ITT: those who deserved better

ITT: those who deserved better

>this script is pretty good but I don't know if it will win an award
>don't worry I know a guy

>you broke my heart, Fredo


He did nothing wrong, he was just stupid, made a mistake and then tries to hide that mistake. I bet if he was open to Michael about what happened from the start he would have had a better ending


>Johnny Ola told me about this place!
What an idiot. If you're gonna fuck your brother up the ass at least do it right.


He was fantastic in Dog Day Afternoon

literally the reason Roth lost to Michael was because he had the insane belief that surely Fredo wasn't stupid enough to loudly proclaim, while is brother stood only a few feet away, that he knew Johnny Ola and that they had been to donkey fucking shows together before.



OP's referring to the actor, dumbfuck

no i wasn't cockroach. i meant fredo

>kinos literally everything he's in
>bangs Meryl Streep in her prime
How can one man be so GOAT?

yes I was. stop pretending to be me, faggot

you both should stop pretending to be me you fucking larps

>plays a character who doesn't want cancer
>dies of cancer

what did I mean by this?

Hairlets deserve to die.

Watch it big guy, this is John Cazale you're talking about.



Yeah, I know. I've seen all his films and loved them all, but, as much as it pains me, he deserved to die. Hairlets deserve to die.

You wouldn't happen to be a hairlet yourself, would you?
