What are some good kinos about female paedophilia?

What are some good kinos about female paedophilia?

The Reader (a holocaust film goyim!)

Female paedophilia doesn’t exist, just like rape committed by a female.

If a female does it, it’s just called intimacy

so its okay if lena dunham raped the 10 year old you

fuck off

la luna

Why are you alive? No one gives a shit what you think, asshole.

>butthurt male pedo sad cos woman are able to make love to boys
They dont have a dick so its okay idiot. There is no abuse.

Name me one 12 year old boy who had sex with an older woman and was tormented.

There is none.


Nobody asked to here ur life story you sicko

I was so bummed out when it turned into a holocaust film, I'm looking forward to tons of sexy nude kate having a relationship with the main character for years and suddenly holocaust trials that's not fair

>all the trolls false flagging in this thread and the retards falling for it

Love Strange Love

is that a legit boy butt or is there some movie magic trickery going on?

>Male here
You're a woman aren't you?

You are not sure whether to fap to it or not?

As if..

Eva is the best mommy

Schulmädchen Report 3

uhh yeah i got a good one for ya it's called me having sex with your mum in her ass

>Schulmädchen Report 3
Holy shit, Germany in the '70s...

Based German sickos

Tell me more, I'm intrigued

Watch a serbian film, some boy buttsex in that one

Private Lessons

Not really pedophilia since she's only ogling the man she fell in love with in boy form.

basically she's curious about sex and orders him to have sex with her.

Thats Ayrtons Sennas ex girlfriend lol


So this is just a shitty excuse of a thread to post legal/ss/ webms isn't?