$2000 tax refund

>$2000 tax refund

Which TV should I get?

>he owns a tv

If you have a Sam's club or Costco membership they usually sell large TVs for cheap. My local Sam's club has a 60" smart TV on sale for ~$480

Buying an overpriced collection of pixels that'll be obsolete in 2 years doesn't sound like a very good investment now does it op?

Ok, which coin should I invest in?

invest in a mutual fund

He could always just get a home projector instead

this is why I buy Cathode Ray Tubes. They are an investment like vintage cars - only going up in value with time. Last I

a fucking bank, you moron. They have financial advisors there to help you choose a high risk portfolio that will grow over time and give you advice on saving and investing

Laid. Enjoy yourself nigga

>he doesn't have a gaming monitor

You don't already own a TV worth more than 2 grand? Are you from a third world country or something?

You should invest in yourself, OP. By that I mean you should turn all that money into one dollar bills and eat them. Don't let the jews get their hands on your hard earned skriddy. Or spend it on hookers.

Yeah 22 year old roasties who sucked Chad's dick for their job position surely know which blue chip companies OP should invest his piddly little $2k in. Or are you unironically going to suggest he get a C.D. with a piddly little 0.85% A.P.Y (or if he's lucky, 1%)?

buy stocks in cannabis companies

Buy a NAS server, best thing I brought in a long time.



We shouldnt talk about this here. Let the normos subsidize our lifestyles by buying and smoking all the DUDEWEEDLMAO but I dont want them to get rich off of it.

Save your money OP, it's that simple.

pay a hooker to finally lose your virginity instead ;)

not OP but why?

dont plan on living that long after 40 anyway.

Now isn't a good time to go big on buying a TV. 4k is still a meme and may go away at any time. In the next few years either 4k will become standard or a new technology will push 4k out. If you really have a shitty TV and need something newer spend $500 or less on an HD TV to get by. Don't bother with 4k there isn't enough 4k material to make it worth it so with a 4k TV most of the time you'll be watching visually noisy upscaled content.

Buy a gun to protect your current TV.


part time, are we?

>owe $1k in taxes

fuck you for paying taxes and fuck you for being a consumerist pig

they're already making 8k screens. Why would they stop making high resolution tvs? there's literally no where else to go for screen improvement

FUCK OFF /biz/

you already know


it doesnt matter what you do with the money because your pea brain will fuck it all up anyways

>twf literally part of the 4 million Americans who got more than $1,000 because of Trump literally making America great again.
>Voted for Hillary in 2016

What do I do to make up for it? I was dating a liberal girl back then and I wasn't thinking. I was thinking of buying a big ol' TV from an American retailer and playing the Star-Spangled Banner as the first thing?

/biz/ is literally the stupidest board on Sup Forums, and that’s saying something considering Sup Forums exists

OH, you're one of those jealous liberals who's upset that "the wrong people are getting rich". Typical amerimutt.

>already making 8k
>no 8k content
>own 8k tv and has to upscale even more then if it was 4k
That is the point. 4k isn't standard yet and already 8k is coming. The point I am trying to convey is less about tv resolution and more about the resolution of content available. Most content is 1080p at best. Alot of content is lower rez then 1080p. The higher the rez of tv the more it has to upscale to convert the content to be viewable.
It's all about content. Buying into 4k or 8k now is like buying into HD DVD vs BD back when they were battling for supremacy. It wasn't until after BD won and was standardized that it was worth investing in. Emerging technologies are never worth the investment beyond bragging rights. With current TV market this is very true as TVs are merely display devices and if content isn't available in a native resolution it doesn't matter high the resolution of the screen is. What is viewed will be limited to the resolution of the content source.