You done seen Black Panther yet Sup Forums?

You done seen Black Panther yet Sup Forums?

Sure haven't, you balloon-looking fuck

I have
it was "ok"



going tonight.

Anyone else enjoying knowing the movie is running in theaters and you aren't going to see it?

When people see it, they think about it for a few days and move on, but I get to enjoy it for the entire run of it's showing!

Why the fuck would i want to see a bunch of jigaboos on TV?
Here in Eastern Europe we are only concerned with jigaboos giving us western charity money and western first aid in return for selling them our AK's so they can butcher each other.
Beyond that, we don't care about jigaboos.

great work user

No, I'm white so I'm not allowed to see it until next week

I was considering going to see it tommorrow. Is it filled with annoying BLM propaganda or is it a fun to watch marvel movie?

I don't care if it's the best movie ever made, I'm so sick of capeshit I can't bring myself to care about this movie.

I don't know what you're saying you Ebonics spewing wretched ape.

It's a story about a black king ruling a black right-wing country surrounded with a Great Wall, which keeps other filthy black Africans out from the sight of his chosen people, getting into a fight with a stereotypical rap/gangster nigger as the main villain who is a caricature of the same niggers glorifying this movie and excitedly watching it.

no, and I'm not even going to steal it either. Fuck nigger movies

Don't want to support Disney so no.

I did.
It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either, it's pretty O.K

Found the soyboy

Sorry, but i'm yellow and i dont watch films like that.

I have more muscles than you'll ever have sweetie, we aren't emasculated in these regions like you westcucks.

bunch of colonisers in the theatre laughing at jokes cracked by my brothers and sisters baka what are thooose damn daniel

double confirmed for soyboy status

This really. It could be hailed as the Citizen Kane of it's century and I wouldn't pay the money for a ticket. Capeshit's too fucking exhausting to sit through, and I haven't watched any of the Marvel movies since fucking Avengers 2.

No sweetie, the soyboy will be you if my hard gay cock ever gets a hold of you and teaches you how a bear fucks.

>hard gay cock

Thought it march the first? Does the white premiere roll out at different times in different regions?

I didn't want to ruin the sense of black joy and pride by going to see it and not only potentially taking a ticket away from a black person but also ruining the scene with my whiteness. I'll rent it when it comes out on bluray.

Tomorrow night, baby

>I don't pay to watch Marvel capeshits
>I don't pay to watch leftist movies
>I don't pay to watch nigger filled movies with rap OST
>Black Panther is all of those things

Call me when the BDrip comes out on the Pirate bay.

did Lana made that face, when she was taken by a BBC?

No. She did when she was fucking herself with a rainbow colored dildo.

Why are you so obsessed with black dicks? Are you a narcisist black guy, or are you legitimaly gay?

Do girls actually make this face during sex? Like, I know all about what happens during sex, but I'm asking for a friend

nope, I was only asking cause of the irony then

you or your friend could also pay Lana for night and find it out by yourself

Do black people browse Sup Forums ?

Stop, he's already dead!

Sounds like good values to instill into the black population

why are you giving money to nigger sjws?

I don't know, maybe cause it was my birthday today, and there was no other worthwhile movie in cinemas
and for being sjw, it is kinda subtle racist (see), and the feminist agenda in the movie is beating the fuck out by the fact that all women still follow a male

>Killmonger was a BLM terrorist

I bought my wife and her son tickets, but I have to wait until it comes out on dvd so I don’t take up a spot that a PoC could occupy.

>chains rattling
