I seriously hope you trolls (sick fucks) realize it is your fault this beautiful young woman felt too insecure to ever...

i seriously hope you trolls (sick fucks) realize it is your fault this beautiful young woman felt too insecure to ever have children. it is your fault she did this to herself.

FUCK YOU. FUCK Sup Forums.

i hope she dies fat & alone

Should have got a head-erectomy

And her sister opened up for her if you know what I mean

did she do it just so she had something to deeply and personally write about?

who cares
one less feminist offspring to destroy humanity

Is there anything these scum won't blame on men?

why not HER-sterectomy?!?



very liberal people never have kids anyway, its a death cult

Nothing of value was lost

Poor girl, now she'll never get that abortion she was hoping for.

Literally the death sentence for a woman right there, no chad wants to waste his time on someone who can't produce a kid.

This is the woman who molested her little sister and turned her into a psychologically fucked up lesbian right?

>seriously hope you trolls (sick fucks) realize it is your fault

Why is Sup Forums being blamed? That's just weird, not to mention random.

This is true. I noticed this too. They don't breed. Which means we will be rid of them in maybe a couple generations.

As opposed to all those ultra Chad kekistanians right?

The fewer feminists that reproduce the better.


Conservatives are breeding at replacement level. Liberals are far, far below it.

>gets out of the gene pool

Well, I guess that's an alternative to, "kys".

that is why they need college madrassas to indoctrinate your children.

Shit, look at that evil face.


>Lena Dunham can never reproduce
Maybe there is a god.

Don't be foolish. Of course there is a God.


>Lena Dunham is a genetic dead end
Let's fucking hope so.

Jesus fucking Christ those ugly pigface Anglostink genes.
Why are Anglostink women so fucking ugly?

Yes but children of conservative parents more often than not turn out liberal, and children of liberal parents mostly turn out liberal

Jew+Anglo letal combo

ever heard a black, an asian, a latino, doing this?

No, it's always the fucking white people. always. and yeah, I know what you're gonna post. And post it, yeah, go ahead. Still believe in that crap that nobody except you believes. But it's not gonna change the fact white people are the most likely to do this kinda shit. The most likely to get hystercotomy, the most likely to get vasectomy, the most likely to be childless. Always the fucking white people. Your precious white race is dying and you're doing nothing to do stop it. Except bitch about it on Sup Forums. It's hilarious.

>Yes but children of conservative parents more often than not turn out liberal
That was when religion was the center of conservatism when they were shamed by their parents.
Now it's less sky wizard and more nationalism, in sum with Marxist libturds doing the shaming, which is pulling kids away from liberalism as of late.

Meanwhile there are more ex-liberals now than there are liberals, much like how there are more ex-Communists in the world than there are Communists, for good reasons.

Just like you

I can't believe there isn't a le 56% anglo-jew meme.
Be better 4chins.


Endo sounds like a fucking nightmare. But considering what she did to her sister it's probably a good thing she had the procedure.



why is this fat goblin still a thing?

Reminder to just ignore this rich trust fund kid that never had to work a day in her life.

Only funny bantz so far.