Read about Korgoth of Barbaria

>Read about Korgoth of Barbaria
>People go on and on about how "it's a shame it was never picked up"
>Finally decide to check it out
>mfw it's another lame "SERIOUS BUT TOTALLY NOT LE SERIOUS BECAUSE IT'S LE FUNNY" shitshow like Archer or Venture Bros or Rick & Morty

Is this honestly the best American animation can produce? Poop jokes and violence?

I'm glad this shit was never picked up, it's already bad enough dealing with fans of those aforementioned cancertoons, but this would have just been another annoying notch in Adult Swim's subpar offerings. This is the kind of joke I'd expect if the show had been picked up:

>>Korgoth has violent diarrhea, so he uses a giant monsters head as a toilet like he's Duke Nukem LMAO

Is this truly worth lamenting over?

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Cool story. .

Idk it seemed fun at the time. Get the stick out of your ass

user if Korgoth is a bad cartoon I want you to give me an example of a good one. What comedies do you like?

Spawn: The Animated Series

When will there ever be another american animated show like that?

Every time I hear people talk about this pilot is to shit on it.

i found the korgoth pilot while deep into a youtube acid exploration and somehow convinced me i had ingested poison that would kill me if i didnt solve a riddle using youtube videos and comments

Ren n Stimpy is better.

Clerks (cartoon)
The original Garfield and Friends cartoon
Classic Simpsons
Eltingville Club

You realize that was 10 years ago right?

Oh and King of the Hill and Mission Hill

Nothings changed like I mentioned (the cancer toons of Venture Bros and Rick & Morty)

We're really bitching about 10 year old cartoons that weren't even made past the pilot episode? Don't you realize the cartoon not being made means your opinion wins?

We get it, you're a Gen X loser

I only liked it because of the self-aware video game memes and references.

>Walks into a bar to talk to some guy
>Guy sits at the table acting like a DM, and rolling dice

Oh yeah, and the Kristy Karacas style brawls.
I'm just glad to see he got picked up to do the fight scenes for Superjail.

fortunately adventure time came along with basically the same setting as korgoth

Never, one of HBO's finer moments

Compared to the shit Adult Swim was greelighting at the time, like 12 oz. mouse (pic related) it was a masterpiece

12 years

ya, strong meme

I still can't comprehend why that Squidbillies garbage keeps getting renewed. That show is so wretchedly unfunny.

I really don't understand the appeal to these shows. They're fucking boring, mostly not funny and I feel like I'm getting dumber by watching them.

12 oz. Mouse is fucking untouchable

Must be the budget

The difference is that Korgoth embraced being a stupid yet entertaining animation for adults whereas Rick and Morty pretends to be something more than it is. The animation is also much better.

Is Squidbillies the last holdout of "classic" Adult Swim? I'm not a regular watcher, but it seems like any time I catch it, it's all KotH/Seth Macfarlane reruns, low budget live action shit, and Rick and Morty.

Go to bed Pan

I just saw at Walmart that they have the complete Duckman series on DVD. I'm thinking about picking that up.

Venture Bros, Squidbillies, Robot Chicken. Last remnants of classic Adult Swim.

I definitely forgot about Robot Chicken, and Venture Bros. being on perpetual hiatus.

Venture Bros. is the last thing they have from the Sealab/Harvey Birdman days, and even that only produces 10ish episodes every 2-3 years. And the only reason it hasn't gone to utter shit like most other cartoons is because Chris McCulloch and Doc Hammer won't let anybody else write it, unlike most cartoons where the creator makes the pilot and then lets other people write the rest of the series.

Thank you, user, first time hearing about this. You're sending me down the mouse hold blind.

Literally never, ever again.

I also love how Venture Bros does not GIVE A SINGLE FUCK about trying to be an inviting show to new audiences. If you don't start from the beginning well you're fucked.

It has more in common with The Sopranos then it does with any other Western Cartoon.

I don't think that's really their intent. But since they've only got 10ish 21 minute episodes to geta whole season's storyline they can't literally waste a second on trying to recap or explain anything to new viewers so they have to trust fans will put 2+2 together and work out what's going on even if they leave things relatively unexplained. Which is nice.

Robot Chicken and Venture Bros are kind of getting lamer with new seasons.

sounds like you would fit the standard adultswim demographic

They even ripped off the parasite/potion thing from Elric

The only reason it failed was because it was on HBO but the again what other network would run it