Netflix is usually shit, but

Just finished this. Surprisingly good. Any other recent horror movies that are worth watching?

Other urls found in this thread:ötunn

Most lovecraft-ian movie in a while. Much more in-tone than The Void. This could literally be ran as a good Call of Cthulhu campaign

They Look Like People is a weird sortof horror movie that's pretty good for what it is and is not well known.

It was a Wendigo, eh? Wouldn't be a bad idea to tap into native american mythology as a base for new horror. That hasn't been done too much.

Is A Dark Song better than The Ritual? It's also on Netflix. I enjoyed Ritual, but mostly for the novelty. It's a 6/10 at best.

Wendigo is done in a lot of Wild West RPGs like Deadlands. This is based on Swedish (Nordic?) mythology KINDA. I think the "it picks the weakest link to praise me" is all made up though

yes Dark Song is better.

This movie was extremely bland and average. Mere competence in a genre desperately in need of quality films should not be celebrated.

>the genre needs good movies
>don't celebrate the best new releases

Fuck off, you pretentious retard.

It was a Jotunn.ötunn

>the ritual

Pick 1

If you want to celebrate mediocrity, nobody will stop you.

It didn't pick the weakest link. The woman said it picked him because he had experienced a lot of pain. Alternatively, it could have picked him because he's a coward that will let someone else die to save himself, meaning he's perfect for arranging sacrifices.

This but without the snobbery/faggotry. The movie was alright. It did a decent job building tension and maintaining the atmosphere (decent, not great), cult stuff is always fun, and the monster looked cool. That said, the characters all sucked, the cult stuff was way too rushed, the shots were kind of boring, and the very ending was meh (it looked like the final dude was competing in his very own Release the Hounds episode). It was a 6.5/10, a B-, a rough handjob.

if you're going to samefag at least switch up the terms you're using to bash the movie...or, you know, go post in another fucking thread

>Movie starts out as really creepy, super eerie
>The cabin just ramps it up
>Keeps building tension, suspense
>Some indications that it can mess with your mind a bit
>Monster shows up
>Movie instantly deflates, any mood or atmosphere is gone
>They don't even bother with it having some kind of mental effect anymore
>After one of the guys dies it's literally just "run, the monster is after us, keep running, it's behind us, don't stop running"
>Cultist subplot was boring and somewhat pointless

What a letdown

Netflix just bought this movie, it didnt produce it

yeah... fool me once...
fuck you, reddi/tv/, nice try

I watched this recently and was pleasantly surprised, it was pretty good.

Wait a dark song is better than this? God damn, I was looking forward to watching the ritual but after hearing that I'm feeling skeptical. Dark Song was so fucking boring. It's a slow burner the entire movie which I'm fine with but the problem is it never pays off. Compare it to another slow burn horror movie like The Witch where the final scene is actually creepy and works better thanks to the build up. The ending of A Dark Song where she gets taken to hell or whatever is so lame, nothing remotely interesting or creepy happens. I do have to give the movie props for actually showing the angel though, in most movies I'd expect it to be an ambiguous white light or something like that.

The Hallow
is worth checking out. About a guy and his family triggering the
local faerie population somewhere in wild Ireland, then trying to
stop them kidnapping their son.

Decent UK production, worth a watch

after the cabin the movie just loses it, it goes from creepy to silly in 5 mins

It was ok for a horror flick but the ending and le natural light meme ruined it completely

I really liked The Borderlands/Final Prayer, much better than The Ritual, actually

Listen guy I hate everything as much as the next guy but it was a decent movie at least

>They don't even bother with it having some kind of mental effect anymore
Why are you commenting on a movie you didn't watch? How much is Marvel paying you to shit on Netflix?

The ending was the only part I take issue with. Most horror movies end like this: with either the protagonist dying (or being stuck in a never-aging cult), or with the protagonist being the sole survivor. But the whole movie was about how this guy was a coward who abandoned his friend. The end should have been him somehow sacrificing himself to save one of them. Otherwise the movie has no thematic conclusion, it's just things happening.

