Was it quino

Was it quino.

NEO noir best genre

What does Tom get out of it?
He gives up his friends, gives up the woman he loves, and let's everyone believe he is a traitor, just to look out for his boss.

BEST: No Country for Old Men
WORST: Raising Arizona
FAVORITE: A Serious Man
OVERRATED: Barton Fink
UNDERRATED: The Man Who Wasn't There

I meant Inside Llewyn Davis for Overrated and Barton for Underrated and TMWWT as Criminally Underrated
I'm retarded

he's gay

It shows.

best: fargo
worst: a serious man
favorite: o brothere where art thou
overrated: inside llewyn davis
underrated: blood simple
criminally underrated: the lady killers

>BEST: Brother Where Art Thou
>WORST: The Ladykillers
>FAVORITE: Miller's Crossing
>UNDERRATED: Barton Fink

>>CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED: Intolerable Cruelty
my nigga

Fuck off, Raising Arizona is a fantastic comedy.

>>WORST: The Ladykillers

shit taste

no bully

>worst: a serious man
>criminally underrated: the lady killers

a serious man is just muh biblical retelling and muh mystery

it's shit

>worst: a serious man

yeah, i came to it as a fan of their work and having heard it was one of their worst; actually turned out to be a thoroughly decent and entertaining flick. plus, pic related.
it's fucking shite user and no amount of low energy bait will alter that sad reality.

>it's fucking shite user and no amount of low energy bait will alter that sad reality.
The Ladykillers isn't shit. It's one of their worst, but t's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.
Tom Hanks deserved an Oscar for his performance.

To be fair, Ladykillers is really unfairly shit on
Though I disagree with his assessment on A Serious Man

tom hanks and simmons save the entire movie and they are both great in it. anyone saying otherwise probably got caught up in the critic hate for it.

literally job shekkelberg: the boring movie

Are you me? We both have /objectively correct/ taste

Best : Miller's Crossing
Worst : A Serious Man
Favorite : Fargo
Overrated : The Big Lebowski
Underrated : Blood Simple
Criminally Underrated : Burn After Reading

BUrn After Reading is the only movie I love where I hate every single character .