I-i-if-if you already know the answers to your questions then why ask, PIGFUCK?

i-i-if-if you already know the answers to your questions then why ask, PIGFUCK?

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Excuse me

both these two actors are dead now


Why was Freddie such a dick?

Killed by scientologists


you may not like the film, but there are some great fucking scenes in this kino

The Master is the best PTA movie personally for me. and It's hard to choose between all of these especially when Inherent Vice, Magnolia, and There Will Be Blood are in my top 20.

Best movie of the decade and that scene is funny as fuck, prove me wrong

It's awkward as fuck, he got called out on his shit and completely sperged on this guy.

Why was Mike Stoklasa in The Master?

the way he tries to calmly resume with "WE ARE NOT HELPLESS" is hilarious

You're right

who /mintyflavor/ here

correction Sup Forums vote thread results says it's 3rd best of decade

They both died within 2 years of making the movie. Neither were even 50. You've got to seriously wonder what they meant by the line, "Certain clubs would like us to believe that what is uncovered should stay hidden". And all that Freemason stuff in Magnolia.

Good Time should be in there instead of BvS.

>Nocturnal Animals
>top ten

Tree of life was good but I didn't get the last act. It felt like Jessica Chastain accepted her son's death but at the same time it went full perfume commercial.

Haha memes

OGF is kino.

Freddie fighting the dude having his photo taken was one of the most realistic brawls I've ever seen in a movie.


Why did you post the shopped version?