But Adam, bug-chasing is a bad thing!

>But Adam, bug-chasing is a bad thing!

>Um, actually, it puts psychotic faggots in an early grave, which is a good thing
You gotta admit, he had a point there

that guy is so full of shit.

the worse is the hawaii one. basically hawaii's were blood thirsty cannibals who were tribes who regularly enslaved each other. it wasn't until europeans popped did they unite. Even the queen and king of hawaii said that. After that they actually wanted to join the usa because they saw how the rest of the world was gobblerd up and fucked over by the European powers and they figured their time was up




Retard... why would you waste the time to pull that out of your ass?

NEG hole looking for POS load

If I ran into this smug prick in public, I'd punch him with no remorse.

Because he's right.

They didn't want to join. The Sugar Plantations and invading US citizens coup d'etat the government and petitioned to be annexed. They didn't call it the Bayonet Constitution because the natives liked it.

Thanks to modern medical technology, there's a cure for every STD
>What about herpes?
Did you miss my herpes video? It's not a big deal any more. Everyone has it, no need to herpes shame people anymore
>What about HIV?
Well, we have the medicine to stave off the effects, so you can stay alive.
>Isnt that expensive
Not if you have Universal Health Care
*Adam turns to the screen*
If you voted for Trump in 2016, I hope you're happy for yourselves. We could have has endless meaningless sex with 0 repercussions, and open relationships. All the sex you want, and it would be awesome! Think of all the HIV and AIDS victims you killed voting for Trump. We had progress and you fucking white people killed it.

>the wall is dumb because you'd have to build it through mountains and towns
fucking retard and looks like an oompa loompa

what the hell is bug-chasing

I wish I had your innocence

I hate this fat retard and I hope he dies choking on HIV/herpes infested dicks.

>tfw common filth deleted all the tumblristas videos
even though he's kind of a fag and 100% irrelevant now, those were comfy to watch.

No you wouldn't pussy

>Fuck wypipo
>Vote for Hillary
>One scoop? Actually..

Awesome show.

I hate this stupid meme haircut beard combo

Are you a writer for the show

gay men actively seeking to infect others/themselves with HIV.

and in CA, it's no longer a felony.

The soy king

I hope this show ends with it's final episode being Adam Ruins Adam Ruins Everything and the entire time he explains how it is all a sham and the research team are frauds and that the showrunners are unabashedly agenda-pushing