THE AMERICANS Season 6 - Trailer

Final season. Im excited.

Looks at that booty

haha what if she farted there and the security guy had to smell it? gross haha



>ywn be her anus slave
why even live


looks like the butt of a cute 16 yo girl. I like it.


>the millennial obsession with ass eating
fuck this faggot board.

shut up kid


Unironically the best thing on tv




Licking a girl's asshole while she makes you come in her mouth is great, I'm sorry you can't appreciate it.

how do i get keri russell to use my face as a chair?

Can you guys help me?

I'm not sure where I left with Americans. Last episode if I remember correctly was where the spy couple gave their kids away, it was kind of autumn setting if that helps.

>the jiggle

theyve never given their kids away...

Fuck, it had something to do with the granny then. There was some kind of meet up in the bridge I believe.

Reminder that Tuan did nothing wrong.

annoying viet gook shit

Fuck, I'm trying to browse episode list on wikipedia but doesn't really help.

Plz help.

if it has something to do with their handler, the old woman, then it's probably somewhere in season 1 or season 2. she basically disappears after that and gabriel takes her job

Nvm, my memory is shit I see.

It's either end of season 3 or somewhere in the start of season 4. I'll just start to watch from season 4.


lel which episode is this?

I'm pretty sure that's the season 1 finale, after Elizabeth is is shot and Phillip leaves to go spend time with her.

Is that a Zelda reference?

>tfw no smol qt gf you can pick up and kiss

so this is the power of white girl ass

What's the end game? Will they defect , get caught or just outlive the cold war mk.1 and just blend in?

The wall goes down and they move to China to pursue their communist ideal.







>user banned this video from viewing in your country



keri russell is bangin yo!



literally disgusting


started season 5 last night, leaving thread to avoid spoilers.

I would worship the wife spy


fucking great, the footniggers have arrived

abandon thread