Destroying the Box Office. Between 190-215 m

>black panther will flip so hard.

they worked so right for the last jedi

And Hillary Clinton

based now where is that 25% of all the profits? these kids are interested in science and stuff

>4day opening weekend

Isn't opening weekend usually friday-sunday?
Seems like alot of goalpost moving for this flick

Bait and switch

I don't think it counts if the studio actually pays black kids to see the movie. There is a profit loss between 30-40% there once theaters get their cut of the profits.

Monday is a holiday, dumb non-American.

Wow, movies studios are actually proud of taking advantage of black people and marketing a movie directly to their deepest insecurities. What a time we live in. Racism is cool again.

Presidents’ Day is monday

tv did not say that black panther would flop

No it's not.


>the amount of money movie makes is now a big deal

Why? You are not connected to the company in any way.

If you like a movie and it makes money then they might make similar movies in the future.

That doesn't mean you can use it to compare it to a typical 3 day weekend dipshit

if capeshit is still profitable, they gonna flood market with more and more

>tv did not say that black panther would flop

Black Panther is modern day blaxploiation (and why that's a good thing!)


That's some ultimate corporation dicksucking guys.

>Sup Forums is one person

You'd have to be a retard to think this movie would flop. It'll get a decent return, and will get extremely high marks on RT, but it will ultimately be either forgettable, mediocre, or just another marvel movie.

It's made 1.4 billion.

She won the popular vote.

>She won the popular vote
with 11 million illegal votes

>outside of ant man, ever since avengers all mcu solo movies have made over 600 million
>BP has a chance to make more than JL which was supposed to make over 1 billion
Are people at WB committing suicide right now, how embarrassing