If Westworld and Samuraiworld were real, what would you do?

If Westworld and Samuraiworld were real, what would you do?

Not rape

bring battle rifles to samurai world


wrestle naked with the hookers and have her choke me to near death

Have a drunken orgy with a bunch of prostitutes then go on a hungover murder spree.

this made me want to go back and watch city slickers, but i didn't.

seduce snek

i dont really know much about japanese history so i dont know what would be fun to do. raid a peasants rice field and rape their women? idk

pretty much what the man in black did
play the hero until I get bored then play the villain


Sun bathe in Water World

Become Hitokiri Battousai, nothin personnel kid.

Do some quests, rescue the ayy hooker and the farmer's daughter and fuck them.

Pretty much this

i'd fix the fucking plot of that black whore
i'd have sumos fight cows too

samuraiworld seems boring. i'd rather have pirates of the carribean world, that would unironically be fun as shit

Run a slavery operation

>Westworld and Samuraiworld
>Not Eastworld

Fucking idiot.

post superior theme parks

make sure to request one of these for when they get uppity

Would be too dangerous and expensive because water. People could drown, and while a wild west or feudal japan landscape is easy to recreate, caribbean seas are not so much. Unless it's a land focused pirate park, but that would suck.

i'd go full weeaboo and cook rice meals for passing ronin samurai whose honor has been besmirched but who are basically good men despite this, even if they are robots.

Fantasyworld. I just want cute elves and shit.

amerifat world

can you get to the mcdonalds drive-through without getting shot in the mcdonalds drive-by?

ok im a burger and i kekd

you could call it... Sexual Fantasy Kingdom! there could be like five different districts..

smell farts all day long

can you imagine feeding one of those cowgirls nothing but tins of baked beans?

>black whore
only good part of the show

there's all sorts of ways people can die in westworld though, i don't think pirateworld would be more dangerous than westworld

> banjo music intensifies

Hold out for Medieval world.

Being a knight for catholic France would be my thang.

Sup Forums meetup when?


we will join the 13th and cross the rubicon

>post superior theme parks

WWII World

Nothing, cause I'd be too poor to get in there.

oy vey dont for get the 6 contillion

>>black whore
>only good part of the show

They should have cast an actual hot Black chick.

The abbreviation in the show is SW.
I doubt it's referring to Southwest World.

Only if you can fight for the axis


Rifles existed during Feudal Japan

Just to see how they'd do it.

Basically just 50s America

Pure kino

a return to McCarthyism would solve so many of our problems

I wonder if there's a permanent residence package.
Also I raise you Mobworld.

They're not getting my hard earned cash unless they open FutaWorld.

>say hello to my little friend
Takes on a whole new meaning if you consider the shrink ray

What is it about rape that makes it so appealing in every context? It just works as a fantasy.

protest their existence and fight for ai rights

Consequence-free domination.

Now we're talking.

>The ride never ends

>women are consistently hot as fuck
>towns, including cities not known for comfort, are extremely comfy
>occasional overpowering horror/surrealism
>hilarious shit happens all the time
I'd live there, user.

Gangsterworld, 1920s Chicago.

More like hackworld


They're already on spaceworld.

rape Evan Rachel Wood

Same, underrated post

Why is fart fetish so common on this website?

>but its tuesday

snek isn't black

Creepiest looking human to ever live

No it’s not

Freudian stages of psycho development

The majority of users of this website line up with the age range of those he hypothesized would be in the "anal fixation" phase of development

Wiki dat shit

Be too much of a poorfag to afford it and bitch on /trv/ or Sup Forums that it's probably stupid anyway


It would be like a 50's esque vision of the space age.
Doesn't work. You spin this to generate "gravity" greater than what it naturally would have on the surface and it tears itself apart, because gravity is what's holding it together in the first place.

>It kind of stinks..

How much does it cost to get in?

to rape BILLIONS

40k burger currency

Starts with an R and ends in E

do you have to use a shrink ray to go to all of them?

Spend all week going huntin for mountain lions and ibexes and shit, make all the robits carry my guns and pemmican and hardtack and whatnot.

>what would you do?
Anything that moved.

Whine about lack of endgame progression and poor itemization that leads to stagnation of the meta.
Probably would rape too.


This. It's like Disney calling TomorrowLand AnotherDayLand.

Victorianworld, obviously

>So user, are you an M1 or a Stahlhelme?

I bet hairy Japanese peasant snatches were rancid as fuck. Honestly that doesn't sound like much fun at all

Every edgelord signs up for the roaming death squads their first time around.

The ones to watch out for are the sick fucks who volunteer for camp duty.

>become sheriff
>hold town meeting first night
>lock everyone in
>burn them alive

>tie girl to railroad tracks
>twirl mustache

>beat someone's head in with a sledgehammer


Jurassic park

>I bet hairy Japanese peasant snatches were rancid as fuck. Honestly that doesn't sound like much fun at all
but japan themselves have been bathing forever

way more then smelly hairy baka gaijin monkies who thought bathing was a terrible thing at the same time

Parkworld. A collection of different parks from all over the flat earth

yeah i don't think a random peasant girl plowing the field had access to an onsen

Arab world


Definitely be a rogue samurai that kills and raids for fun but regain my honor in an epic village saving battle

>what would you do?

He said rifles, not flintlocks.

>They got you COLD!!
>Relax... i got an angle *winks

No they didn't. Firearms yes, but not rifles.
Depending on what era anyways.

What if LoliWorld was real Sup Forums ?

get me some shota boipucci in samurai world

Nice reference

I'd be a loli.
Me on the far right with the pigtails