I've never seen one episode. Should I even bother? What am I in for?

I've never seen one episode. Should I even bother? What am I in for?

Watch the pickle rick episode.

Fuck you.

It's really clever, sort of a combination of back to the future, doctor who, etc.. The last time I had this much fun watching a cartoon, I was watching Drawn Together.

It's pretty good actually.
Protip: If Sup Forums hates it, it's probably good

Smartest show on television.

has a show ever become less popular so fast?

Watch another Adult Swim show instead.

There's a few good episodes in the first two seasons. The third season is trash.

should be able to help you out more

just watch american dad or even family guy

At its best it's incredible, at its worst it's still better than Family Guy and zombie Simpsons


Good show desu though the quality drops after the first season.

Don't let the meme get to you, it is pretty good.

honest opinion: It starts off good but then they go up in their own ass and try to be dramatic.

I liked the first two seasons, but really haven't bothered with season 3 cause I'm just not in the mood. Really, Justin Roiland is the best part.


A bad interpretation of fredrick neichze banging the worst of philip k dick the tv show

This. The writers forget they are writing a science fiction spoof cartoon and end up in teenager soap opera territory sometimes.

Mild entertainment in free form form improv.

If you're a Dnd nerd and like Dan Harmon check out Harmon Quest.

i only saw the first episode before i had to stop
>shit animation
>shit voice acting
>shit jokes
dont do it user