Was his plan just to make the first one, all along?


Based Fincher. Also, fuck you I liked it

maybe not, but the later books suck immense dick

the swedish movies are an okay watch, for once, but only the first book has a decent story

I liked it too. Just wondering why he stopped there.

Good to know. Didn't feel like watching the Swedish ones after already getting to know the American characters. Or British, whatever.

>Rooney desperate to continue playing Lisbeth
>Sony decides to film the cash-grab fourth novel from a different author using a whole new cast and crew with a fraction of the budget of the first

kudos for Sony for aiming to kill off the series for good

I genuinely don't know how sony manages to avoid bankruptcy, it seems like they deliberately fuck every single thing they try up in every possible way

not only Rooney, but iirc Fincher also wanted to do more with it (i forget exactly what his plans were)

Great movie. Who knows why he stopped, but the story in the first book is very self contained, and I haven't heard of Fincher directing a sequel to a movie he previously directed.

The second one is apparently happening. The guy who played Ed Kemper on Mindhunter is on

I hope Fincher's doing a new film soon. It's been already four years since Gone Girl.

no. I remember in some interview, he said that he was not interested in one single film about the maniac, but he was interested in a whole series of films. Therefore, characters were introduced that were supposed to play a big role in the following films.

This movie sucked. Swedish original is better, but american dumbdumbs can't handle subtitles or anything that is actually good or not watered down. I fucking hated this movie.

Fincher is a producer on the new one apparently. It's fucking retarded that they didn't continue Roons run.
Source, pleb?
No, pleb.

>swedish anything being better than anything else

have a you for the chuckle

Um, no. I guess you're too young to remember all the hoopla about the bloated budget and Fincher's production company asking for wayyy too large a budget on a series of films and even tv series - TGWDT sequel, 10,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Cleopatra, Utopia - all of which came to nil, so he ended up making the insipid Gone Girl instead.


The first was absolute kino and Roon-Roon was amazing in it.

lol you must work at New Regency

it's probably for the best they only did one movie. if you've watched the second and third swedish movies you'd know they are seriously horrible.

Playstation, medical equipment, and their life insurance branches make them tons of money
That's why you diversify, if one thing fails then you aren't completely fucked
Anyway though Kaz Hirai is getting replaced and he was the one pushing for a lot of sony pictures stuff so they might end up selling whatever rights they have and shut that division down

I worked as a PA on this.


no , screenwriter Steve zaillan was already working on the adaptation for the sequel, which took extreme liberties from the book. it would've been great