manipulation to create a dinosaur like chicken, but that isn't truly 'faithful'.
We will probably be able to create a scaled dinosaur-like creature in our lifetime, but such a creature wont be a faithful recreation of a DNA genome that existed 100 MYA.

Its probably more likely that we will simply be able to build a Machine-Learning algorithm to construct a entirely new sequence of DNA that mimics Dinosaurs rather then actually extracting the broken genome and cloning it that way.

>the feathered redditsaurus
Dinosaurs aren't real, but if they were, they'd have fucking scales you imbeciles

Newsflash: The dinosaurs in Jurassic Park are not actually dinosaurs. They're approximations of what the geneticists (not paleontologists) assumed dinosaurs were like, pulling from various sources of DNA too fill in the gaps. There was a lot of trial and error in this regard, with every new batch having literal software update-esque version numbers. Public perception was also something that was 100% factored in when creating the dinosaurs, and there were ethical debates during the process about creating dinosaurs as true to life as possible vs. creating dinosaurs that make for more better theme park attractions.

Read the fucking book nigger.

skin impression on the Wyrex Tyrannosaur fossil indicates that Tryannosaurus Rex had extremely limited to most likely no feather covering.
But if it did.....

Jurassic Park was never meant to be scientifically accurate. Not even the books.

>Its a "user thinks movies are documentaries and must be entirely based on real life" episode

Jurassic World would have been a far better movie if the Indominus was the result of hubris on the part of the corporate assholes and arrogant scientists, as opposed to being revealed to have been designed from the ground up as a bioweapon in some kind of secret conspiracy.

fucking hell

This. Holy fucking shit
Jurassic Park was great because it depicted REALISTIC dinosaurs (as opposed to older godzilla-like depictions) using the latest paleological finds.
went out of it's way to explain it in the movie itself, too, so kids would understand it

Why can't the incompetent dickbags who madw JW do the same?

found the american


Genetically engineered to appear appealing to park-goers. Feathers are too gay looking and they also made them slower to behave closer to cold blooded animals.



You just know that if Jurassic Park was an actual thing there'd be a ton of autists like OP begging for feathers instead of seeing cool monsters.

Oh the IRON E

They're not dinosaurs they're theme park monsters


everyone always says dinosaurs are real but. have you ever actually seen any dinosaur bones?
how do we know the company that made jurassic park didn't also make the videos of the bones

kys homeschooled amerilard

Looks like he will make a good buddy

I'm interested. Post more, user.

0/10 bait
you can see them in museums

Terrible bait. Here's a (you) anyway


>soyvolutionists out in full force

>have you ever actually seen any dinosaur bones

user, can you please explain what you think Penguins are covered in? I'm genuinely fascinated.

>getting baited

Pleb opinion.
Bird dinos own they are like dragons of legend


>deez animals that lived millions of years before humanity are fucking stupid
Well done with the dinosoys pun user, you really showed to those bird ancestors.

i wish they wouldnt always put the t-rex into spotlight, it gets kinda boring after a while
i'd rather watch a jurassic movie about a pack of allosaurus
you could show one getting shot and still have a threat

Reptiles are just as lame

when Sup Forums is even racist against birds

how about a t-rex sized allosaurus

To bring back dinos ud need to bring back their bacteria fauna and thus their enviornment. Another option is to genetically alter current bacterial faunce but this all requires insane amounts of computing power to simulate and test. Maybe in a few hundred years.

>when reddit has an emotional breakdown

>muh edgy shitposting sure showed those reddits
end yourself


You need to go back

>hurrrrr we combined a t-rex a brontosaur and a murder-saur and made MEGASAURUS FUCKREX
this whole thing is retarded
they should just make a fucking movie where chris pratt or whoever goes to the past and fights real dianosaurs

fuck off featherfag we don't even have conclusive evidence all dinosaurs had feathers
plus feathers look lame

I dare you to say that to my face, faggot.

I bet youre a feminist.

birds suck

>real dinosaurs
they never existed




you suck, scalecuck

go tell that to the cassowary, homeschooled

because those are mutts you retard

they explained it in the first movie back in 1994. The dinosaur expert asks why don't they have feathers and Santa Claus tells him because they have toad DNA inserted in them. Which made them scaly.

you dumb fuck

Loved the roars this made. Great sound design in this show.

those are deviant art images, hope you realize they aren't meant to represent reality but a caricature of themselves. Those aren't scientific approved replications.

Toads don't have scales you dumb fuck