What’s the worst thing to happen to earth in a movie?

What’s the worst thing to happen to earth in a movie?

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wakandia from black panther

sun blast in "The Knowing"

Germany losing WWII in multiple war movies

Why didn't you just give me the potions, Potion Seller?

A Nigger penetrating the earth with a self imagined penis shaped science mobile to kick it back into gear. It's also manned by his slave ancestors and himself and is government funded.

Collision with planet in Melancholia

Most horrible in terms of situation to be in would, for me, be The Quiet Earth, 100%. Don't want to ruin the plot for those who haven't seen it (watch it, it's very decent) but the anticipation of being in the protag's situation would be torture.

There was something about this that got me, actually. Would be a hell of a way to go, though, and quite a fucking sight before your eyes were vaporized.

Pauly Shore

this scares the fuck out of me, because there's actual possibility of it happening to us with niburu.


>believing that nibiru is real
Get a load of this guy

>because there's actual possibility of it

Resource was so destructive that it completely destroyed the planet in Pandorum.

it is real, you schmuck

You mean having your woman banged by a shitskin? Agreed

Grow up. Time to put down the tin foil hat and be a human.

kill yourself

it's going to happen next week on february 23, 2018

And what will you say when it doesn't happen?

>42 the answer to life universe everything
possibility confirmed

it will happen. on february 23, 2018. next week. it will be fun.

not the worst but still pretty bad


it will happen.

faggots who are scared of the truth


Not a movie, but the situation of Earth in Half-Life 2 is extremely bleak if you read up on the backstory. Actually one of the depressing vidya premises of all time imo, I'm amazed that Valve were able to make it seem so upbeat.

if it were to happen on the 23rd we'd already be able to see it in the sky, but now doubt it will happen

Even if it was real (its not) theres jack shit anybody can do about it. Who cares

>"Yes goy"
>"buy the survival tickets goy"
>"buy bunkers goy"


Sup Forumseddit pls go

why do you think nasa/spaceX are in such a rush to colonize mars?

i've got my space-ark prepared. i'm so excited. february 23, 2018 next week will be so much fun.

we will. it will happen.


Give me a rundown on what's supposedly going to happen, please.

i'm not buying anything. my space-ark is already prepared. and i'm not selling tickets. i've already chosen the young and handsome boys i'm taking with me.


Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as Planet X or Nibiru. The idea that a planet-sized object will collide with or closely pass by Earth in the near future is not supported by any scientific evidence and has been rejected by astronomers and planetary scientists as pseudoscience and an Internet hoax.[2][3]

the world will end. on february 23, 2018. next week. it will be fun.



north korea releases zombie virus. their nuclear program was just to distract everybody else (including china) away from their real program.

>quoting wikipedia

I like posts like these. They give me this fleeting feeling of excitement, that everyone might actually die for good.

Came to post ghis, was an amazinv ending

Any evidence of this happening?

Came here to post this

Any evidence of it NOT happening? CHECK AND MATE, ATHEISTS

they can't make enough multi-genrational-survival arks for vast majority of earth's population but they don't want mass panic that will hamper their preparations so they're keeping it a secret, of course.

it's in the wikileaks. you can read it there if it hasn't been deleted yet.

I'm going to kms next week. And since you're all figments of my imagination, you will all cease to exist when I die.


on february 23, 2018 nibiru will be close enough for us to feel it's gravitational effects. governments will then shut off the satellites that are actually holographic screens hiding the planet from us. the holographic tech were designed by darpa in area 51. those ufo sightings and other weird atmospheric phenomena were tests.

Children of Men

of course earth would be fine, but it's probably the most depressing way for humanity to end. imagine decades of living, knowing that it was the end. that there was going to be nothing after you, that all of it was for naught. there's no spaceship to send designated survivors into space, no nuclear missile to destroy the asteroid in extremis. just a slow, futile decline until one of us on would be the last human to ever live.

>The Day After

Complete deatruction in both Titan A.E. and the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Even worse, you're stuck living in Britain because everywhere else has devolved into anarchy...

government will conduct secret test on february 23, 2018 that will open portal to another dimension that will allow ravenous monsters to enter and invade our world. this is why elon musk sold 15,000 flamethrowers in 48 hours.

Fuck off Evan.

Nazis losing WW2

It's just called "Knowing" you fucking asshole.

I really see no difference between the UK in the movie and the UK irl

to be more accurate, it's "KNOW1NG"
Title uses 1 instead of i

1984, thank god we haven't experienced total censorship and social isolation for non pc ideas and don't live under constant observation by our government.

