Lol, this is really going to happen isn't it?

lol, this is really going to happen isn't it?

Zendaya's not black enough

They should cast Madison

Kim Possible isn't a character that will sell tickets in 2018. It's like making a life action Jimmy Neutron movie starring Tom Holland.

they're trying to jump on the WW girl power fad

What other gurl power characters would be better to make a movie adaptation out of?

Kim will be white but I will bet everything they will cast her friend as a black guy

>Ron now has a pet pitbull

It’s a fucking Disney CHANNEL movie

what ever happened to christy carlson romano?

I hate this Beyonce wannabe, why is she everywhere these days?

But she already has a black friend and a black rival

56%ers deserve a actress too

And people say she can’t play Mary Jane:

I always wondered...what is the real story on that?

It seems like they really were going to make her Mary Jane but the backlash over it made them change it to a new character called MJ and claim that was their plan the whole time.

xD Le Forced Diversity

Fuck N I G G E R S xD

upvote fellow MAGApedes

It's a Disney channel movie.

One her friends (Monique) was black, She had two sidekicks, one was a jew and the other was black. You're retarded.

No, he'll be a cuck.

>mfw imagining the mutant ninja turtle/chipmunk hybrid CG slapstick character that would be Rufus


Rufus already pretty much was that though. He just didn't talk

this, if anything they will cast the rival cheerleader girl as the whitest chick in existence

This is a reminder that nu/pol/ is underage newfags. Kim Possibles aired in 2002. (16 years ago) Majority of newfags from reddit's /r/The_Donald are 11-15.

I'm saying it would be horrifying to see that executed in a live action movie.

He said cheese once.
That scene is actually in my top ten most quotable scenes.



You mean people on Sup Forums only, she has 40 million followers, she's a Disney kid with many fans, also people want her to be a couple with Tom in the movies too.

he looks like the fat asian guy from Homecoming


Move aside, mulatto.

Still no plans for Jack Kino.

Step forward, photoshop


I'm just hoping for this shitty trend to end. Its tasteless, taking the genuinely attractive good ass figure soo far that the girl looks like a fucking heifer


I don't know Ron is jew it dosen't sound right

Zendaya is gorgeous, wtf are you talking about?


fucking lol at her "progress", more like progress of the liquefy brush

Lord Farquaad's younger years.

>what if they recast a cartoon character as a minority for a straight to television kid’s movie I’ll never watch? Fuck liberals, right?
I love nu/tv/

>Her YouTube doesn't exist

Its because they refuse to grow up from their shitty childhood shows and movies, and force themselves to watch newer politics cuck those old memories in the modern day. Truth is those 90s and 2000s shows were never that good, and always made more or less in service to some lame political or social goal, yet Sup Forums can't move on from this shit they claim to hate, but are obsessed by.

much smaller

they should cast kat

Trumpfags are such an embarrassment

we won