Who exactly was in the wrong here?

Other urls found in this thread:


the government

janet reno

Read up on the atf. Some real cowboys.


Janet Reno, Bill Clinton, and all those agents "just following orders"

Shouldn't have started chimping out


What streaming services are showing this series anyway? HBO? Netflix? Hulu?

Watching it right now forgot I missed it.

Paramount channel, use to be spiketv

Whoops, those crazy people inside set the building on fire ;)



Trannies are dangerous and unstable and crave drama.

I need a new TV show to watch, is this actually any good?

Convince me to watch it senpai

>janet reno

Man in the High Castle. I read the reviews on Amazon and people are all raving. As long as the acting is good in movies I can watch anything.

yeah its good

Mistakes on both sides

ATF did nothing wrong.

Mistakes on both sides, but ATF REALLY fucked up.
I recommend checking out The Last Podcast on The Left, they did a great couple of episodes regarding this shitshow.

Not American, why should I care about this