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Reylo scenes will be KINO confirmed

TLJ already had amazing art direction and cinematography, I cant wait to see what IX will look like with this announcement

>pleb runners are star plebs
who knew!!

>TLJ had amazing art direction and cinematography

they should hire a decent screenwriter

I can count on one hand the amount of times it had decent cinematograpy

>implying it didnt

They need to hire a fight choreographer asap if they want to pursue thing kind of shit. It was slow and clumsy

Art direction is the least of nuWars' problems


hey look everybody he thinks good cinematography means pretty pictures

Why do they keep stealing ideas of things that """""flopped"""""? MoS, JL, and now Blade Runner? Might have missed something dealing with BvS too.

It can't have good photography since every scene is green screen capeshit.
Enjoy your soywars "art house" edition.

>Art direction
Let me guess, they'll just nick all of George's ideas and change them ever so slightly....again

>"Hey those are some great art designs... Now scrap all of them and add more feminism and rejected apple designs"

Yeah, a good art director will only be able to put lipstick on a pig. And as it stands nu-star wars has decent if uninspired art direction anyway. And that's only because there isn't much to get inspired by not because of personnel.

and? everyone hates blade runner 2049 outside of here

That's what not worries me, the writting is

My gf loved it and she is a normie liberal

It's nominated for like 5 oscars, only 3 or 4 confirmed redditors hate it here and that's it

My 70 year old aunt fucking loved it. And she doesn't like anything.

So the concept art book will look amazing again. Doesn't matter if they don't use any of it.


it was never fucking on the menu you idiot


That only means the film will have extremely good concept art which will get faded or erased entirely through studio greenscreen filming and chinese CGI slave army rendering their work in a week.

What they need is to fire both Kasdan and the Kennedy bitch and get a new screenwriter

yeah the fight scene was kinda contrived... I fucking hate how Rey feels the need to scream and yell while she fights too... if they want to imply she has aggressive feelings they should do shit with facil expresions instead of awkward and misplaced screams imo.

where the fuck did they deploy so many atats?

Do you know what concept art is?

These are decently framed but what meaning to they bring to the film? There are probably shots in those same scenes that convey something but for fuck's sake, this isn't Blade Runner 2049, you can't screenshot random scenes and expect auto-kino

I've been thinking about the possibilities of a Kylo Ren homage to Deckard's debut scene for the past few weeks now, so this is a pleasant surprise. Granted I mean the scene from the first movie.

>calling others normie
Shut up.

I'm genuinely interested. Got pics of her? She sounds cool and I miss my grandma

>Two former enemies stand back to back against common foes as the banners of the old order burn around them
>salt and dirt flying up in the air as the battle becomes more intense, field is basically blood soaked at the end, salt begins to rain back down to earth as Skywalker returns signifying the restoration of hope

The visuals were never the problem with the new star wars.

This is so depressing

Nothing can save Soy Wars

It looked good, but it was sort of bland in that there was a total lacking of culture in the design.

This is proof that you don't know anyone outside of here.

Haha, that red shit and that dull grey filter, yeah amazing. ANd the few shots I've seen it was shot exactly like TFA, with stupid camera shots that zoom into characters and stop abruptly. The director of photography is the same guy who shot Brick, and it was ridiculously bad.

I guess. I couldn't really tell over the awful script.

you cant super polish a turd

the problem is the story

>Lipstick on a pig - the movie

youtube love beybladerunner 2049

let's hope the actual story is going to be good, along with the dialogue.

This pisses me off so much. Disney cold have totally done proper star wars style set design, but they had to be cheap kikes and do everything in cgi.

So we can see all the amazing designs that Disney completely trashed?

fuck off you ungrateful cunt.
BR2049 is as close to a masterpiece that we will ever get this century.
by not supporting this film, you are saying that you wouldn't like more thoughtful and well-made sequels, and the tickets you buy to 'ironically' watch shitty sequels provide money-hungry and business-first producers and companies to shit out more god-awful sequels and remakes