Here’s Why The Millennium Falcon Looks Different In Solo: A Star Wars Story

>Speaking with EW, co-writer Jon Kasdan talked about how important it is for the Falcon to “reflect the personality of its captain.” Of course, the ship belongs to smooth customer Lando Calrissian when Solo begins, so it isn’t surprising the always-dapper scoundrel would want to call a lavish vehicle home:

>“Where Han gave it a certain shabby coolness and a dinged up quality that reflected where he was at that point in his life, this Falcon reflects its owner very clearly in its shape and aesthetic and his needs, even if those needs be a little more space to entertain.”

>Alden Ehrenreich told EW Solo’s Falcon is his way of blending in with the crowd.

>“It’s safer in the galaxy to fly something that looks like a piece of junk. People underestimate you — especially if you’re up to no good. Kinda like how you’re more likely to get pulled over if you’re driving a Lamborghini.”

So if Han loved the Falcon why didn't he do it up post Return?

cheese nose makes no sense

>Kinda like how you’re more likely to get pulled over if you’re driving a Lamborghini.”

So Han cut the front of a lambo to use as a freight ship?

What the fuck kind of analogy is that??

who gives a fuck

>>“It’s safer in the galaxy to fly something that looks like a piece of junk.
It doesn't make sense. In the OT it's clear that the Falcon is an old ship that is always breaking down. It's not just a disguise, it's a fact. But I see the newfags don't care about continuity. The ship will go from brand new ship to wreck in a matter of two minutes. I wonder if that was the original idea or because of the reshoots.

NuFalcon for NuWars. Get over it white racist fuckboi

He's saying that a run down ship doesn't look like one a smuggler would use even though that's retarded logic as the Empire would be looking for low tech ships as that is what the Rebellion uses

This is the reason that the cockpit is to the side, too.
Disney Wars is worse than I ever imagined.

Is that fuggin tie fighter traveling in hyperspace? fuck that noise

I actually have no problem with the interior being sleek, the ship is probably brand new

100% chance the front of the ship is a nose cone that, during a crucial moment in the 3rd act will get damaged and detach, revealing the classic Falcon profile

Wasn't Falcon shown in one of prequels?
With official Lucas confirmation, that it is Falcon, and not another YT-1300 vessel.

But the Ship just doesn't have an extra nose cone

It has body panelling, radar dish and cockpit

Han and Duke have to outrun Imperial Sheriff Boss Hogg in the Millennium Lee. How will the Duke boys get out of this one?

This is bullshit.
Falcon is clearly seen in RotS
Lucas confirmed it is "Millenium Falcon" when others asked if it could be just another similar ship.
Prequels are canon, why Di$hitney mess it up now?

How the hell is that ship aerodynamic, haven't they learned anything since the 70s?

it's so they can sell two different versions of the ship as toys
go out and buy both for your kid

>star wars
>real world physics

Pick one

you don't need aero in space
literally a brick got same chance as a sleek rocket

If they are changing it now and are open to it

Why not change it in Force Awakens

>"reflect the personality of its captain.”
I like that because Rey changed nothing on it, reflecting her lack of personality



>Why not change it in Force Awakens
They did.

The actual reason right here. MERCHANDISING

this one makes sense. Lando broken it in RotJ

>something that actually makes sense in TFA

Holy shit, thats what the train cars on the mountain train in the trailer looks like. Im guessing the gap fill is actually an add on that gets removed by the end of the movie.


>Vacuum of Space

Good job user

so the origin story i know of the falcon is bullshit now?

disney's Nu-wars is bullshit
>kill past, if you have
>so here have a movie about your favourite nostalgia character
they got no clue what they want, also i have bad feelings that they gonna ruine Han's character. They had no chance to rail him coz he died, so not they gonna make him a pussy in prequel

It’s like saying police look for Porsches and Ferraris because most heroin dealers drive civics and Cavaliers.. literally no sense

It actually has an even longer origin story

>Remember, when the Falcon enters our movie, it’s already had a long life. Decades of existence. And it’s been modified even from its original design. What we tried to do with the whole movie was take things that we take for granted and love and turn them on their ear.

So it's old even in Solo

Which means it's nearly a hundred years old in TFA

i kinda hoped they wouldnt fuck with it

>Kinda like how you’re more likely to get pulled over if you’re driving a Lamborghini

what a fucking joke, these people cant even fathom how detached they are from the rest of the world. that's the glaring reason they cant write a story worth a shit, they cant even imagine what it means to live for the majority our own world

oh i know the beginning like where it was built and that it has a "mind" of its own

and that it had a couple of owners and was suspended in space for a good while before some gangster owned it

>thats where the compartments that they were hiding in come from.

>frictionless space travel
At least make the attempt to think

Stop worrying there's a reason for it


>Thinking Han and Chewie wouldn't modify their ship at all over the course of ~10 years.


I knew they would do something fucking retarded.


Great bait though. Heres another (you)

Its to sell more toys just admit it.

>continuing to shit on the fans

This movie deserves to flop.

Betting they go through the Kessel Run and they have to knock off any extra weight so they can go faster or some shit even though it makes no sense.

the ship should be decades old before han even sets eyes on it. they can bin the Eu but they shouldnt retcon the falcons history

God I fucking hate star wars

be glad they diddnt just make it twice as big and twice as fast.
audiences need that wow factor


Kasdan is a confirmed Hack anyway