What are the best films about spys, spying, etc? I just finished marathoning Mission Impossible and I'm really digging it. I know those movies are more action based, but the spy aspects are my favorite.

What are the essential spy kino according to Sup Forums? Any TV series?

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excluding MI and James Bond movies, right?
spy-comedy is fine or just "serious" stuff?

Man From UNCLE was hugely underrated for some more lighthearted spy fun

I really liked the 60s aesthetic

this, if you like mission impossible you will like this

Hunt for red october
Day of the Jackal

Pretty much everything with Gene Hackman


The Man Who Knew Too Little is excellent spy kino

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Original Bourne Trilogy (Legacy and new Bourne are alright, but not nearly as good)
Atomic Blonde
Three Days of the Condor

Bourne for kino, burn notice for comfy.

the guy babes are also a plus

serious stuff

the prisoner is classic spy TV

I unironically enjoyed The Good Shepard but that was just me.


By 'serious' I mean no full-packed action, but more or less grounded talking and actual spying oriented.
>Bourne series (1st one is great, later goes bit Mission Impossible action)
>Nikita 1990 (very underrated film)
>Atomic Blonde
These can remember right now, would have to look for more.
lot of 70s and 60s stuff is bit goofy to call it serious.

Life of others

Deutschland 1983
The Americans

I don't know if I've caught the gays but the 2 seconds in the MI Fallout trailer where Cavill punches a guy is going to singlehandedly get me to watch that in theaters

For a movie made in 1966 this has aged very well.

>Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
I almost never get bored during movies but I cannot get through this one

These guys get it. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy was great. I haven't read any John Le Carre but I have read plenty of Frederick Forsyth, and luckily Day of the Jackal really holds up to the book and is great on its own. Three Days of the Condor was also great, that's one of Robert Redford's classics. My additions:
>The Manchurian Candidate (The original)
>The Third Man (this is literally pure kino, there are so few movies that look this good)
>Man from UNCLE (Guy Ritchie version, aesthetic is god tier)
>The Odessa File (Not so true to the book but great to watch, the book is amazing but make sure you read Day of the Jackal first)
>Our Man Flint (James Coburn doing a 007-esque campy spy thing, it rocks)
>In Like Flint (Same deal)
>Clear and Present Danger (Tom Clancy adaptation, same universe as Red October. Harrison Ford is pretty good, it's got Willem Dafoe too. The book was good.)
>The Night Manager (Another Le Carre, not too shabby)
>The Hour
>The Game (Not kidding that's what it's called)
>Get Smart (The original 60s series, it's a comedy series from old Nick at Night, not serious spy stuff but it's fucking hilarious, PG rated humor mixed with off color jokes that wouldn't fly at all today)
Anyone seen The Fourth Protocol with Michael Caine? The book was decent so I'm wondering if the movie holds up. Also: Smiley's people? Has it aged well? Was the story good?

On lighthearted stuff

The man from Uncle was really good.

On the serious side, The Tailor of Panama and tinker Tailor

The Ipcress File is pretty good. Exceptional soundtrack too

The Tinker tailor miniseries is very good as well.

day of the Jackel (the 1973 one) is good, but it more "hunt the assassin" then a true spy film.

Just finished watching the Night Manager, it was excellent.

The Fourth Protocol is okay, it very set in a specific time frame. (Aka may not age well)

I really enjoyed Syriana, not necessarily a spy film but more of a political thriller.


Yeah it was good.