Who should play DC's Power Girl™ in the inevitable movie adaption Sup Forums?

who should play DC's Power Girlâ„¢ in the inevitable movie adaption Sup Forums?

Sarah Jones

But who's going to play Atlee?

The flattest girl you can find, preferably with dark skin.

a thicc girl



Considering Lara Croft is now played by a tit less fridge, I imagine it'll be Emily Kinney

I love white whores so much.

A jewess with the body of a 12-year-old boy. Can't beat a hollywood classic

Daddy want milkies.





giv mommy milkies pusy

It's definitely a possibility

lmao no, tits too small

based giv poster

too thicc

Actual real choice for power girl.

fuck off gay homosexual faggot

fucking dc will prob get oprah winfrey to play power girl
or idris elba

Sticking with Gemma.

yea sure kid

Do you even know who Power Girl is?

do you have that webm where she's naked (all blurred ofc) and she falls from a ledge into water?

She's pretty much got the muscle IRL now too.

How about some celebs have an elimination sexfight (loser cums first) tournament. The winner gets the role. Who should take part? How about Daddario, Upton, McKinney, EVA Green?

gfycat com/IndelibleRegularBluet


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