Name a funnier show

Name a funnier show.
Pro tip: dont say Rick and Morty.

futurama is unironically a better show and i don't even like it

Family Guy is funnier but Rick and Morty is better.

Teen Titans Go

Home Movies

Simpsons seasons 3-8


This past season has been meta as fuck and I love it.

No. I've marathoned the entire thing several times. I unironically love the shit out of it.

the sopranos

American dad is objectively funnier than family goy

american father

OP here. They're both great.

American dad

American Dad isn't funny in the slightest and literally none of its characters are likeable

I love Francine. She's so stereotypical of a ditzy blond with a great rack, but it's cute and she's genuinely funny. I could go on and in about how great the characters are

Family Guy is fucking fun to sometimes, even if it can be obnoxious and stupid at times. No one can deny this.

>literally none of its characters are likeable
Unfortunately this.

Everything you just listed is null and void, do you know why? Because like every other female in every american made animated show, she's a fucking nag.

how are family guy charaters more likeable?
rodger is more more lihable than any fg character, maybe francine aswell

Roger alone is funnier and more likeable than every family guy character

Faking It

He's an annoying faggot who's only shtick is causing trouble, he's a mix of Dennis The Menace and Lucille Ball.

Curb your enthusiasm

>le quirky alien asshole who dresses up

he's totally random like me XD!!

roger is a conniving jew portrayed as a straight man. it's the most derivative character possible aside from the wacky packaging.

>trying this hard

The Critic

Father Ted

Drawn Together

Father Ted.

ur all faggits

i imagine someone who calls people faggot unironically would enjoy this shit.

You have the opinions of retarded dog vomit.

Rick and Morty

Every other show except Rick and Morty.


American Dad. But I'm starting to appreciate Family Guy more since this new season.

>Name a funnier show.

>You mean like 'the one who smelt it dealt it?'
>I don't know from poetry, Brendan.

Pizza Club was pure kino

how about I ask you a question, funnyman.
What doth life?

I heard family guy got good again?

It had like a 5 year slump

I can actually get enjoyment and laughs out of American Dad characters unironically being happy, while most of the jokes that aren't cut-away gags in family Guy are at one of the characters expense because they're all unlikeable, I mean Meg's whole deal is that she's unlikeable


yankee dad

didn't the kid film people having sex in that show?

Based McGuirk the Jerk.

Bojack Horseman is way funnier. just more subtle and they don't need to keep rehashing set ups for every joke (remember the time when hsHJDHJHJ)


ren and stimpy

Family Guy haters are edgy fedora tipping contrarians

>Being a grown man and watching network cartoons for college kids

but family guy is literally edgy and fedora tipping

>derrrrrrp, Bojack Horseman is way funnier!

Carl is the best character

Nathan For You

didn't you hear? Reddit decided Sup Forums were the original fedora tippers.

Not really a big fan of Family Guy however each season usually has one or two episodes I enjoy your pic being one of them.

Pic related. Specially the dragged out multi episodes stories.

X:RA unironically.

I bet francine has a really stiff bean