How deep are you?

How deep are you?

Other urls found in this thread:

Between 3 to 4.

I film, 'Brazillian Sugar Dancing.'

everyone on this board has seen malicks early works though or at least 2 malick films

Solid 3.8 I know my Bergman.

How deep are you?

Shallow 3


Deep 2

4. I've seen a few things that would be placed in 5 if they were there though.

Just because of Jodorowsky though.

mid 4 is as deep as I travel. I dare not venture near courant

Level 3.5
Level 1
Pleb i know

I used to be at 3 then I took a film class last year and that bumped me up to a 5.

>Cinématon is a 200-hour-long experimental film by French director Gérard Courant. It was the longest film ever released until 2011. Composed over 39 years from 1978 until 2017, it consists of a series of over 3,000 silent vignettes (cinématons), each 3 minutes and 25 seconds long, of various celebrities, artists, journalists and friends of the director, each doing whatever they want for the allotted time.
Holy moly, its not a film at that point

6 unjokingly

>film class

Level 5/Level infinity
Level 4/5

Level 0.

3.5, sometimes going as much as 4.
But albeit I can agree with the general clustering some name in each sub level makes me "eh?".

Tarkovsky (4)
Proust (3)

I am 3.5 with books.

Infinite only because I used to watch Brakhage when drunk, but I'm a solid five.

Same here

De Sica is wrong.
Kafka is wrong.

> Kurosawa, Lynch, Kar-Wai, Ming-Liang that low

Are you seriously saying you can't show a fucking Wong Kar-Wai film to a girl? Fuck off, they're practically made for women.

Meanwhile, Ceylan is above fucking Jean-Pierre Jeunet, a dude who makes quirky childrens films, who the fuck made this retarded list, and why did they put irrelevant shitters like Kelly Reichardt and Sion Sono on it while leaving out dudes like Zvyagintsev, Sorrentino, Nakashima and Shunji Iwai?

This user is right.
I mean I love Kurosawa but come on.

Kurosawa, Lynch, Kar-Wai, Ming-Liang are objectively better than Zvyagintsev, Sorrentino, Nakashima and Shunji Iwai
I'll make a case that Kurosawa is more accessible but you're wrong about the others

All the way down my man

Knowing this photo makes me level infinite

Wat movie?

Level 3 reporting in, Von Trier is as deep as I've gone.

Also, where the fuck is William Wyler on that list?

>haneke below herzog
this list is dumb, i guess im between 4/5 because ive seen satantango and some warhol shit

>theroux deeper than nabokov
you can tell a yank did this

>julius evola

>Tarantino and Fincher below Lucas

anyway, 4, if it's about what kind of movies can I enjoy

around 1 if it's about what movies can I almost fully understand

Level 4. Also where is James Benning, I didn't see his name

Where's Snow? I don't feel like perusing the chart.

Benning would probably be below infinity with Frampton and a few others but at some point the direcetors become too obscure to even be mentioned
at the bottom, inexplicably above Courant

I can enjoy Tarkovsky but I found Tarr to be an absolute chore. It's like watching paint dry, except you don't have expectations towards paint, but you do towards film.

So early level 4 seems to be my limit. I'm pretty comfortable with this. I think even most industry professionals (directors excluded) would be hard-pressed with being aware of or appreceating the filmmakers beyond level 4...

Mostly level 2 but I love Jan Svankmajer. I love anything stop motion in general.

>At this level books become art
Objectively false, anything can be art - even those modernist shitheads, it's too vague a term.

I'd actually rank instructional films beyond the infinity zone, since they require actual participation from and genuine understanding by the viewer as opposed to simply sitting and watching.

>Are you seriously saying you can't show a fucking Wong Kar-Wai film to a girl? Fuck off, they're practically made for women.


>Coney Island Amateur Psychoanalytic Society



>four stars for Proud Mary
into the trash with you, pleb

Good Boy Points?

>when you can btfo film viewer rank posters by watching these 10 films on your phone while taking a shit and immediately move your rank to 5
What a time to be alive.

where's Homer?

me on the left

Where does "watches almost exclusively mainstream things like MCU films but has trouble remembering the plots and has to read a Wikipedia plot summary immediately after viewing to refresh himself on what he just saw" fall?

As far left as one can go


unirocanaly 6

I saw Satantango recently and wasnt totally bored.
Also I watch some short videos of the names at the bottom out of curiosity, and Brakhage did film/create some beautiful and interesting images

I just feel like I can take anything now, I don't care to sound pretentious, just give me your best

I'm not an active reader, but the concept of actual demanding, challenging readings interests me. Does that require passion or only work ?

Where's Kitano

in the trash, where he belongs

there's only one star for proud mary you weird, blind man