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What did he do to deserve that?

what movie is this from?



mrs tom hardy in a tree




That would make a good reaction webm

what kind?

When someone completely refutes what someone was posting about.

I'll never forgive the janis for killing Battsposting in the cradle. Salut, jani.

Yeah, I actually enjoyed that meme


Reminds me of this.



thats a pretty doggie

get tha fuck out of here this cant be real...right?

yep that's from the new transformers movie. just google transformers aspect ratio to see people complaining, or in this video at the time stamp

other than having to watch the full vid of this kid, Im fucking baffled why they used different cameras for the same scene
did marky mark's contact state he can only be filmed in imax? I pray they never make another transfagger

>I pray they never make another transfagger

They're already making a reboot with Bumblebee.


theres a time stamp in the url the brings you right to it. you should only have to see a few minutes of the video

>On the run in the year 1987, Bumblebee finds refuge in a junkyard in a small Californian beach town. Charlie, on the cusp of turning 18 and trying to find her place in the world, discovers Bumblebee, battle-scarred and broken.
its either this shit or more capeshit, idk which is better to have

no I watched chapter 1 and 2 and got the aspect ratio part, Im just confused how that movie got passed quality control

Is this some sort of Imax/Digital 35m switching, are they just switching normal "35mm" cameras using different aspect ratios?

At least when someone like Nolan switches it for a long shot or such.

Trying to decide if I want to watch another movie, or if I am just going to go to bed with the wife.

Might be the wife so someone will have to keep this bumped


thats what I'm trying to figure out, it looks like they used three different cameras with three different types of film for every damn scene. I heard two where digital and imax idk what the latter is
is michal bay really this insane? someone on production had to know that was a bad idea

There's nothing I love more than still cameras in an action sequence, especially a really gritty one. Shit is sex

Well I guess for every good idea there is a dozen bad ideas, and perhaps they couldn't make that scene work without some of the bad ideas.

Tonight, Gherman joins the hunt!

What movie is this? I google black ice but couldnt fine anything


Black Coal, Thin Ice

your probably right but I have a feeling Bay has that george lucas effect on the staff, where no one wants or can put input on the planning and production
also he was probably too busy groping extras to care lol. also nice webm



Thanks. Yeah, that is a real issue when people are unwilling to set up and say "That a shitty idea"

I still laugh everytime I see this.

I think I watched this loop over 20 times, is this the witcher 1 in space???

is he capable of playing anything but an autist?

chinese kino


sh- she's perfect...!

jonathan strange and mr norrell, episode 4

Do a webm of the scene in Black coal where the guy steals the guys motorbike and leaves him a shitty one

he is good at it.

lets try spinning, thats a good trick


probably because they signed an agreement or just feel guilty because their getting paid way too much money, we'll probably never really know

I wonder this every time I see him in a film, giving a thousand yard stare to a 1 min panning scene seems like his tight cast

She has a fan club here. I started watching fortiude for her. I stayed for the comfy, police waifus ,and parasitic wasps

she use to be such a pure potato, you could barrel her and get 1st class vodka...now this
when will she do a full nude guys

I do not have the source anymore. Let me see if I can find a copy again.


Clicked wrong post


man british genes really do make their women into inbred swamp monsters

Give me 20 mins or so and I should have a source and be able to make it for you.


hopefully she just makes the jump to webcam porn and save us the hassle


BTW, how was valentines day for you anons?

>I forgot it was today (thought it was friday) till about noon.


Thanks in advance

wasted dubs


balk woulda been somewhat under the age of 18 in that movie i guess


okay, I am going to have to handbrake it due to the format. So it might be a hour or so.

No rush....hopefully others will find it amusing and it will have a life of its own.. it was a pretty kino scene


I just going to rip that section first, so I can do the scene. It is a good one.


here it is from the slap to him driving off. let me know if you want a lower quality that has him showing up on his old bike. Would min-max it but busy here.
