I wish today's women looked like this

I wish today's women looked like this.

I wish today's women were actually women.

I wish today's Jews were all fucking dead.

Jesus Raimi

Weird to think Courtney Cox was already 30 in season one. Her face was angelic.

What did Ben mean by this?

Could THIS be any more of the wrong board for you.

Today’s men look like that

t. reddit

Be funny if it wasn't true...

why is Lisa wearing shoes?

Just to signal that she wants to die like a good Jew.

I wish today's women looked like this

I wish today's women looked like this

unironically this

you emphasise the *BE* not the "this" you doofus.

>tfw no wholesome lisa kudrow gf

Sup Forums go away

>wanting to have a jewish girlfriend
Reconsider your life choices, race traitor. Even I would pick Ana de Armas over this rat-faced bloodthirsty kike, and I can't fucking stand Ana.

GO AWAY Sup Forums

I wish I was a woman today

Hhnnmmm feet

You first, reddit.
You go away, reddit.

They do look like this though....the only thing that changed was the outfits.

>does this make my ass look big
>literally no ass
No thanks OP

Red lipstick is fucking nasty you gay ass tranny chaser

only mongrel subhumans have an ass fetish

This guy knows.

jennifer aniston is such a slut fuck, she's sucked farts out of crazy assholes

Jennifer and Courteney are the best in OP's pic. And Lisa? She can go fucking slit her Jewish wrist for all I care. Never have I hated any individual Jew more than her.


>wanting women to be in shape

you sexist

>women actually thought that hair and those jeans were attractive
Only nostalgiacucks miss the shitty 90s

the jeans are fucking hideous

She isn't just a kike, her eyes tell me that she may (or may not) have killed one or two thousand goyim in her lifetime just to appease Moloch. On top of that, her nose is bigger than the kikest fucking kike.

look at her dumb kike face, fucking bitch

Q predicted this.

I wish today's women looked like this

She looks better at 30 than most of the 20-25 year old women at my work

>3 literal trannies
no thanks

Back to your filth hole faggot

I keep seeing these same photos does this thing have nudes or what

>everything I don't like is Jewish or reddit. I'm an impotent little faggot that needs to shit up Sup Forums because I'm too stupid for Sup Forums


>Back when women thought all you had to do was “not eat” to get a hot body
Do some squats bitch


wew lad

>implying you wouldn’t

the future is bright

was it a mistake letting raimi guest-direct that episode? it was reported that david schwimmer broke down on set

t. nigger

t. Pedo who wants to fuck a plank


If you left mommy's basement once in a while you might be surprised.

>implying only niggers want a well toned woman with some muscle definition over a bulimic, skinny fat, twig

yeah white people want to fuck women with bodies of 10 years old boys

this is the right board for hating jews

>Replying to this Sup Forums piece of shit
Why would you validate his faggotry with (You)'s?

literally me

I wish all mothers would look like this

For me, 1970s chicks are the hottest, especially with that blue eye shadow that was popular back then.

I wish today's women look like they look today
also I wish for a happy day to all couples


Nope. Give me shaved pussies and tits.

2000s had best women.

You two are kikes, aren't you? Not liking a kike doesn't make me a faggot.

When the crew got their first paychecks Courtney Cox bought a new car. Raimi? A hot oven.

like niggers?

Well I could do without Lisa Kudrow, but all women looking like prime Courteney Cox and Jennifer Anniston? I'm down for that.

You're not funny or clever. No wonder you're alone.


But what I really want is all women to look like prime Wino.

This. Why the hell are women so fucking fat now and the men are so fucking scrawny
Whats happened

Shut the fuck up nigger that beats a fat cellulite filled thigh any day. Chubby women also have fuck ugly faces which definitely matters more than ass

Lmao, sperg. So asses are either planks or land whales? Kys you mad autist.

A good ass on a thin waist girl are literally 1/100 now

Maybe in united states of amerifat



>law school
>women actually dress middle and right

God I miss 9/11. Americans were so sad and scared.

Yes thats what were talking about here

fuck, marry, kill

Those jeans aren't very flattering.

She has smelly feet.

Catty fatass detected



I never found Lisa Kudrow attractive at all.
pic related is the best then and now.

>and now

She unfucked herself quite a bit though.

>that coke nose

fucking jared leto



thanks, cant unsee

>pining after women that were hot 30 years ago

So no one told you life was gonna be this way

it looks like a can of coke

Aniston is still hot now

She was hot 30 years ago too

fukken why