Great news Sup Forums

I'm going to be a father. It's been a long road and you guys have been part of it. Any movies about fatherhood?

dont do it user
your life will turn to shit literally

Aww, what a tiny little fella.

Freddy Got Fingered

That's big news

Is that CIA guy?? Fucking based

Is it just me or does the kitten have the same look in his eyes as CIA here?

Are you white?

Old Boy


he's a big kitten

For mew.

infinitely polar bear

unironically Interstellar
also Godfather


little giants


Watch The Road

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes back
The Solist
Good Will Hunting
Rocky V
Shot Caller
12 Angry Men
Pet Sematary
Jesus Of Nazareth
South Central
The Lion King
Lucky Number Slevin
Ordinary People
An Officer And A Gentleman
Los Olvidados

>I'm going to be a father
It's not your kid

your woman has cheated on you and she's hoping to get on a beta bucks. take the paternity test, and leave. There's one good thing though. She didn't cheat on you with a black guy.

>south central

Now this shit right here is god-tier black kino

Pursuit of Happyness

When he's of age, dont force your shit on him. Let him make mistakes as he grows so he doesnt have to make them when hes halfway through fucking 20

if he does that, the rest of society will mark him as a "bad father", unless he has lots of dosh

1488 brother!