Correct Answer: Yes!

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I wouldn't even incest as my cousin


Who is this? What's their relation to me? We talking making out or no-pill bareback?

not with that thing

She's not related to me.

yandere sister best sister

I would say her tits are awful but desu it is Facial Abuse that has some of the worst female physical shortcomings you will ever regret seeing

>Not the same body
>Not the same DNA
Literally nothing wrong with it, besides MUH MORALS!

her face is massive

Yes I would.

>when u making a face and u run out of polygons

Yes. Yes! Guess I'm weird.

Wasn't she in that facial abuse video?


>tfw your bro is retarded hothead who ruins everything despite your best efforts to save him and make the family godlike

Takeshi is such a cuck he even gave up his sleeve so his new thot could get her old boyfriend back.
I dont know if i cant take watching season 2 after that ending.

>Hasn't seen brother for 10+ years
>Resents him for abandoning her
>Meets him again
>Instantly wants his cock
How do women's minds work?

Only if she crashes her murder-rape ship for me and promises to steer herself towards more wholesome business pursuits.

She can crash it with the guests still on board if she truly insists on being that edgy.

Thanks for reminding me to check out what's new on efukt

He was a proud AZN man, he was gonna drop that disgusting Gaijin body at the first opportunity anyways.

Plus his Nubian Queen's whole message that he was willing to drink the koolaid for was that sleeves were nothing but a weapon, the dude didn't give a fuck.

The ending was fine, the show was fine, not good, not great, but fine.

Murder has a way of bringing family members together.

Ill only keep watching for the cyberpunk but Cuck-keshi is no longer bro-tier.
On and great we'll have to see him swooning after that yas kween who can literally do everything because black women are so powerful.

ayy lmao

No pill bareback in another woman's body.

I stopped enjoying the series very much after episode 7. i won't be bothering watching season 2. Overall i'd rank season 1 at like a 6/10, they went full retard with alot of modern day liberal tropes.

I mean black women of all women are probably the most capable for war

The ending of episode 6 was the point where the show went full retard

>Dichen Lachman was born in Kathmandu, Nepal, to a Tibetan mother and Australian father

El abominaciĆ³n de Australia


la creatura

there's no race that's the most capable for war, this is just bullshit stereotyping
look at warmongering civilizations in history, they are all over the globe uniformly corresponding to regional power capability. most of the images of ancient cultures are just stereotypes of their peoples, everyone was more or less the same when they were separately at the same technological levels.

she looks like that sorta cute asian chick who got violently facefucked here

okay am i out of the loop sorry, are you talking about the same thing as

. when you say on here do you mean Sup Forums?

I ment the facial abuse clip as well, user.

There's most likely a webm on /gif/... yup.. hope I can link this right..


She's an aussie m8. She was on neighbours.

>"Why the long face?"

it was a different time..

Since Rei is crazy, no.
I'll pick the mexican chick.

>supposed to be some badass super soldier
>turns out to be a jungle rebel trained by a Mary Sue negress

i was rooting for her and Bancroft tbqh, they had the right idea

Muh WaspFu

Ok but talking about raw power a tall black woman wins

>no uprising
>Battle of Stronghold
>no battle

what does dna have to do with anything?

You use three meme arrows if you want to cross board link.

Episode written by Sam Raimi

Outside of the US deep south people are actually worried about having retard children

not my type. i don't like plastic faces. call me crazy.

that's a common misconceptions. first time incest even between siblings has only a slight higher chance of breeding retards than not related couples have. the real problems appear when inbreeding continues for at least 4 generations

>Americans are such savages they can't help themselves from raping, even their fucking ally.

A lot of these mutt have such a strange appeal to them...

all these shitskins

I have to agree with this. The last few episodes ruined the show for me.

This isn't even relevant because they're not even genetically related in their sleeves. Instead of incest the real problem here is miscegenation.

her sister in pink grew up to be a massive feminist, shes got nudes online too

>half gook is sister to some half abo girl and wog boy
lmao wtf

australian climate
also, the kid's a greek, the girl is half abo and waspfu is half gook

seen them
her cunt is a massive axe wound

Whats her name? Shes ugly and doesn't have the big moon face and spaced out eyes but I'll check them out

she's a lesbian in a relationship with a man

Caitlin Stasey

Oh yeah I think I know that one. I just looked up this Dichen Lachman and shes from my city. That's pretty cool.

Kathmandu or Adelaide?
are you nepalese, mate?

is this show worth watching?

Adelaide brah. Is this the nude of caitly stasey you were talking about? I went searching and there were too many to scroll through

i would tottaly fuck her as takeshi when she was in the spics body desu


And it's beautiful

that's the one.
you can tell by the axe wound