Why wasn't he arrested for attempted murder? Those traps were dangerous

Why wasn't he arrested for attempted murder? Those traps were dangerous

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Stand-your-ground law

Fantastic hyperbole humor that Sup Forums is known for. Mm.

That only applies when you're at home.

He was, alone.

Home Alone 2 was such shit

Incorrect, Stand Your Ground states that you have no duty to retreat from a real or perceived threat. It applies anywhere.

No jury on Earth would convict him.

I would.

That's why you're here.

And he's in there and that we're out here, and that he's the sheriff, and that we're frozen out here, and that we're in there, and I just remembered, we're out here.
What I wanna know is, where's the caveman?

But who was phone?

He was white. If he was black, he would have been arrested and charged as an adult.

Why did Scar say "Long live the king" if he was going to kill him right then?

It's a scooby doo reference you literal retard

Because the initial traps while unpleasant weren't life threatening and served to ward people off, anyone who continued accepted the risk of death themselves. He gave them fair non-verbal warning, and so he isn't at fault for escalating when risk of personal injury/death/assrape increased.

who the fuck remembers a single line or plot from scooby doo?

Can you imagine if they had actually caught Kevin in the second one and the entire third act was them just brutally butt raping him before ditching him in a dumpster somewhere.

Now THAT would have been cinematic history.



cause he's 12 ain't no jury in the land going to prosecute a 12yr old against two grown ass men

Depends on the state and their individual jurisdictions.

What jury would convict a little boy defending his own home from a skeleton and a fucking sick maniac goodfella?

>breaking and entering
>setting up lethal traps in the home you broke into
>credit card fraud
He's literally worse than the wet bandits.

Stand Your Ground and boobytrapping laws are two entirely separate things.

Boobytrapping your home is illegal practically everywhere in the US, regardless of any 'stand your ground' law.

>Those traps were dangerous

Why don’t you swooce yourself out of here, retard

why did Marv turn into a skeleton?

>t. Never Been Electrocuted

>Phone poster doesn't know how electricity works

>flamethrower trap on the open back door
>not life threatening

What a man! Mind like a steel trap, and watches children's cartoons

The stairs to that door were unassailable unless you really couldn't take a hint.

Now now, he insulted them a little bit and got a little outta order hisself.


That only applies when you shoot them dead with guns.

because we let women and children get away with everything

He doesn't live in Sweden so self-defence is still legal.

it was a different time.

you're thinking of castle doctrine

He's not wrong.

It's the same in the states except the robber or his family sues you if he dies or gets hurt breaking in to your home

As far as traps go, yes. But if we're talking normal self defense then no you are totally allowed to defend yourself.

>commits credit card fraud
>acts like absolute dick to hotel staff and family
>sets and executes fatal traps for "bandits"

kids a menace to society and should spend his golden years in juvie

I think he was being ironic.



>spend golden years in juvie
Why would they wait until he is an old man to put him in juvie?