What's next for her career?

What's next for her career?

It depends how hard puberty hits her on a scale from 1 to Chloe Moretz

my dick


this but mine

She's 17, mate.

You can just tell she’s going to balloon in weight

my cock ejaculating inside of her tight wet teen pussy

when she's legal of course :^)

Too late....


Hopefully losing some weight. That babyfat face is disgusting.

one more year and she's legal. allah give me patience!

Just how skinny do you want her to be?


I don't understand how you can call that skinny. Look at her arms.
She's skinnyfat, if anything.

Here's the ideal female form.


I didn't mention anything about the ideal female form. I said she wasn't fat.

>I didn't mention anything about the ideal female form.
Fair enough, but she's definitely on the chubby side.

Would have made a great Lolita.

She's got nothing on Sue Lyon.

Maybe. I guess it's a matter of perception. Still think she's adorable though.

white women love black men...news at 11.

>She's got nothing on Sue Lyon.
like angourice, another coalburner

Who has.

Such a shame.


Tasteful lesbian sex scene with Kiernan Shipka.

And stuff.

I'm blacker than that guy mate

wow go on


>having a waifu who is gonna be 18 soon
Oh no no no

fucking disgusting

>liked by Rowan

Of fucking course



It's the least they can do seeing as we missed out on any "Sally experiments with other girls at boarding school" scenes in Mad Men.

Only in your imagination.

Blonde haired, blue eyed bitch.

okcupid also known as "I'm looking for a beta cuck who will provide for me"
yes, very accurate.
also virgin white bois rating asian women the highest...accurate too.

Plenty of other sources if you look it up. Not sure why you'd need to unless you've got a warped sense of reality due to degenerate porn addiction and media brainwashing. Most people prefer to date their own race.

what other sources? Sup Forums? yeah, real good source buddy.

Wait, so you genuinely think white women prefer black men? There's a difference between being willing to date outside your race and actually preferring it. All races prefer their own race for the most part.

>white women prefer black men?
never said that white boi.

So what are you arguing?

white women fuck black men...and that's the truth.

mmmmmmmmmmmmm what a pale neck

aka the best kind of bitch

Some do. But on the whole they much prefer white men.