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>"electronic detection" doesn't real
>deny the officers entry

You're sorted. It's just a shake-down, call their bluff and they're holding no cards.

They're onto you, there's no going back so just go all in.
Start the resistance. You need to be as radical as possible.
We're talking iIlegal plastic knives contraband, we're talking facebook posts that maybe muslims aren't as great as you see on Bakeoff, we're talking unlicensed telly.
Ths spirit of Guy Fawkes isn't dead. Godspeed britanon.

Are television licenses expensive?


the electronic detection is bullshit
the magic vans that they drive around in:
1) dont exist anymore
2) were never actually functional, they were bullshit employed to scare people and were actually driven by royal mail employees paid by the government, who then went out on delivery t. postman
and legally they actually cant do anything to you, they cant summon you to court, they cant legally enter your house unless you grant them permission and they legally cannot get a warrant to force their way in.

as long as they cant see into your living room to see you watching the big black cock, they cant do anything, state you dont own a tv because television is garbage and you dont need a tv license to watch things online and shut the door.

the absolute state of "great" britain



just get the black and white license, lots cheaper

So, is a TV the only thing they are looking for or is any kind of smart device or computer counted as a device capable of receiving TV-programs in some form or another?

*unsheathes Constitution*
nuthen personnel... brit...

do you watch broadcast TV?
do you watch satellite/cable tv?
do you use BBC iplayer?
if the answer is no, then you don't need a licence.
get netflix or pirate all your shit.

you can fill in a declaration on the licensing site, and they won't hassle you again for 2 years

Why you lie OP?

TV licence hasn't been £131.50 since 2006, or do you just not check your post?

So brits really do this?

many yurop countries are far worse. germany comes to mind.
every househould has to pay €17.50 per month, even if they do not own a TV

lol britanistanis are a joke.
forced to take muslim cock up the ass and can't even watch tv while doing so.

i guess this is what happens when you're a cuckold who is ruled by a queen, kek.

£600,000 a month.

Worse, if you buy a new TV the supplier will notify the licence people

You illegally watching The Great British Bake Off again, user?

Oi! This eer license costed me and me mum £7,000,000! How can I afford me nibbles and chips if I'm too busy paying the bloody tele fee!

i haven't paid for a license in eight years. they really can't do shit without a court order


£150 so you can watch Bargain Hunt and Flog it!
My renewal is coming up in May,I'm seriously considering going a year without it.

You need to pay monthly for a license to have a television? Holy fuck that's absurd

no, you don't pay to have a television, you pay to watch broadcast TV or use BBC iplayer.

You don’t need a licence if you use your TV for DVDs, Blu-ray etc, or to use non-BBC catch-up and on-demand services like All 4, ITV Hub or Netflix, to watch non-live content.

Just do it, I haven't paid in 5 years and they haven't sent a letter yet, even if they did they are fucked cause I don't have a tv, I watch everything on my laptop and they can't prove I watch BBC.

>and on-demand services like All 4, ITV Hub or Netflix, to watch non-live content.
so i need a TV license if i watch youtube live streams or twitch?
fuck off.

They unironically do this in countries like Germany

as long as you don't make fun of catholics you won't go to jail

just notified me Im due 50% refund, lads

brilliant news desu. just going to click on the link after posting this.

throw it away and keep your tv away from the windows

Must take the money somewhere to pay for all those jobless refugees.

Or he could just convert to Islam and he wouldn’t have to pay the jizya, sorry I mean, the tv license anymore. Muslims don’t have to pay it, right?

Whoa whoa whoa, at least 8% of them have jobs, you bigot. Why don’t you go live in Drumpf’s America if you hate brown people so much?

You're paying for a public tv that indoctrinates post-modernism leftism. This is retard. If you're paying for a public funded tv it should at least be politically neutral.

How exactly does a television license work? They broadcast TV into your home anyway, but you have to pay for it after the fact? Is there no cable company you have to pay before they beam the TV to you? I've been really confused about how this works


When you buy a tv in England the money for BBC is already embedded as tax. If you watch BBC they'll send someone to tell you have to pay a license.

I remember reading somewhere that BBC alone were responsible for 5% of all The Guardian physical papers sold.