Devilman crybaby comes to mind

>Every human is dead after mixture of devil induced self destrution and demons destroying them.
>Last stand of humanity is wiped out and earth/moon are both destroyed.
>last human able to stop the LITERAL DEVIL is defeated and cut in half
>even the devil cant take pleasure in his victory because hes killed his best friend
>god sends down a fucking holy nuke to destroy the devil and earth with him.

People talk about how the last epiode was bad but i think combined with the build up of society breaking down in episodes before it really helps sell the desperation of those last humans held up in that mountain where they're conducting horrible experiments on people to see how to kill the demons with other people being crammed in to refugee centres like cattle and missles whizzing out of the mountain frantically as the demons close in on them really makes you believe how fucked humanity is at this point. Its like a rapid fire apocolypse tucked in to one episode.

If you're going to bring anime into it Texhnolyze is probably the absolute worst when it comes to the fate of humans, I don't know how it could get any more horrible than that.

Getting blown up with everyone on it.

Filename related.

Some /r9k/ crybaby autist somehow gets to decide the fate of humanity and chooses to kill absolutely all life on Earth and put them in an orange goo matrix.

He also decides that anyone with the drive can leave the tang and retain their full self.

>sad depressing ending
an anime for titanicfangirling bawwwwgirls

>and chooses to kill absolutely all life on Earth

The fuck? I've never seen someone fail to understand EoE so hard before, they LITERALLY say what happened. Shinji decided that rather than choose whether humanity should stay as individuals or as a collective, he'd give the choice to each human individually. Each person can choose whether to stay in the orange goop or come out as the original person. That's why he and Asuka are on the beach at the end, they chose to stay as individuals. Shinji chokes Asuka to try to get her to retaliate, to make sure he's out of the collective consciousness. To his shock though she brushes his face, which is the first nice thing she's ever done to him.

Fucking brainlets I swear, these are the people that shit on evangelion because "Shinji's a pussy."

>brushing face is being nice not being so disgusted with face you need to brush it
you are relentlessly weird

When they let Pauly Shore out of the biodome.

She was disgusted that he jacked off on her comatose body. She still brushed his face. It's the 'gentle touch' from the opening. Fucking brainlets.

>so disgusted with face you need to brush it
Literally who does this.

she was in love with him all along, he excelled at being a pilot even though he hated it and didnt pride himself on it, she saw him as her antithesis. Then she realized that he wasnt just a whimp but that they both had bad pasts that turned them bitter. Also he didnt choose best girl because she was literally his mom, so asuka loved him. Specially after she was in the collective with him and saw he didnt hate her

>brushing is gentle
you're not brushing correctly, you disgusting yellow-teeth-filled-with-black-cavities hyena

that does not explain why she's brushing his face. is his face infested with pimples?

>he didnt choose best girl because she was literally his mom
>Rei is best girl
Hollow bitch who just wants to jump Gendo's dick is not best girl

I'd nominate Nevil Shute's On The Beach but except that it forgets about NZ.

The kind of EOTW scenario proposed in that book: the world's weather systems slowly moving radioactive dust from a knucklular war in the northern hemisphere all over the planet - might not actually reach NZ as we're almost stuck within our own meteorological system here.

>In some gray place.
>It seemed a lot worse than that.

give me your email address and phone number right now so I can follow up on this next week, or forever be remembered as a coward

The funny space face Sup Forums was freaking out about in September was actually a gamma ray and we're all gonna die

I'm not even sure what the fuck happened because that wasn't really the point of the story, but I wouldn't want to be around for it.

Anybody who doesn't want to live in fantasy for eternity can regain their individuality.

Humanity in all movies.

These Final Hours has one of the best depictions of Earth's annihilation I've ever seen

>comes through when fuckboi wants to erase all existence
>give shinji a choice
>makes him a man
how is she not the best?

Schindler's list

What is an orange goo matrix

That user is retarded. Every human being on Earth turned into a giant mass of goo to become one single being so they could finally understand each other without having to deal with emotional pain in exchange for their individuality. Their minds existed in a dreamlike state where they were constanlty communicating with each other and reliving their human memories.

ok. here's my email address:
[email protected]

if you haven't prepared for next week then you'll be dead and not be able to follow up. the anons who have prepared will be posting on moot's post-apocalypse Sup Forums. moot sold Sup Forums so he can have funds to build bunker and he built post-apocalypse Sup Forums server in bunker.

Threads is pretty depressing - BBC drama thing about a post-nuclear life

yeah jesus, I felt empty after that one


Don't worry it's happened a million times already. Maybe it's a hologram?

Yeah, I miss the doomsday cults.