Stopped reading right there

trailer or movie needed this song, somewhere
seriously if you read this and think "i dont normally open youtube links" you need to put that aside for a moment and come take my hand, human child

not really horror but "the witch" is pretty good

dont listen to the retard
this movie is leagues ahead of dork song in terms of atmosphere, suspense, acting, reveals and having no annoying wamen protagonist
I would actually compare it to VVitch, since it has a similar feel to it
the cinematography is extremely nice, especially how they overlayed the dreamlike sequences onto the forest, great lighting in these
there are obviously some weaker parts, like they maybe showed too much of the monster or could have made it appear a bit scarier
good dark forest core kino too, dont bother with the imdb rating
absolute garbage b-movie, dont even mention it in the same sentence
I feel like the ending wasnt what the director intented. It felt badly edited and like scenes were missing.
Luke's arc basically was be coward -> blame yourself, lash out at friends -> take charge, try to help friends but still being a coward/run away -> actually facing the threat instead of running away

I liked it, monster design was really good.

>They Look Like People
I liked that more than I thought I was going to.

A Dark Song
Across the River
The Forgotten (UK 2014)

This was shit. Standards for horror have really dropped hard in recent years if this is "surprisingly good".
>showing friend's death over and over subplot goes nowhere
>cultist subplot goes nowhere
>no good explanation of what the ritual actually was
>monster looks fucking retarded when it's finally revealed
>literal elder god is staggered by an axe wound from some screaming soyboy and just lets him go despite how badly he insulted it

The last horror movie I actually enjoyed was The Similars (2015).

Some great recommendations in this thread.
I'll add to it:
>Sauna (Finnish movie set in a medieval swamp)
>1922 (a rare good netflix production)

So can anyone explain the mythology behind this?
Why did it choose Luke?

well, this proves that people who dislike this movie are retarded.

>cultist subplot goes nowhere
where did it need to go? they are a foil to be vanquished. and the movie fully explains why they worship the giant and comes to a satisfying conclusion with their destruction.

>no good explanation of what the ritual actually was
the ritual was interrupted, but it's pretty obvious it involved being marked by the jotunn, the kneeling before it while it rises above you and shows you a moment of great pain in your life. the main character was clearly meant to kill his friend in the vision, but instead attacked the jotunn.
>monster looks fucking retarded when it's finally revealed
you're retarded.
>literal elder god is staggered by an axe wound from some screaming soyboy and just lets him go despite how badly he insulted it
it doesn't let him go, it can't cross the boundary of the forest, it can only exist in the woods thanks to all the iconography carved into the trees

Mythology fag here. There is none, it's just made up shit.
When they said "bastard offspring of Loki" I assumed the creature was meant to be Fenris but it bears no resemblance to the Fenris myth. Also when the cultist woman is about to die she says a word that sounds like "Vali" which is actually the name of one of Loki's children but ironically it was one of the few who wasn't a bastard. It could be some Swedish word though, I dunno.

It chose Luke because he had great pain, which means that he would make a good servant/devotee. The rest of the people are executed because they are normies, and would eventually turn on the cult.

It was a weak bastard god and seemed to rely on the cult as much as they relied on him.

It was literally identified as a Jötunn, not Fenris or Vali or whoever the fuck.

Sort of like how Loki is a Jötunn in the Marvel movies.

Netflix is shilling the movie right now too

thats cliched as fuck

Loki had children with giantesses and they were born as mad creatures like Odin's horse.

I'm just naming Loki's known children with a Jotunn mother who could technically be considered Jotunn too.

"protagonist lives at the end!" is even more cliched.

What matters is that the ending would tie into the entire theme of the movie, rather than just feeling random and out-of-place.

Sup Forums is overrating this movie to death.

It takes interesting ideas and passable cinematography and drowns them to death with tired cliches.

