Why am I unable to rewatch movies and tv shows? I simply cannot do it with very...

Why am I unable to rewatch movies and tv shows? I simply cannot do it with very, very few exceptions and even in those cases, at least 3-4 years have to pass between viewings.

Even shows I remember loving 10+ years ago and which I barley remember, I can't do it. It's such an awful feeling when you finish a show you love and know you will never be able to enjoy it to even 1/10 the degree again. Anyone else like this?

Would be nice if you don't call me names, thanks


It's because you're not autistic. Nothing wrong with this. Only autistic idiots rewatch movies or entire series.

Except I literally have aspergers

It's because you watch but you don't engage with the material and think about it in any deep way. You just let the plot wash over you without realizing what it is you're seeing or analyzing any of it. You're just a viewer. Also, you're a faggot.

If you have to rewatch a show even once it's because you are a brainlet. Be proud OP, you're one of the intelligent ones that can absorb all that needs to be known in one viewing.

I can't watch much new stuff these days either. Everything just feels hollow and artificial, like they're trying to emulate films and TV series from 30 years ago but they don't really understand what made them any good.
Opening netflix and scrolling through just makes me feel sick at all this shit.

Not many movies are all that rewatchable. I had to rewatch a movie I'd already seen recently, and I was bored as all hell. You have to absolutely love a film to be able to rewatch it and still get something out of it.

That's true to some extent, but there have been shows and movies that I didn't just enjoy superficially and really loved and I can't rewatch those either.

You are wrong, you also enjoyed those only superficially.

You are wrong

You obviously lack the cognitive function to relate in a deeper way with fiction to penetrate it deeper on repeat viewing. Stop pretending to yourself you are smart enough, train your mind, maybe there's hope. Probably not though.

You are wrong.

You sound like a cunt
Nope, you are wrong.

i can't stop watching Justice League. 3 times since the web-dl was released

How is that a bad thing? Rewatching shit is a waste of time anyway

im the opposite, i can only rewatch shows and movies except for very rare exceptions

Spoken like a mental midget afraid to face his on inadequacy when confronted with the advice he asked for

I cannot believe someone else made this thread, I have been going through the exact same thing in the past couple years


You are wrong.

Yes it hurts.
I'm sad I'll never be able to watch Farscape or TSCC for the first time again, I'm hesitant to watch final episodes of shows (still haven't seen the blacks sails and justified finales).
I've been putting off watching Days of Heaven and Badlands for years now because I want to read the norton kjv and augustines city of god/interpreting scripture before watching them for the first time.

>I'm hesitant to watch final episodes of shows
I know its anime but I put off watching the last 3-4 episodes of Full Metal Alchemist and HunterxHunter for 5 months. Shit hurt