It's this true?

It's this true?


If you're wondering why this bitch thinks Amy Shumer is thin, she's thin relative to her, she's like 350 pounds.

She's fugly by Hollywood standards and could-be-decent-if-she-put-in-some-effort by real world standards.

She's far from societies ideal beauty standard.

half an inch from being a troll from Labyrinth am I right!

Shut up fatty

If that's real then I'll give her credit for a genuinely funny joke.

This. That wasn't at all bad.

>mfw obese lardwhale fat activist tumblrinas leave the biggest carbon footprint in history

>their weight forces more fuel consumption in vehicles
>their size requires more water and boiler energy wasted
>their anuses release several volumes more greenhouse gases than the average person, and methane is the most destructive Greenhouse Effect gas
>the clothes industry needs to waste more resources to create clothes that fit them
>they produce several volumes more trash than the average person thereby polluting both land and air several times more
Good God.

Of course it's fake


What's the joke

she was accused of stealing jokes from louis ck, and others.

Oh, heh.

Fucking fat people ruining everything for everyone.

>being a burden on society even in death

>She IS society's beauty ideal

>Amy Schumer
What did she mean by this?


Amy Schumer is not rest-of-the-world attractive. If Amy wasn't famous she wouldn't turn a single head. A non famous amy schumer in a club would go home alone every time.

If she calls Amy Schumer thin, she can call herself merely chubby. And if she calls her the peak of beauty, she can call herself average. She doesn't actually believe this.

Thin in relation to the person writing the tweet, who is a hamplanet

amy schumer is i'm-successful-because-of-my-senator-dad attractive

What are you even saying? Fat chicks have guys lined around the block to fuck them.

This is wrong.

America is a fucking parody kek

why cant those pathetic bitches admit that they are fat because they eat shit and dont care to walk for more than 20min
its ok to like food just dont compare yourself to beaty standards

Amy Schumer's overweight, but not horribly obese. As for her face, she's a bit above average for her age, but she's getting up near 40, so that's not saying much.


I bet this fat cunt was out of breath from writing this essay

The amount of energy that goblin uses on bitching about things could be better used on her losing weight and actually being funny.

it's like a midget describing a 5'8'' as tall basically so from her perspective everything she's saying actually makes sense. of course she's objectively wrong, also insane. hint: if you eat so much food that you get fat from it you are fucking insane. no room for debate.