Horror movies are really an amazing genre - they take something original and unique, and make it look run-of-the-mill and stale. It's an industry that devours good premises and concepts, and shits out

The thing kind of fits the description of Odin's horse, but Odin's horse isn't the child of a giantess. It's literally the child of a super strong horse that squirted horse cum inside Loki's boipussy and made him pregnant.

I'm not saying it's Sleipnir, it has only 4 legs for a start, only that Loki has a tendency to sire monstrous offspring.

The movie is garbage but you dislike it for all the wrong reasons.

>>showing friend's death over and over subplot goes nowhere

How does it go nowhere? The characters have interactions about it throughout the movie, and the main character's cowardice gets beaten in that cathartic screaming at the end.

>cultist subplot goes nowhere

It's exposition. I thought the cult was generally handled pretty poorly, but I can't see how it 'goes nowhere' when it leads to the death of a character, and the protag manning up.

>>no good explanation of what the ritual actually was

Clearly human sacrifice.

>>monster looks fucking retarded when it's finally revealed

I didn't like it either.

>>literal elder god is staggered by an axe wound from some screaming soyboy and just lets him go despite how badly he insulted it
>literal elder god

How can it be a 'literal elder god' when it's a 'literal bastard of a non-elder god'?

> just lets him go despite how badly he insulted it

1) It clearly hates the sun, as shown by its nightly appearances. The final encounter happens as day breaks, on the edge of a forest. It doesn't want to leave the shadows of the forest.
2) The whole point is that the character manned up. It's not inconceivable that the monster either recognized that as a virtue and let him go, or that it actually got afraid since it's clearly not invulnerable.

So? Sony didn't actually make the last of us. It just put up the money for someone to make it. It still belongs to netflix.

This. Holy fuck, was The Ritual predictable. What is up with Netflix's quality control? Every line and scene was a trope. Every time something bad occurs, the characters yell "Why is?!" and "What is?!" when they're out in a forest and possibly being tracked. Also the "strange place and/or entity reflects your worst fears" trope is a dead horse. It's literal grade school English class psychology. At least Pennywise has a tangible backstory to the characters.

And of course the muggers are white. And the story contains a whites-have-twisted-past modern subversion. And the fat bespectacled friend suffers an injury early on.

You find a 500-lb buck about 15 feet off the ground between two trees, all you have is a pocket knife? And you stay the path? And you have kids at home? GTFO. This script was written in two days. Netflix should pay us to sit through this depressing horror grool.

>And of course the muggers are white.
I wish you would have just started your whiny diatribe with this, so I would have known not to waste my time reading any further.

he's still not wrong about the Ritual being cliched tripe

Why do people always get scared to the point of pissing themselves by seeing runes, straw sculptures and other vaguely creepy shit in the woods? I remember tripping balls in the woods once and actually straight up seeing a wendigo, my only thought was "this is pretty cool".

I mean, it was probably all the dismembered bodies and murder that tipped the scales.

They started freaking out and pissing their pants long before anyone actually got murdered.


Fucking shitty writers. It's not like being in woods at night isn't scary enough by itself. Shitty, cliche'd OH NO SOMETHING BAD IS GOING ON signs just ruin immersion.

Because of the nightmares?

Agreed 100%. Knowing you're absolutely alone is so much more bleak.

This. Zero research went into this movie. It has no reason to exist, and hurts the horror genre as a result. One of those movies where you wonder why those involved behind the camera got into the business.

>we'll briefly show a convenient store in the middle of the woods, a great trailer shot!

>we'll show Viking-like carvings on trees! And place a wicker antler thing in a cabin!

>our creature is inspired by the Wendigo-like in Stephen Kimg's Pet Sematary book, because the director wants to do the PS remake!


I thought the creature was amazing up until they did multiple full body shots of it. It would've worked from the mythology side of things if we never found out what the thing actually looked like, too.
>Viking-like carvings on trees
I genuinely don't understand what's supposed to be scary about that shit. Places like that have huge populations of both neo-pagans and edgy teens. I can barely go into my local woods without seeing at least one pentagram or "HAIL SATAN" on a tree.

dude, you're so right, Jaws would be such a better movie if there was no shark, I mean being in the open ocean alone is terrifying on its own.

