Tell me about this movie, Sup Forums

Tell me about this movie, Sup Forums.
Why did everyone hate it so much?
I actaully thought it was decent. One of the better ones imho.


I loved it too and I had unironically been thinking about making a thread about it too. Thankies for doing it for me. I love you, OP.

I know NOTHING about this but I love Gilliam. Thanks OP I’ll give this a shot

Never heard of it. What is it?

You are welcome user. I love you too user.

It's a 2004 Gilliams flick in wich he sort of revisited "brazil" (only in style, story is different) with christoph waltz as the lead role.

The whole movie feels like a wierdly depressiong yet sexual trip. Loved it. Except maybe for the "science-y" nihilist morale part at the end...
Well it has been a long time, maybe need to rewatch it.

The ending was unsatisfying but everything before that was very good

I din't understand it, can someone explain it to me?
Also while we are at it, the one of the train with Captain America, didn't understand that one either.

it was boring and cringe like all gilliam movies for the past 30 years

brazil had stoppard to work on the script though.

what is this?

>it was boring and cringe like all gilliam movies for the past 30 years
>the fisher king
>12 monkeys
>fear and loathing
kill urself

I liked it

especially that French cutie that was in it

squirted so hard when she was in that nurse outfit jizz hit my celing

2014 movie

i like it. it's one of gilliam's weaker films but even those are far more imaginative and worthwhile than most trash hollywood pumps out.

style over substance ... or already better done substance

wanted to say it's like Brazil, but i see that was made by the same guy?



>Shut-in sits at computer all day
>Lusts after hentai nurse
>He ever looks like Wojak

Hit a little too close to home I suspect.

Huh, never seen brazil either but Fear and Loathing and 12 Monkeys were cool

Deffinetly go watch Brazil an then The Zero Theorem! Great movies! Brazil is probably number one of all time for me.

holyshit actually not too far off

Yea I guess I'll give em a try. Are either of them easily findable, on netflix etc. or do I need to go stream/torrent somewhere?

This version of the poster should get you more views, there are subtle differences in the font. Or something.

they aren't on (european) Netflix, but both of them are on popcorntime iirc

Good movie, but I don't remember much about it. Gonna rewatch it some day.

Boring pretentious trite with as much breadth and depth as a philosophy intro course syllabus.