If Netflix wants to salvage their movie studio they have to focus on good stories, lower budgets...

If Netflix wants to salvage their movie studio they have to focus on good stories, lower budgets, and aquiring popular actors/good actors. I Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore wasn't bad, good acting and popular actors, and was probably a lot cheaper to make than their higher budget IP's.

Why does Netflix think shitty CGI, nobody actors, and shit stories will bring in subscribers?

Cause Netflix was built on quantity over quality with few exceptions.

Netflix will go out of business as soon as Disney opens their own streaming service.

They are doing a better job than Disney will

They should focus more on anime. Anime is so much cheaper to produce and a faster growing market.

This is true, but the majority demographic of anime is teens. And teens don't have money or debit cards. If Netflix wants money they need to focus on adult content.

HBO is doing it right. High quality writing, actors, and focus on quality of quantity.

>Streaming movies and tv are now a reality.
>They can produce Literally anything they want without government censorship.
>All we have is SJW cucked shit like netflix and in the future disney soy franchises.

What the fuck went wrong. I dont get this timeline.
When we are gonna get a proper streaming site?

What Netflix really needs is a good IP. Either something acquired or home-grown. Bonus points if it has an "all ages" appeal like Marvel and Star Wars. That's where their ticket is.

>Why does Netflix think shitty CGI, nobody actors, and shit stories will bring in subscribers?
Because it probably does. They mine user data and of course have statistics. Which is why they did those horrid Sandler flicks, because despite being trash, they got viewed by subscribers. Similarly, you may have noticed how terrible Netflix video is in terms of quality (compare to a bluray, night and day): they don't care, because most people ignore quality and watch regardless of bitrate, washed out blacks, banding, audio quality, and whatever else. Streamfags as a majority demographic are what's to blame.

they make the mistake of focusing on the lowest common denominator when they are waiting for the people above them to tell them what to like

Their goal is to reach a broad demographic. People who like racist humor isn't the majority of the worlds population so it doesn't make sense to go for that group of people. If you want content like that you're left with usermade content on Youtube.

Do people use Netflix for watching things other than the office?

Yeah what the fuck is up with their streaming. Everything has horrible washed out blacks, blurry ass resolutions, and no way to adjust video quality. I guess because they know no one cares that it's cheaper on their end to run things like this.

I, too, watched the Cloverfield Paradox Half In The Bag today, OP and fellow RLM fan.

This is what infuriates me about any netflix production. Even if its good you are guaranteed a YIFY quality experience no matter what format you find the movie/show in. I don't think anybody who cares about the visual quality of their productions will ever release over netflix as long as this is the case.

You got me.

Just because you don't want to watch SJW shit doesn't make you a raging neonazi who laughs at black jokes. The same is just because you don't go to Sup Forums and hate blacks doesn't make you a SJW. I think he means he just wants to watch shit without far leftist shit shoved down his throat, that doesn't make him literally Hitler.

But this further proves my point. People are extremely sensitive to anything that goes against what they believe is morally right, which is the far left. And the majority is. So Netflix has to cater to this otherwise they will lose subscribers or get outed as an alt-right service.

>anybody who cares about the visual quality of their productions
That's usually in the hands of the distributor.

>focus on good stories, lower budgets, and aquiring popular actors/good actors

They're doing that. They do the last part as much as is needed, which is not much because the star system is an ancient marketing strategy. It still works, sure, but it's not as necessary as everyone pretends.

But otherwise that is exactly what they're doing. They're not making huge tentpole movies and they're not making endless reboots and remakes, they're trying new stories and not investing too much in any particular thing. They're doing fine.

>Lawful Evil
>Neutral Evil
>Chaotic Evil

And some distributors are greater than others. Netflix exclusives are guaranteed to look like shit for all of eternity.

>new story= good story


Fuck 'stars', but they do need to start investing money in competent casting directors, and by competent I mean good judges of acting capability not 4th generation kikeling hooked-in to the hollywood casting system. They need to figure out how to find some quality writers and editors and HIRE THEM DIRECTLY, so that they have somebody on their staff that they have the ability to engage in some kind of quality control. I believe there are good unemployed writers out there who would leap at the chance to make something unusual or novel that won't make it with traditional studio and production systems. For some reason, though, all they can find are amateurish hacks that love generic relationship drama and cliched dialogue.