Why are there no funny right-wing comedians?

Why are there no funny right-wing comedians?

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what do you mean

Why are there no funny left-wing comedians?

because they come off as mean-spirited. Comedy needs a bit of self-deprecation and self-awareness. Conservative comedians will always veer into edgy humor and gross-out shit .

Name your top 10 comedy movies and tv shows so we can look up the name of the writers and their political leaning.

because right-wing values do not jive with entertainment, conservatism has many positives, but having fun isn't one of them

comedieans are all shit anyway

steven crowder

I find Ron White amusing.



Because to be funny you need a certain amount of self awareness. Rightists can point their fingers at others but they're too convinced of their own superiority to realize how smarmy they sound. I've actually listened to some of Milo Yiannopoulos' lectures which are, really, just bad attempts at stand-up comedy routines and all tbey boil down to is "Let me tell you how awesome I am and how much everyone else sucks!"

the only funny thing they really do well is racism and if anyone likes that that has teeth and money its mostly in an ironic manner that certainly wouldn't garner any mainstream media attention except for derision.

alex jones

The Daily Shoah guys are pretty funny. Their parody songs are fantastic.

If you want to trigger Rightards then this is pretty much guaranteed to work

Because humor is low test. When comedy takes a central part in a society it means that it is on its decline because the last strong and virtuous men have died.

>implying Hitler wasn't a funny guy
You gotta have a sense of humor to burn six gorrilion people.
Human skin lampshades? Now that's comedy.

are you implying left wing comedians are funny?
politics aren't funny and stand up is inherently shit

Also they think now they were always the funnier ones, when in reality just easy targets emerged. Yeah, it's easy to make a jokes about all the trigglypuffs out there, jokes on them writes themselves. But if right-leaners don't have anyone to make of fun of, they just vanish into thin air

Nick DiPaolo, Adam Sandler, Tim Allen, heck even Artie Lange has jumped on the anti-PC bandwagon

>parody songs
>Haha holocaust
OP is right.

Because right wingers are the ones who do real work and need entertainment to blow off steam.

just no

It's not their fault if they have to deal with leftist bullshit on a daily basis

Hell, it's basically an easy source for their material.

Tucker Carlson does a great roast.

Andrew Anglin is pretty funny. You can't read the 'infamous' article that got him banned from the internet without laughing.
>The woman killed in yesterday’s road rage incident has been identified as Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old overweight slob with no children.
>Here’s five fat facts you need to know.
>1) She was Fat and a Drain on Society
>4) Driver was a Straight Player
>The driver of the of the car, James Fields, was a hardcore player, and sources claim that he didn’t give a fuck.
>Despite the cool demeanor he shows in his social media profile pictures, it appears that road rage got the best of him.
>Though many people are expressing outrage after the crash, there are also many wondering if the outrage is not simply player hatred, rather than actually concern over the death of some useless sow.
>Elizabeth Warren, for instance, has repeatedly been accused of player hate.
>In 2015, Warren co-sponsored the “Game Prevention Act” which sought to “shut down the game, to prevent players from playing women like fiddles.”
>Despite the fact that she claims not to hate the player but simply “oppose the game,” she has been dogged for years over allegations of straight-up player hate.

because libcucks can't make jokes about anything edgy or offensive without triggering themselves and their audience, most leftwing comedians only joke about stuff like masterbating and their vaginas

But none of those songs have anything to do with the holocaust.

fucking cringe

because jews are funny

He's genuinely my favorite, because he doesn't resort to insults or attacks, just simple logic and facts that turns lefty arguments onto themselves.

its reflexive

louis ck sketches and stand up topics have been more "edgy" than most conservative comedians. actually trying to get the audience to laugh about pedophiles and chocolate is way beyond some shitty angry comedian crying that he can't say nigger


From Larry David to David Zucker to Mel Brooks, all the way back to the 3 Stooges and Marx Brothers, yeah that really isn't debatable.

Dennis Miller.

>too convinced of their own superiority to realize how smarmy they sound

Projection, this is a leftist quality. Remember all the times they made fun of Obama? Yeah, me either.

>radical batboy visage

He got BTFO so hard by the only non-plant to ever come on his show that it got canceled.

Being a critic of PC culture doesn't automatically make you a conservative.

Post a funny roast. I bet you can't

Bill Burr
Doug Stanhope
Joey Diaz
Nick Dipalo

checkmate you nigger cock guzzling faggot

>Remember all the times they made fun of Obama?
No, they called him a nigger once.
Oh wait that was me.

yeah Bill Burr right-wing lol

It's always the left. Right wing comedians are shit because all they make fun of is the left. They're always on their mind.

It's all so tiresome.

are we not talking about political humor?

Obama's entire presidency was basically scandal free. There was that weird thing with the black professor and they had Jamaican beer. There were tense situations that could have been handled badly, but the only thing the Republicans could ever harp on was Benghazi and they never were able to pin that on anyone because it was just a bad situation, not active malice. Clinton and Bush jokes wrote themselves because of their accents and they had normal political scandals. Trump jokes write themselves because he is one and just hops from one scandal to another everytime he or anyone around him opens their mouth.

The right's obsession is kind of a recent phenomenon. Those eight years of a black Democrat president really fucked up their fee fees.

because you live in a bubble that associates being liberal with being same as a sjw blue haired college feminist, you don't realize he holds mostly liberal believes of liberal america. also selective bias so you are only exposed to or remember his right leaning views

The right is currently defined as not being left / being against the left. They used to pretend they were for smaller government and reducing the budget, but they always increase it in office by expanding the military.

