Am I weird if RoTS is the only movie that has ever made me cry?

Am I weird if RoTS is the only movie that has ever made me cry?

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no, but it makes you a faggot

If you cried because of how bad it is then that's acceptable.

If not then you need to see more movies.

That's probably the most autistic thing I've ever read

> I did not kill her
> It's not true
> It's bullshit
> I did not kill her
> I did nhaaaaaaaa
> Oh hi Sheev

>you're tearing me apart padme


you might be Cinematographically impaired

Marley and Me was the only movie that really made me cry, but RoTS is up there. Obi-Wan's last speech to Anakin was probably one of the best bits of acting in the entire prequel trilogy.

>"You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you."

It still makes me well up inside to this day.

It is pretty bad. I was on the verge of tears wanting to leave early.

The only movie that should make a real man cry is Armageddon. Or something with a dog dying.

Knowing the consequences of everything that happens in this movie, it can be email ally challenging if you're invested in the characters and universe.

then the original trilogy lacks a scene like this
the music, Yoda clutching his heart...
I was a huge SW nerd for years, so I knew these Jedi's names and I felt so sad to see them die

Dogs are cunts though

>>"You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you."
It's a stupid line because we never fucking see this.
First movie, Anakin is a little boy
Second movie, Anakin is a pouty teenager who argues with Obi Wan.
Third movie, Wacky shenanigans in the opening, then they're not together again till they fight at the end.
When were they good friends again?

No, it was so bafflingly stupid and horrible it made me cry as well. It felt like they took my childhood and took a giant steaming shit on it.
You are not alone.

What went wrong with this generation of fucking imbeciles?

No, Ewan does a fantastic job. You can literally feel his heart break.

Top fucking notch.

but I like women

only movie that made me shed a tear was Castaway

cry laughing?

RotS has literally the worst line in history
>From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!

That's like a "Bus That Couldn't Slow Down" tier line

yeah it's so bad it makes me want to cry too. fuck you george

That’s probably because the OT isn’t meant to be tragic. Tearjerking scenes don’t automatically make a movie good.

Once, I was drunk and saw this scene....and I belived him, and I a bitch.