Holy shit is this real?
Cant be


fucking Britanistan

if jihadis didn't invest in this fucking shithole, would have been a 3rd world country already

This is the country that inspired Orwell.

thats some nice reading comprehension right there.

no, you do not need a license for twitch or youtube or live streams.

i agree, which is why i don't pay it. i pirate stuff and sometimes pay for netflix





>americucks being cocky because they gargle 20 minutes of advertisements about shysters or self chiropractor apparatus
rather pay a licence fee

In the same way you only need a license to drive a car, you only need a TV license if you actually watch live TV and who the fuck does that anymore?

Even though it was mostly stalinism that inspired orwell you're more right than you think.

So this shit is for real? They unironically made legislation in 1984 to be able to SWAT people over a fucking appliance.

more than you think. every retard i work with love to discuss the shit that happened on last nights xfactor/voice/britains got talent.

fuck i think ifeel a phantom fedora on my head

good thing we are not talking about healthcare, extra tax charges on purchases from stores or late payment fees from utilities.
you get rinsed in the US

>From imperial superpower 150 years ago to this

What the hell happened to britain?

with no purpose of world domination and shifting the power from nobility to proles they set themselves on straight path towards degeneracy

actually it was ironic

This is the end of western civilization. This is exactly what that french bastard criticized about american democracy.

>Year of our lord 2010+8 watching TV for anything else than live sports
I hope none of you do this


welfare happened.
as long as people are fed and looked after, they let the entity taking care of them get away with all kinds of shit

With the amount of immigration you guys are receiving I doubt that public healthcare isn't going to collapse in a few decades. sorry.


The state literally paying you to be a slob. This isn't sustainable.

>tfw my country is gonna start taxing public service instead of having a fee
I love paying taxes for government propaganda!

We had a TV license system, but they changed it to a tax that you have to pay if you make a certain amount of money regardless of whether you own a TV or not.

People forget that England is an island with a population that's a fraction of that of the united states. Public healthcare doesn't work in countries with large populations. It just isn't sustainable.

>live in dirty Poland
>tv service is obligatory
>they change it so that you are automatically charged if you have cable
>% of people paying drops even lower
I'm not going to pay for state propaganda even if I watch it daily for lulz anyways

make me

This happens while Muslims rape they children. Good job britbongs.


A television should be purely a receiver. It won't transmit therefore short of employing some fucking spy gadgets that detect radiation from the screen, they ain't got shit. Not sure about entry as I'm not English but ask for a warrant at the door. If no warrant tell them to come back with one.

>It just isn't sustainable.
Are you aware that the US spends 18% of its GDP on healthcare already? That's double that of every other western country with public healthcare.

This is so misleading... what western countries? what kind of public healthcare they have? The united states is the third most populous country in the world. I don't doubt that it pays 18% its GDP in healthcare.

china is the most populous, but they have mass executions there so I doubt they care about expenditure in healthcare.


Literally every other western country. Nobody even approaches the amount of money, relative to total income, that the US spends on healthcare. And it isn't reflected by quality of care either, because Australia, the UK, Germany and all of the Nordic countries outstrip the US in that regard as well.

Again, the countries you mention, they don't have the same population of the united states. That's why it's misleading. The healthcare in England is already showing signs of collapse.

Dude, I'm Brazilian, we have public healtchare here. It's worse than hell. And we waste more than half our pib on healthcare (i'm not kidding, google it). So you're wrong that all "western countries" have better healthcare than the united states.

>they don't have the same population of the united states.
You keep saying this, but it still doesn't account for the incredible amount of money the US spends per capita for inferior health outcomes.

How so? Care to elaborate?

so this is the power of inbreeding...

no wonder you guys need refugees to spice up the gene pool

I would like to know this: how the size of the population doesn't account for the expenditure in healthcare in a country? Also, how making healthcare completely free in that same country will not make that expenditure ridiculously large?

Per capita, your health expenditure is the third highest in the world, by percentage of GDP, you are spending almost double the rest of the world. Your health outcomes do not match those of other high-income countries:

Your life expentancies are falling and your healthcare system is inefficient and promotes vast inquity.

You should know al mutt