What was his name?

what was his name?

>no beard
certainly not Isaac

I only watched the first season of Breaking Bad and thought this guy was Saul. I thought the spinoff was about him.

His name was double dubs. Never forget.

Ballsac Schrader

Unka Hank


isaac shraeder

does anyone still have that based jew shoop or the mock footage when he digs out of the hole and thumps the bullet out of his head?

hank shrader

A Shack Threader

Formerly Hank


Dean Norris.

Henry desu

why does dean norris look like some sort of killer robot with human skin draped over?

Oswald Spengler

what spinoff?

>using the actor's name when the question is in the past tense
please don't scare me like that

isaac bashevis singer

Better call Saul

vic mackey

asap shruder

Hah, I literally just finished watching last episode of breaking bad 10 minutes ago.

I tried watching it when only about 2 and half seasons were out but i got so bored by the story being so long winded that i stopped watching after season 2

But after seeing the super high ratings it had everywhere, now after many years if forced myself to watch the whole thing and i do not regret. it started off slow but season 4 and 5 where walt Broke Bad, were really good and the ending was great, i almost teared up a little. not a 10/10 show as most rating sites give it, but definitely strongly above average

Can someone explain to me the nod between walt and jesse at the end?

Yitzhak Schrader

big Jim Rennie

mr hanky the xmas poop

There were no words left. Walt irrevocably destroyed Jesse's life, but sort of made up for it by rescuing him.

what life? he was a degenerate wigger, walt gave him more purpose than he would have ever achieved on his own

Very good

>tfw you watched it in the last year and avoided all spoilers