What le fuck did I just watch?

What le fuck did I just watch?


a great movie and one of kauffman's best

I'm going to guess it was Being John Malkovitch, though I might be mistaken if pic is not related, as is sometimes the case

What it feels like to be John Malkovich

Malkovich's malkovich malkovich malkovich. Malkovich malkovich malkovich.




Malkovich, Malkovich Malkovich, Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich!

If you had to write a thesis on this movie what would it be?

Life is weird, sometimes.

My name is Schwartz



why did kaufman choose malkovich in the first place? was he his friend? what would have happened if malkovich didn't want to do the movie?

A masterpiece

Can you answer

no one is going to do your homework for you, you stupid cunt.

>People like you still exist

It would not have worked unless it had Malkovich and Cusack.

Don't write it. Don't bother. With that level of intelligence of yours you're going to become a fry tosser anyway

It's very Lynchian

I have a drinking problem?
You’re a mormon.



One studio was like "yes I see but we think it would be better if it was Being Tom Cruise" and the told them to fuck off.

i want to see that movie

I just wanted to start conversation. I think I would probably make it what conflict arises from wanting to live ideally as opposed to realistically.

what do you mean by this, please explain point by point with references.

Well the movie is called Being John Malkovich so they really didn't have a choice.

I hated this movie but love all of his other stuff. It's bizarre.

K. I. N. O.