Is this movie worth watching?

Is this movie worth watching?

yes, it's one of the all time goats

the first hour is kinda boring but when Hal is introduced it becomes kino

worth watching: yes
good: no

dishonest shot

the first hour is literally the best part of the movie

the whole thing is good

this movie asks the big questions, artificial intelligence, alien live, evolution, God, and at the same time instills a profound pride in human will and achievement

the invention of the weapon sequence is one of the greatest in film history, gives me chills every time

Yes it’s worth watching but it’s also largely boring.
What would you spend three hours doing tonight otherwise?
Something super exciting: Do it instead of warching
Serial masturbation: Watch the film instead

How fucking pleb can one be? It achieves the only 10/10 in cinema history when this appears on screen.

Yes if...
you like art films
u go in understanding what its about (makes it easier to enjoy in my opinion)
slow movies don't bother you
you like neat cinematography and good music

Its 11/10 tip top tier kino. Redefined sci fi and quite possibly the best movie ever made.

dis movie from the literal 60s nigga!
da fuc is wrong witchu.

pleb bait babby's first art film "psychedelic trip" : the segment

>literal 60s
>as opposed to the fake 60s

Just saw it for the first time a few days ago, no idea why I put it off for so long.
The best Kubrick film and a masterpiece for sure

No. Pretentious, boring garbage. Watch Paths of Glory for good Kubrick

>this movie asks the big questions, artificial intelligence, alien live, evolution, God, and at the same time instills a profound pride in human will and achievement
>the invention of the weapon sequence is one of the greatest in film history, gives me chills every time
Is this a pasta from reddit

It's fantastic

>>this movie asks the big questions, artificial intelligence, alien live, evolution, God, and at the same time instills a profound pride in human will and achievement
>>the invention of the weapon sequence is one of the greatest in film history, gives me chills every time
>Is this a pasta from reddit
not him but fuck off

You fucking dumb plebs realize the only reason this movie was a big deal was because for the time it was very technically impressive? And therefore, within a modern context, there is no way to enjoy it?

Nothing Kubrik made was worth watching.

it reads like one. also,
>not him but

I didn't really care for it.

This but unironically