>Why are there no right-wing comedians?

anti pc doesnt mean conservative, you dolt

Because you have to be smart to be funny

and look where he is now, his career is pretty much over

his career is over because of what he did outside his comedy not because of it

Doug Stanhope isn't really right wing. He's a socially liberal libertarian.

gay thread OP, as expected

He apologized and seemed sincere. His career is on hold right now. Theres going to be a cycle of any type of accusation causing "down falls". The asshole who were doing really rapey shit will be found out but there will be a backlash when a truly false allegation comes out. Guys will stop pinching their coworkers butt, blowjobs for jobs will go away, but allegations will actually be investigated. Things will be better for everyone soon

and lol at pointing out the fact liberals, despite what Sup Forums says, actually have values and will stand by them.

Because they're too busy running this damn country, ayo!
Seriously though, the shit they'd joke about would probably piss off a lot of people. It'd just be a bunch of Mexican and democrat jokes probably.

Sam Hyde is the funniest man I can think of and I have watched MDE for 4 years

Also right wing comedians don't get the same publicity as lef wing ones.

Not exactly this, but generally right wing people arent the creative sort.
They can be witty, and they are definitely the most hard working but they arent creative enough to be the most successful stand up comedians.
Also Darkthrone's Transylvanian Hunger is infinitely better

World Peace showed that liberal "comedians" really just need to take a backseat for once


Norm mac donald

ehm, what is pewdiepie?

He's a popular conservative comedian.

>literally all "comedy" is making fun of the right
>"gah, why you gotta keep pointing it out! It's like you're obsessed!"

Uh huh. Remind me, which late night show is the "right" leaning one?

>scandal free

Ah, finally, a joke about Obama. Not very funny though, just ironic I guess.

Must be easy when you have the media and Hollywood running interference for you.

If I start name dropping comedian, all I will get in response is green text with a funny image macro
google "comedian" and you can go down the list of all the top comedians in the past 20 years and vast majority of them are left leaning and their comedy isn't based around bashing rednecks (liberal version of only making jokes about sensitive college student or feminists)

and then you have comedy writers fro tv shows and movies, because despite Sup Forumss being filed with sensitive snowflakes, most comedies aren't about shitting on their backward views or extinguishing the white race or what ever the fuck

becuase rightwing people are obsessed with what the left does all the fucking time
basically they have one joke material and thats all.
it gets stale and boring after a few minutes

I like Norm. Please tell me you're joking.

Because liberalism is the joke

Friendly reminder that only a decade ago The Simpsons and Jon Stewart were making tranny jokes, now we unironically have tranny bathroom access as a civil right

his comedy is a reflection of himself, self deprecating and emasculated. When you understand that it's not surprising that he's been outed as some kind of pervert

The fuck are you on about? All Carlson does is let liberal/Leftist crazies hoist themselves by their own petard

huh, so this is the power of the mainstream media

>I didn't see any scandals on the news, so they must not have happened

>what's Fast and Furious
>What's a FISA warrant
>What's a drone strike
>What's Gitmo
>What's the US debt

Unlike the left who only have one topic, right?

nah, all types of people have been getting kicked out for their past behavior.

Apparently Seinfield is right wing enough to hated by campus idiots. So of Seinfield is considered conservative then I guess that means he's a pretty good one.

>reading comprehension
you have to have passed elementary school to post here

I have plenty of fun. Just because we don't connect on what's fun doesn't mean I'm not having it.

what's proven is the left eat their own, but also that they are usually guilty of what they campaign against

>What's a drone strike
>What's Gitmo
>What's the US debt
Well they cant rightly complain about that since they supported all those things when bush was doing it


To list the ones at the top of my head.


And to answer OP. They get very viciously de-platformed, like in most important jobs that could 'help progress society'.

Now it's happening for everything where I live, kinda funny in the 'everything is doomed and we're at fault for it' kind of way.

The funny thing is that most liberals are fucking disgusting pedophiles and hypocrites. And now "males allies" of feminists are now huge red flags for even the those on the left because of how they usually turn out to be just assholes hoping to get a sympathy fuck.

>Drone strikes
Increased under Trump
Still open under Trump
>US debt
raised astronomically under Trump

Apparently, they support it and don't at the same time.

op asked for funny. Not for some swedish moron that screams nigger at his screen when he dies in minecraft

>went to bat for Obama, regularly donates to the Democratic Party
Being anti-PC doesn't mean conservative, youngin. He's left, just not extreme left. We're just in an unfortunate era of extremism on all sides.

Those others aren't comedians.

Because being right is serious business and images to keep. While the left have....no standards. So everything is just funny to them


Colbert used to be funny with his right-wing persona.
then this happened

Please refrain from discussing american """left""" and """right""" politics. It's dull and lacks any nuance whatsoever.

He's basically become the America's Funniest Home Videos of YouTube. It's pretty solid as far as entertainment goes.

wait so conservatism an white nationalism is the same thing now?

JonTron is unironically funny, and if you've watched Pewdiepie's recent stuff he's actually pretty decent too and not just screaming at the camera like a fucking spaz. Come on, you can't say without lying to yourself that JonTron isn't funny.

MDE World Peace
Smocaine 3
every s3-10 Simpsons episode written by John Swartzwelder
Colin Quinn: The New York Story
Norm Macdonald: Hitler's Dog

this is kinda sad.

Well sure, it's about conserving something, no?

yeah but colberts right wing persona was funny because it was making fun of conservatives