Highly acclaimed movies that suck ass

highly acclaimed movies that suck ass

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fuck you

Its kino

oh my fucking god FUCK YOU that's my fav movie ever what the fuck :(((

how could you hate LIT? it's fantastic

I don’t understand why boomers and my dad shill for this movie so much. I gave it three separate watches but at the end I always felt like I’d been robbed and nothing was accomplished. Anyone care to explain what they see that I’m just not getting?


Almost all cult movies are bad.

Lost in translation was great fuck you OP

scarlett johansson's character completely ruined it for me. was her being really condescending and smug towards anna farris's character supposed to make me think she's smart and ''not like the other girls''? what a giant, pretentious piece of shit. there are a lot more examples, but that one stuck out to me for being particularly shallow and dumb

american sniper

Lost in Translation is a very odd and rare case of a reddit movie that is still almost universally loved on Sup Forums.

Fargo is hilarious

the big lebowski

don't you think it's funny?

unironically great


Aren't you a bit young to post on Sup Forums, OP?

since we're being subjective

why though? I don't get it, it's so corny. The only part I like is the tokyo aesthetic and bill murrey being bill murrey.


Edge of Seventeen

Is there a more overrated "actor" than Bill Murray? Literally his whole shtick is being a fucking smug bastard.

Maybe it’s because I didn’t watch it in the 90’s but when “Mad World” started playing I burst out laughing. I thought it was a joke, and the entire movie was suppose to have been some kind of ironic edge fest.

song was incredible before the memes

Aesthetic was infallible, also demonstrated a side to intimacy not usually explored in media.

As fuckin if you didnt cry like a bitch when liam neeson cries about his car

Movie is kino when you understand it was a faithful telling of an actual real event that happened. Not just the "based on true story" meme. But this madness actually happened and those idiots actually existed.

Its a bit to heavy in 'mucria in some parts. But its a pretty good biopic and probably unintentionally a really good demonstration of america exceptionalism

The heroes journey with a unreliable and confused protagonist

Probably one of the only passable examples of pure abstractionalist film

I have to agree with this



It’s comfy

this is bait

these threads are always just reasonably good rec threads

underage fuck off

One of my favorites, it’s a great movie for references and the soundtrack is awesome. Have you tried watching it high by any chance?

The only good answer in this thread so far.

>the big lebowski
you have to go back

The Godfather
Just watched in on Netflix.

Maybe you had to be there because now it's just a run of the mill Mob movie among hundreds that have the same or similar overall plot.

Anything by PTA

I get the feeling its because it was the first really big one, and it did have some great performances. But Goodfellas is strictly better in every way. Even Casino does better.


back to my friends and family? i was implying that one must have some life experience to get the stoner references and bizarre situations in Lebowski.


first right answer in entire thread, hope you have a good day user

correct, i dont remember anything from the first flick

i think if you watch godfather 1 & 2 back to back like one continuous movie then it's better than all the other mob movies

That movie is trash

The Fifth Element

Seriously do not understand all the love it gets.


I can actually see that, I guess it makes it this multi-generational massive mob story, even get the back story in the second movie. Will do dis user thanks



I can imagine itd be hard to follow when they show it at your day care



Day of the Dead
The Taking of Pelham One Two Three(the original)
Inside Man
Midnight in Paris
etc and etc
A much better thread would be the one where people post "highly acclaimed" films that are actually good


alien is one of the best horror movies made, i have to disagree with you on that one.

Imagine eating this much lead paint as a child. Jesus tap dancing christ user.

Highly acclaimed? I heard many people left theaters halfway because it was so boring, my brother said it's the worst he's ever seen.

I haven't watched it yet so I wouldn't know what's it like.


>many people left theaters halfway because it was so boring
Lmao who does that



Its underwhelming at best
As a story its great
Look into the history it portrays and then you realise how great it is
Great Absurdist Comedy IMO
its great i guess... but i never enjoyed it
One of the Best films of 2017
The Greatest Film in its genre
I can get why people won't like this film but, i loved it for its action

its jake kino. only a woman cares about the types of people that like a movie. a patrician can evaluate any piece of art independent of its place in society

why do directors do this?

Sucked ass so bad I got prolapse ever since.

>Movie is kino when you understand it was a faithful telling of an actual real event that happened. Not just the "based on true story" meme. But this madness actually happened and those idiots actually existed.

"There are actually two little elements in the story that were based on actual incidents," Joel Coen told HuffPost. "One of them is the fact that there was a guy, I believe in the '60s or '70s, who was gumming up serial numbers for cars and defrauding the General Motors Finance Corporation. There was no kidnapping. There was no murder. It was a guy defrauding the GM Finance Corporation at some point."

He continued, "The other thing based on something real: There was a murder in Connecticut, where a man killed his wife and disposed of the body -- put her into a wood chipper. But beyond that, the story is made up."

Good Will Hunting is terrible

letterboxd.com/Sup Forums/list/tv-s-top-250-favorite-films/

any movie on this

also please keep these recs up i'll put them on my watchlist

The Dollars Trilogy

Pure sleaze with no substance to justify it.

Is dances with wolves highly acclaimed? Because it's a steaming pile of shit

you don't get it.

Most overrated shit ever.