I have trouble watching horror movies at home alone because I feel it wasted time scaring myself but I want to watch this and the VVitch. Should I watch it at day or is it exclusively at night?

>ironically it was one of the few who wasn't a bastard

but they said that they don't say its name

that particular one was by him mating with a moose, just like Zeus would transform and mate with women, or even animals

No, see, a better comparison would be having JAWS with multiple sharks because having just one shark isn't scary enough.

>Same OP image and filename
>Same first few comments hitting all the memey buzzwords

Another $0.02 has been deposited onto your Netflix Rewards account.

Screenwriting review of The Ritual that I completely disagree with

A decent twist for the film could have been that the lead had his friend killed in a mock robbery, for doing something hilariously fucked up to him, both revealed in flashbacks. But the lead doesn't tell the others until it's too late, which is why the trek out a year to the same forest the dead friend had encouraged them all to hike. Perhaps you could tie it to a Bohemian Grove like cult, dead friend was upcoming politician, except here Moloch/deity was summoned to kill.

Movie needed more dark humor and banter, these guys were impossibly generic. Guys keep real secrets from each other. The dead friend should have been arguably worth killing, by the end, for all the shit revealed. He'd be bleakly laughing from the grave. Instead I had no attachment to this dead bro. Who cares about him.

You're a retard. I clearly complained about specific elements, and not about the existence of a monster.

Kys, more fun.

probably enjoy life more than you faggot

Ritual would've been better if they didn't beat the store scene over your head every 10 minutes.

I liked this. The Cristian guy was great a real friend. The actors also had amazing chemistry. I looked the actor up and apparently he was in a short movie that is supposed to be good but I couldn't find it anywhere, "Before I Wake".

Mexicans need to be hit over the head to understand pleb movies.

post the witch

no. it doesn't go anywhere and most of the movie is an angry ginger yelling at a woman

>most of the movie is an angry ginger yelling at a woman
But that's the core demographic of Sup Forums, bitter virgins yelling at women, minus the ginger hair.

I just watched it. Wasn't very good desu. I liked the fact they tried to do something else instead of just jump scares.

It would've been better if he'd actually done something bad that he had to face. But no, he did literally the only sensible thing to do in that situation. Not his fault that the other guy was a retard.

the monster was of his imagination

t. soy boy coward

Not necessarily, the chavs might've backed down if he had stood with his friend.

Only the last 20 min of the movie was good

The monster design was cool and the dead people praying with demon vices were freaky

I meant voices

Either you've never been in a situation like that, or the muggers where you live are fucking pussies. Try that shit in my country and I guarantee there will be two mangled corpses on the floor instead of one.

t. manlet soy boy that weighs 150lbs

t. Pedro

You're not 100% right but you're not far off.

It's still cowardly to not try for a friend. He might've swung around the right of the aisle and surprised one of them with the bottle, giving the friend a chance to jump the other one. There are plenty of real life videos of clerks turning the tables on robbers.

that is by far the only horror movie that did it all right in the history of horror movies

Jesus christ you fucks have worse ideas than sony. I hope none of you make it in the entertainment industry

I wish the movie was a little bit different though, the ending in particular.

Why did you reply to my post? even if you corrected me I think people know what I ment

The last 20 minutes were the worst part by far.

The Borderlands is way better than The Ritual.

This probably would have been better without the cultists and a lot more mind fuckery.

The ending was just an episode of Release the Hounds.

Go back

A good, but not great, solid movie. B+ easy. Didn't do anything new, but it did everything real well. Characters didn't run around doing stupid shit. Great monster, set pieces, pacing. There's so many points where a movie like this can go wrong, but the people who made it knew what they were doing.

Or the friend could have not been a fucking retard and given the angry madman with a machete his fucking ring

>I can't guys my wife will get mad at me if I do . t cuckboy retard

Just because you're unhappily married doesn't mean everyone is. People will do a lot for their wedding bands.