>31 year old motivational rapper from Canada
>Quits his job to pursue his dreams, now 160k in debt
>Selling his car and committing credit fraud for studio time
>Completely and obstinately oblivious to how much he sucks

It's only a matter of time before he snaps and murder-suicide's himself and his wife. Let's enjoy the ride while it lasts.


A taste of his music:

Other urls found in this thread:


im out

hell be fine

couldnt make he more than 15 seconds, how is he supposed to make it if people cant stand him?

he's in something like 220k debt now


>31 year old white man trying to become a rapper

This is what happens when you tell kids they can be anything they want. Actually you can't be anything you want to be when you grow up.

Guy is probably going to have to work at Starbucks paying of debt for the rest of his life. He should probably just cut his losses, change his name, and move to a different country.

>those comments

Realistically though he is too far gone, might as well go balls deep them declare bankruptcy.

t. philistine

my man unk gonna make it just you wait

This guy is so bad he is good and loops back to bad again.


Listened to a couple of songs and have a serious question.
What the fuck is with rappers, self aggrandising, and self victimisation?

>muh best lyrics
>muh they're out to get me
>muh genius

And how the FUCK do people enjoy that? Its so fucking narcissistic i want to throw up.

Those haircuts are like 30 bucks at least, this guy wasted his money.

rap kino?

Its like "Ha ha I showed them!" but the problem with that is sometimes people are right when they say you have no talent

I want to feel bad for him, but I can't. feels weird

who /beast/ here?

If this guy is getting famous, its through him self imploding in his vlogs and not his music.

God damn! he looks like those duracell commercials from the 90's
With those weird mannequin families

this is the kind of lame shit you'd hear in a sonic game or something

that's such a boring generic flow, it's ALMOST kino because of the song's title.

Fuck this corny fucking dork. This is terrible

he's built like a middle aged housewife who fills up her spare time by going to the gym

he got the fantano curse

that toon town?
I could see a guy from sask doing this

>that fucking framing

Good thing he's a wannabe rapper and not a wannabe videographer.

Thats why its funny, he is 220k in debt to support this? Dude even jews have trouble getting their kids in the music biz

shut up hater

Is this a million dollar extreme skit?

Bingo. The only decent art he will ever produce is his documenting of his downhill trek to murder-suicide.

It's a kino genre.

he pays people thousands of dollars for studio time and videos. that's why he's in so much debt

Just watched these videos and they are recorded in September, and he said that he would only upload these if he was successful so hes successful?

No, it's skeet skeet.

should have taken his 164k to /biz/

>i have all these bills and debt
>so im gonna sell my car and get about $6k
>...and film another video

oh boi he doin it

Maybe its all lies and he is actually quite wealthy

this is some channel awesome tier shit

>sold his house and put the money into production
>still 164k in debt
>26k youtube subs, mostly people there for the memes

There are 18 year olds with youtube channels making millions with $500 worth of equipment. I think this dude has no fucking clue.


Just d/l this from YT, added it to my gym playlist

He is insecure, is afraid to show vulnerability and lacks heart.

Holy shit I never thought I would see an Unkle Adams thread outside of Sup Forums lmao
Am I living in Bizzaro World or some shit I'm laughing so hard

>muh best lyrics
>muh they're out to get me
>muh genius
See this is the issue
Rap is a performance, your persona and your character are tied to your music maybe more than any other genre. So it's not just about saying you're a genius and the best, it's about making people fucking believe it. And that's a lot harder to do when you're a Canadian white dude with $160k in debt and a baby face that makes you look either 15 or 40

>I think this dude has no fucking clue.
Well, no shit. He's literally paying other people to produce his music and videos for him. He hasn't got a clue what he's doing.

fagtano laying down the law

What the fuck is with wannabe musicians quitting their jobs before they've made it
Like if you actually have the time and effort available to have both a full-time job and a music career then you probably shouldn't fucking change anything

Classic Gen X

31 isnt gen X retard

Fantano both gave him a second heaping of attention and outed himself as STILL being a Sup Forumstant after all these years by devoting one of his most recent videos to him... Literally the only reason

ohhhhhh so THIS is who fantano was talking about
yeah that totally makes sense

>two weeks from now
>scrolling down Sup Forums or Sup Forums
>hear that this guy committed suicide

Good to see people my age fucking up so I can feel better about myself.



