The chad pinhead

the chad pinhead

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vs the virgin needle skull


Love when he shares his pins. Thats a good schlock.

just bury the franchise already

The new pinhead actor was good, as was his goggles wearing buddy.
Shame the movie was just a run of the mill cop searches for killer story.

And even that wasn't bad, just when.. that stupid blonde chick showed up being all stronk cuz she's an angel send by god.

Could have been a good movie with an actual Clive Barker script.

He looks like steven seagal.

vs the virgin babadook

movie was ok, they made the best with the shoestring budget they had, but of course there was much to be desired.

I just didn't care much for the ending, Pinhead had always made it perfectly clear that they didn't come from the Christian hell.
They were just from an alternate hellish dimension that thrived on pain.

So the ending was like it was written by someone trying to be edgy and making Christianity out to be the bad one too.

Note, I'm not religious. just felt like there was an agenda going on by someone who cared more about spewing his own feelings than someone who actually cared about the Hellraiser lore.

In the end it was just another way for them to retain the rights, less horrible than the previous one with the happy Pinhead, but still not very nice to the fans.

Why do all Hellraiser movies after Hellbound suck dick? Is it really that hard to make a good Hellraiser sequel? Or do they not give a fuck?

I honestly think the only fuck they give is to hold onto as many IPs as possible,
hoping that maybe someday a resurgence of a certain genre happens and they will have some IPs to milk.

So to retain the right to make Hellraiser movies they have to make a movie every couple.. 7 years?

Then maybe some day Horror will be big again, and they'll actually invest money into making a proper movie.
until then these quickies probably don't cost them anything, maybe even make them a couple bucks.

yeah the whole implementation of angels n shieet was kinda stupid and not fitting to the lore at all, i agree.

Funny thing is Clive Barker wrote the script for a remake and sent it to Dimension Films years ago, and they've skipped it in favour of Revelations and Judgement.

Yeah, Dimension has the rights but don't actually bother in making good use of them. Only when they're about to loose the license they rush a movie into production so they keep it for more time.

the virgin Dirty Dan

Hellraiser was written and directed by Clive Barker, who based it on his own short-novel "The Hellbound Heart". Though eventually Barker lapsed into more fantasy territory, his horror stories and novels are GOAT. Though Hellraiser was his first directing effort, it was his own material and he had the passion and drive to make it work.
Hellraiser 2 also had Barker at the helm. He didn't direct the movie because he was busy doing other things, but he was involved on every step of the way.
After that New Pictures went under and was acquired by the company that is now Dimension Films. Thing is, in order to get the funding for the first movie Clive Barker negotiated the rights away to New Pictures. Barker had almost 100% creative liberty anyway and for all intents and purposes it was still his property. But when the new management came aboard they wanted to cash in on their recently acquired properties and made Hellraiser 3 quick and on the cheap. So quick they didn't even bother calling Clive Barker to tell him they were making a new one (let alone ask for his input), he found out from Doug Bradley. Since it wasn't his movie, Barker distanced himself from the project and didn't help promote it. And since apparently some people at Dimension were dicks to him (refusing to renegotiate the old contract and jewing him out of royalties) he didn't get involved in any of the movies after that.


>The sound that repeatedly emanates from Leviathan is Morse code for G.O.D.,
>implying that the being is a fallen angel or God itself.

Now that's deep, and it really makes you wonder what kind of place Hellraiser hell really is.
Is leviathan sending out morse code to god in hopes of being forgiven, like a child crying out?

And then.. some movie schmuck came by, threw all of that out the window and showed that the cenobites are 100% under control of the christian god.

HR3 had a good budget it i watched it yesterday.

Someone should tell this user

>It's a millenial version fucks everything up episode

I listened to an extended podcast with the writer/director (he's been involved with the series doing make-up going back to Part 2).

It's such an amusing train wreck. The guy who played the original Pinhead (Doug Bradley?) is hilariously pompous. He's an ACT-OR and must be treated as such, otherwise the 500 bucks and wendy's coupons are not enough for him to "le don the nails" one more time.
fan film done by the main makeup artist of the films is better than all of the DTV sequels

Like most of the tail end sequels it was also a pre-existing script retro-fitted to be a hellraiser film.

desu I'm going by what I remember from Paul Kane's book about the series' history and I might need to double check on my recollections

Which is... really fucking sad. And I don't mean because it was a lousy movie.
I mean, take away all the Hellraiser stuff and what's left?

>I am a cop.. so sad..
>Why sad? my wife cheats
>Me and my cop partner are looking for a killer
>Whoops turns out I was the killer all a long.
>I killed them both.

It's like someone asked an 8th grader to write a crime story.

They are actually being made so Dimension can retain rights. They make them as cheaply and quickly as possible. They do not give a shit about them at all.

They have been working on and off on a "proper" reboot for years now. That's basically the situation.

>The sound that repeatedly emanates from Leviathan is Morse code for G.O.D.,
Breddy gud user.
I love the Labyrinth and Leviathan in H2.

The "afterlife" stuff would've factored in, anyway, as seen from the project's original kickstarer

>Yeah, Dimension has the rights but don't actually bother in making good use of them. Only when they're about to lose the license they rush a movie into production so they keep it for more time.
Standard Hollywood treatment, and it is sad how many creators got suckered into those sorts of contracts. They just make those straight-to-dvd low budget shitfilms to keep the license, wait for the royalty holders to die off, then make the big remake and don't share any of the profits.
There's an interesting story with George Lucas and Star Wars: the big money is in the toys, not the films. But no one in the toy cartel wanted to make the toys for original Star Wars, so Lucas got bent over the table with Kenner, and his contract was that Kenner gets the rights and almost all the profit so long as they make a certain number of star wars toy sales or write Lucas a check each year.
So after the original trilogy, after Lucas realized how bad he was getting screwed on toy profits, he went quiet on prequels/sequels/sidestories/anything, like he was just done with the franchise. Then after a few more years Kenner stopped writing the checks and lost the license.
Not long after that of course Lucas announced the prequels, and Kenner had to rebid for the toy rights. They lost billions in toy sales all because they stopped sending to Lucas an annual check for $1k. But maybe if they had never lost the license Lucas would have never made the prequels..

lol i'd kick this faggots ass.
what kind of fag wears a leather outfit?
lmao go back to gay hell, pindick.

Yeah, the writer/director is a make-up artist who has sort of squatted in the Hellraiser franchise and made it his own ghetto baby.

shame they made him act like some wannabe gangster. the scene where he shoved aside the auditor dude felt really out of character and out of place for pinhead


>Hellraiser lore
The official lore says they are literally from hell.

>Doug Bradley
He refused to come back for the one before this one (can't remember the name) because he knew the film was dogshit. He had agreed to come back for the Clive Barker remake/reboot though.

I thought it was a hell like dimension, not actual hell

Yet he came back for 6, 7 and 8, infinitely worse films than 10. Bradley is a pretentious faggot as is full of himself. With that said, he's under so much makeup, he's easily replaceable and his voice is very easy to imitate. He is not needed.

According to him. According to the director it was because he was a diva who refused to sign an NDA.

The Scarlet Gospel takes place partly in Hell, where Lucifer is having been cast aside by God.