Remember me

Remember me....

That would probably give me nightmares if I saw that thing speak

so funny dude lol

>its another "Disney movie makes bank but is instantly forgotten the second its out of theaters" episode

How does Danny Trejo keep getting work?

good movie

Good movie. Disney animation is usually spot on for the most part.

I don't think toy story, wall-e, the incredibles, ratatouille, up and now coco are forgotten

Are you retarded or just pretending

Honestly had completely forgotten four of those, only remembered Incredibles and Toy Story

genuinely nice guy, easy to get along with

Girls somehow manage to be simultaneously enchanted by Frozen and Moana so...

How does it feel knowing no one is going to care about you when you are old and senile?

dunno, are you tho?

and Finding Nemo

>implying I won't kill myself at 25

He knows where the bodies are buried 'cuz he buried them.

Are you a fucking marketer?
Who the hell types like this

Not everybody on Sup Forums is a high schooler user

All these animated movies are cock measuring contests between beta animators.
"L-look how much hair elsa has.."
"Y-yo-oo.. check out the wrinkles I did for this character.. ha ha.."
"wow..*stealth sigh* nice one"

Are you jealous that you didn't get into animation school

>Are you jealous that you didn't get into animation school

Pixar has lost it's magic around wall-e

Then you have memory problems

The only good movies Pixar has made are
>Toy Story
>Toy Story 2
>Wall-E (until the humans appear, then it becomes garbage)
>Incredibles (until the mom and children put on their supersuits, then it goes to shit)

and that's it

La creatura...

bad opinions

>I've never seen an old person before