God damn Fantano isn't even being subtle about Sup Forums pandering anymore
I'm so sick of the culture he's spawned. He's not even a good reviewer either, you can straight up predict what he's going to give an album at this point. As soon as I saw The OOZ getting hyped by all the big publications I knew he was going to shit on it for attention

Yeah they are?

>Sup Forums likes him
The state of that board. More proof that music isn't about artistic merit, but memes.

What the fuck is a motivational rapper?

d d dont be closed minded

They are millennials aka Gen Y

I love seeing people put there life spiraling down for us all to witness

his meme potential is high to be fair

Nah, they're not though. This guy is the face of Gen X.

reminds me of Drake -600k

>rap about equality



it worked for that mediocre guy from Oregon

he used a rap about gay rights to get publicity

hot new
new single

just fuck my shit up - feat dj psychosis

Eat a dick homo, millennials are 18 to 35 year olds

Honestly that music video made me chuckle

how is this tv related my mods?

>He didn't already know about based Unk

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

>"you are looking at the one" above the mirror
What a fucking faggot. I would pay money to watch him suicide. Maybe that's how he can get himself out of debt.

shh schadenfreude it be too good not to savor this

>160k in debt
My man!

Sup Forums remix when? Basically add dramatic music to 8:46–10:05

eh people with less talent made it.

>tfw incoming suicide kino

>the exact attitude of people who are smart enough to see societal patterns and smart enough to desire something else, but not even close to being intelligent enough to make it happen

Women with tattoos disgust me. People with tattoos full stop but especially women.

This is interesting but I'm getting acting vibes from this.

Try watching DSP through detractor videos, his fall is genuine. I'm not buying that this guy isn't just building up his youtube channel, he seems like a normie pretending to go off the beaten track.


thats a girl not a woman

Is this the natty limit?

shes 13

Why knew that what the world really wanted was hot 13 yearolds?

As if Sup Forums isn't a meme-ridden shithole

Pro tip: There is no reason for this guy to tell the truth about his financial status. For all we know, he could have a multi-million dollar trust fund, and never have to work a day in his life, and he either doesn't have any debt or the debt is gross debt, not net debt (all debt - all assets = net debt).

Dude just needs to get on that christian-rap gravy train.

Hot 13 year old girls have been the primary form of diplomacy for thousands of years, so I'd say it was a fairly well-established fact.

It's all the same shit really, I wouldn't be surprised if it was all made in a studio by a group of (((men))) in suits, given millions of fake views for $$$ and then pushed everywhere

Why would he lie about his wealth in this way? The cliche of poor backgrounds died with Kanye West.

for attention... jesus christ.

easy attention

Do you think Sup Forums would be making threads about him for free if he didn't make it seem like his life was imploding?

See also: Sam Hyde claiming he's living in his car while begging for gibs

Even worse. Don't you need to be an adult to get a tattoo in a first world country?

I mean come on people, are we at least allowed to admit the ones with huge tits are attractive?
Get the fuck outta here with that "eww I prefer old crones thank you very much"
Really? really dude?

Yeah but he raps about being successful.
He is not an intentional comedian.
This is making him look like an idiot goofball
Look at that jewish rapper that was memed everywhere, where is he now?

>be teenager
>think that I'm a lot smarter than I am
>write a screenplay because like totally all movies suck
>realize after that I finish that mine sucks worse than that
>decide to finish school and wagecuck

Is it better to keep a delusion or to find out without a doubt that you are talentless?

It's a paint-on """tattoo""", you smol brained mammal.