Chris rock's new special is even worse than Chappelle's. This is getting depressing

Chris rock's new special is even worse than Chappelle's. This is getting depressing.

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It’s comedy, not a statistic report. Not understanding jokes is a sign of autism.

>white knighting a race baiting nigger
reevaluate your life, redditer

>entire premise of the joke isn't based in reality
>hurr just laugh and clap goy, what are you autistic?

You have no clue why things are funny.

White people are killed twice as much by cops but commit 1/9th the crime

That a good joke, my man. Chris Rock is a cornball brother, most of his jokes come out of the people's perception of social issues, like that sketch of what should a black guy never do when getting pulled over by the police. It made some black peeps angry, but it was all on them.



you can't post that take it down

The left still can't meme

>thinks a nigger and his delusions of persecution are funny
youre sick user

How can progressives be so lacking in self-awareness and humor?


Libcucks can't even do smuggies properly.

jesus christ no wonder so many blacks are fags

boo fucking hoo faggot


The statement that police are 3x more likely to shoot an unarmed white person is misleading. Police shoot 3x more white people, but they are still more likely to shoot an unarmed black person than unarmed white person.

>more likely to shoot an unarmed black person
yeah because they're usually on PCP

the left truly has a knack for making up the worst strawmans out there

its not that police are more likely to shoot unarmed blacks over whites, its just that unarmed blacks are more likely to charge at the police officer

wtf i love shitty anime pop now

Jesus fucking christ, that chick needs to slow down

Good gravy, that's an ugly person.

>ungrateful APE
I am in LOVE

Holy shit, that's unreal

There's nothing comedic about uppity niggers

She looks like she's funny, any clips?

The thought of this thing sharing a sewer system with me makes me want to puke


SNSD comeback when?


wtf I love k-pop idols now.

I am now a part of this multi-replied post

I know this image was made ironically but it'd be fucking hilarious if it wasn't


she's my gf now


I heard her account got deleted eventually. Based redpilled k-pop qt.

Normies in this country literally get their news and political opinions from comedians.

Chappelle's special was brilliant


formerly Quincy Jones's gf


The joke is predicated on the listener being ignorant. If you're not ignorant, it's not funny.

>only 12% of population, and about half of all police shootings.
yes, that's racism

>getting this buttblasted over a comedian making jokes
I love how Sup Forums talks about how easily triggered libs are, yet they do the exact same thing when a joke offends their sensibilities. Any criticism of this and they will whine about "MUH HORSESHOE" but deep down you all know it's true. I don't want to live in a world where Chris Rock can't make jokes about dead niggers because some neckbearded magapede gets offended.

Well done man these retards never fail to get triggered

>Sup Forums

polsters and sjw garbarge are the same
and the kikes get paid either way

that's why "alt right crybabies bitch and cry aboult literally everthing" is such an effective meme

Lel. I love how leftist memes are always so wordy and overly serious/bitter.

Sup Forums is easier to type an encompasses all the newfags that came with the election.


kek. Not water, not air, but a fucking sewer system. You got odd priorities, my man.

fucking whipipo? AMIRITE?
*howls of laughter*


That's a good thing

lookit all these triggered Sup Forumsposters, you did good user

You can always pick the shills. They are always first to post.

They also commit nearly 100% of the police murders.

>Triggered Sup Forumsdditor posts this in every thread.

I know right I can't remember the last time I was driving down a highway and I didn't see a chicken crossing it.
Or fuck every bar I go into there is always that priest, a rabi and their mussy friend, like what are you a some kind of joke?

based as fuck

The left can't meme

If white people ever figured out they are the demographic with the largest number of people imprisoned and killed by cops every year this country would have another 60s style meltdown. Gotta keep that false sense of superiority and security going.

Serious question, I haven't gone back and watched Chapelle or Rock's old stuff in a minute. Was it always like this, or is it more prominent now?

>Was it always like this, or is it more prominent now?
This should be on the banned phrase list, its slide-thread core as fuck.

>derailing a thread that has been off the rails since inception
Good one.


Absorutrey based

Black people drive like this.

>shill thread is getting derailed into productive conversation

Better hit the reset button.

I went to see this show in Sydney, it was supposed to be where his netflix special was originally held, it wasn't received well, so he tried other AU states only to get the same underwhelming reception. He then went back to his home state in the USA to film his special in front of a more "understanding" audience.

The reason Sup Forums’s smuggies work so well is because there is always a kernel of truth to their caricatures. You can picture someone out there who is really like that. Reddit and /leftypol/ have no objectivity; they don’t see things as they really are, that’s why they’re left-wing after all, so your terrible memes never work. (You)’re a faggot.

Based Australia.

humour often comes from surprise. in this case rock hopes that people are surprised that cops aren't more discrete about murdering black people, except the truth is they are very cautious about murdering black people. you could say it is surprising, and funny, that rock would perpetuate the grand social narrative of our generation, but this is not surprising, nor funny, as everyone aware of it expects it.

>The reason Sup Forums’s smuggies work so well

First of all, people who make up category names for memes are cringe as fuck. Secondly, """""smuggies"""" are the most blatant The_Redditor bootleg meme I have ever seen. They are for the type of person who reads the I AM SILLY!!! comit and takes it at face value as a "great format" for epin memegenerator macros.

There's nothing funny about shooting shooting white kids or any kids for that matter.



>shooting shooting white kids

1. firing at white kids who are also firing weapons
2. firing ammunition that consists of armed white kids who also start firing when they themselves are discharged from your weapon
3. a typo


you see sweetie, free spech doesnt mean your nigger ass wont get responses correcting your stupid dumb nigger nonsense

>soulless bug person thinks she can shit talk any other race

be honest. Wanna have her as a neighbor or Tyrone Apekang?

What the fuck? Was that supposed to be clever? Stop posting, you fucking retard.

whites are killed by police more than blanks. hes a fucking idiot.

White people pay for a piece of shit yelling for more whites to be killed lmao

black people should be getting killed so much more that it should be a new commandment

>I dont have a response but its okay though i have this generic 'no u' reply pic that always gets a lot of updoots hahaha I win again!

Based holy shit

>Gorgeous asian cutie pie unapologetically and fearlessly goes old school wrongthink

This is funny to tears

El Abominacion

>he keeps replying anyway

Why are liberals so prone to pseudoscience and superstition?


a liberal made pepe. what is the last original meme the right made?

anglo sheriffs

Alicia Keys has a white mother

Donald Trump.