Saw a preview of Annihilation

Saw a preview of Annihilation

Short summary:

A rag tag group of women pull off what a team of male commandos couldnt, but not before Natalie Portman gets BLACKED


>my childhood waifu getting chocolate loving I wasn't able to give
I'm hype, Emma Watson and Emmy Rossum next?

Emma is a prude. she only gets the goods out if theres something in it for her (like a role in a Weinstein film).

I'm pretty sure Emily got blacked already, if not on film then definitely irl

>A rag tag group of women pull off what a team of male commandos couldnt

They weren't soldiers, they were medical, scientific and engineering experts given military training.

What advantage would men have over women when investigating a paranormal phenomenon?

There's a plot development explaining the gendered teams.

The book was quite good, but it's very obviously unfilmable. This is a slap-ass attempt at another "smart sci-fi" movie, but it will bomb hard.

There's an in-book reason for the team being all-women, though, not just nonsense female empowerment. Plus, Natalie Portman's character is so autistic she's practically genderless.

how is the cgi on the BLACKED?

>There's an in-book reason for the team being all-women

what was it? they didn't explain it in the film. Also Natalie wasnt autistic, although 3 other women definitely were (unironically so)

it was done using practical effects. They got an actual black guy, said he was a scientist, and then natalie rode him like an overpaid shabbos goy

In the book, they've tried dozens of expeditions with different personnel permutations and they always end in disaster.
This expedition was an attempt to see if an all-woman team would fare any better. it doesn't

Also, in the book, the Biologist (Natalie's character) is a complete weirdo, practically emotionless.

That doesn’t explain shit mother fucker.

>That doesn’t explain shit mother fucker.

1. I don't want to spoiler too much
2. The book goes out of its way to be vague as fuck with its explanations. The point is to make you feel like something so big and cosmic is going on that your tiny human consciousness can't even conceive it on a general level.

holy shit thats awful. why would they ever come to the conclusion it had to do with gender? did they also make teams by hair color and shoe size? reddit must love this book and movie

Looking forward to this movie
It was a great book

was the book written by a woman?

>The point is to make you feel like something so big and cosmic is going on that your tiny human consciousness can't even conceive it on a general level.

So what you're saying is that it's....Lovecraftian?


>Sup Forums sperging about a book and movie they haven't even seen yet because a woman is in it

Unironically yes. Jeff Vandermeer is a weird fictionfag. His wife and he even edited what might be the ultimate anthology on the subject to date

>actual women in the actual military literally dont know how to use firearms but scientist females (oxymoron) can

this looks like a netflix series

Is there an actual monster in this?

the patriarchy



>Natalie Portman gets BLACKED